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Command line wallet for the Bismuth cryptocurrency (BIS)

Supported Operating Systems

  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Windows (no command autocomplete and some other issues)


The wallet will only work with Python 3. To be able to use the wallet, the required Python modules mentioned in requirements.txt have to be installed. Install them with:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Start Tansanit on the command line

Linux / macOS


Linux / macOS / Windows



Use ./ -h to show all available arguments

➜  Tansanit git:(master) ✗ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-w WALLET] [-s SERVER] [-l {10,20,30,40,50}]

Tansanit - command line wallet for Bismuth (BIS)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -w WALLET            set wallet file location
  -s SERVER            connect to server (host:port)
  -l {10,20,30,40,50}  debug, info, warning, error, critical
  --no-clear           don't clear after each command

Connect to a specific server

Use the -s <ip>:<port> argument to connect to a specific server

./ -s

Enable logging to logfile

Use the -l <log level> argument to save log messages to the log folder

./ -l 20

Available log levels are
10 ➜ Debug
20 ➜ Info
30 ➜ Warning
40 ➜ Error
50 ➜ Critical


After you started Tansanit, list all available commands by entering help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
addresses  encrypt  msg_decrypt  receive  servers       version
balance    help     msg_encrypt  refresh  shell         wallet
connect    import   new          select   status
decrypt    label    quit         send     transactions

Or for help regarding a specific command, use help <command>

> help balance
 Show wallet balance 


Commands can be auto-completed with TAB. Scroll thru last used commands with the arrow keys

balance ➜ Show current wallet balance

> balance

12.257 BIS

send ➜ Send BIS to an address

> send 542c92ff1bf22ef1fe9b030b4b8e2c71e15ad1c3c563dce234766b10 20

? Send 20 BIS?  (Use arrow keys)
  > Yes

wallet ➜ Show address and other wallet info

> wallet

{'address': '542c92ff1bf22ef1fe9b030b4b8e2c71e15ad1c3c563dce234766b10', 'file': 'wallet.der', 'encrypted': False}

status ➜ Show info about the connected server

> status

{'wallet': 'wallet.der', 'address': '542c92ff1bf22ef1fe9b030b4b8e2c71e15ad1c3c563dce234766b10', 'server': '', 'servers_list': ['', '', '', ''], 'full_servers_list': [{'ip': '', 'port': 8150, 'load': '4', 'height': 1230526}, {'ip': '', 'port': 8150, 'load': '8', 'height': 1230526}, {'ip': '', 'port': 8150, 'load': '16', 'height': 1230526}, {'ip': '', 'port': 8150, 'load': '37', 'height': 1230525}], 'connected': True}

transactions ➜ Show last 10 transactions

> transactions


server ➜ Show all available servers

> servers

['', '', '', '']

refresh ➜ Refresh list of available servers

> refresh

['', '', '', '']

version ➜ Show version number of Tansanit

> version

Tansanit Version 0.2

quit ➜ Exit Tansanit

> quit

? Do you really want to quit?  (Use arrow keys)
  > Yes