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Artuto edited this page Jul 28, 2018 · 13 revisions

Argument type:

<> Required [] Optional



Description: Info about the bot


Description: Info about donations


Description: Shows the bot invite


Description: Pong!



Description: Displays a cute kitty.


Description: Chooses between the given options.

Arguments: <option 1> <option 2> ...


Description: Displays a cute pupper.


Description: Searches a gif on Giphy using the specified serarch terms.

Arguments: [keyword]

Permissions: Embed Links

Subcommands: e!giphy random [keyword]: Retrieves a random GIF from Giphy.


Description: Displays or edits the profile of the specified user

Arguments: <user>

Subcommands: e!profile fields: List of valid profile fields

e!profile set <field> <value|NONE>: sets the specified value


Description: Say something!

Arguments: <text>


Description: Retrieves a tag with the specified name

Arguments: <name>

Subcommands: e!tag createglobal <name> <content>: Creates a new global tag

e!tag createlocal <name> <content>: Creates a new local tag

e!tag delete <name>: Removes a existant tag

e!tag edit <name> <new content>: Edits an existant tag

e!tag exec <content>: Parses the specified content

e!tag import <name>: Imports a tag

e!tag list [user]: List of tags of the specified user

e!tag override <tag> [new content]: Overrides a tag in the current server.

e!tag owner <name>: Gets the owner of a existant tag

e!tag raw <name>: Shows the content of a tag without parsing the args

e!tag raw2 <name>: Shows the content of a tag without parsing the args on a codeblock

e!tag unimport <name>: Unimports a tag



Description: Bans the specified user

Arguments: <@user|ID|nickname|username> for [reason]

Permissions: Ban Members


Description: Clears the specified range of message using the specified parameters

Permissions: Manage Messages Read History


Description: Kicks the specified user

Arguments: <@user|ID|nickname|username> for [reason]

Permissions: Kick Members


Description: Hackbans the specified user

Arguments: <ID> for [reason]

Permissions: Ban Members


Description: Mutes the specified user

Arguments: <@user|ID|nickname|username> for [time] for [reason]

Permissions: Manage Roles


Description: Updates the reason for the specified case, if not specified uses the latest case.

Arguments: [case] <reason>

Permissions: Ban Members


Description: Softbans the specified user

Arguments: <@user|ID|niokname|username> for [reason]

Permissions: Ban Members


Description: Unbans the specified user

Arguments: <@user|ID|username> for [reason]

Permissions: Ban Members

Server Settings


Description: Ignores the specified channel, role or user. Endless won't respond to commands in those channels, these users or by users with those roles. Admins won't be ignored.

Arguments: <addX|list|removeX>

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!ignore addchannel <channel>: Ignores the specified channel.

e!ignore addrole <role>: Ignores the users with the specified role.

e!ignore adduser <user>: Ignores the specified user.

e!ignore list: Shows the list of ignored entities.

e!ignore removechannel <channel>: Un-ignores the specified channel.

e!ignore removerole <role>: Un-ignores the specified role.

e!ignore removeuser <user>: Un-ignores the specified user.


Description: Changes or shows the welcome message

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!leave change: Changes the leave message


Description: Displays or adds a prefix

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!prefix add: Adds a custom prefix

e!prefix remove: Removes a custom prefix


Description: Rooms are private text or voice channels that can be created by normal users.

Subcommands: e!room combo <rooms name> | [expiry time]: Creates a text and a voice private room

e!room text <room name> | [expiry time]: Creates a text private room

e!room voice <room name> | [expiry time]: Creates a voice private room

e!room invite <user> to [room]: Invites the specified user to the current room

e!room join <room>: Joins the specified room

e!room kick <user> from [room]: Kicks the specified user from the current room

e!room leave: Leaves current room

e!room lock [room]: Locks the specified or current room

e!room mode: Change the current room mode

e!room take [room]: Takes the property of the specified room

e!room transfer <user>: Transfer the property of the specified room

e!room unlock [room]: Unlocks the specified or current room


Description: Displays the settings of the server

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!settings modlog <#channel|Channel ID|Channel name>: Sets the modlog channel

e!settings serverlog <#channel|Channel ID|Channel name>: Sets the serverlog channel

e!settings welcome <#channel|Channel ID|Channel name>: Sets the welcome channel

e!settings leave <#channel|Channel ID|Channel name>: Sets the leave channel

e!settings adminrole <@Role|Role ID|Role name>: Sets the admin role

e!settings modrole <@Role|Role ID|Role name>: Sets the mod role

e!settings mutedrole <@Role|Role ID|Role name>: Sets the muted role

e!settings bandeletedays <number of day(s)>: Sets the amount of messages to delete when banning

e!settings timezone <timezone>: Sets the timezone for logs on the guild


Description: Server setup

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!setup mutedrole: Setup the muted role


Description: If no valid arguments are given the setup to install the starboard is launched.

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!starboard setchannel: Changes the channel of the starboard.

e!starboard setcount: Changes the amount of stars required to be in the starboard.

e!starboard setemote: Changes the emote of the starboard.


Description: Changes or shows the message sent in DMs to new members

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!welcomedm change: Changes the message that will be sent to members that join.


Description: Changes or shows the welcome message

Permissions: Manage Server

Subcommands: e!welcomemsg change: Changes the welcome message



Description: Mark yourself as afk with a message

Arguments: [message]


Description: Sends an announcement to the desired channel

Arguments: <message> | [channel] | [role to ping|everyone|here]

Permissions: Manage Roles Manage Server


Description: Displays the avatar of the specified user.

Arguments: [user]


Description: Shows info about the specified channel or category

Arguments: <channel|category>


Description: Get the info of a specified emote, emoji or character.

Arguments: <emote>

Subcommands: e!emote create <emote> <name>: Uploads the specified URL and creates an emote.

e!emote steal <emote> [name]: Uploads the specified emote to the current server.

e!emote remove <emote>: Deletes the specified emote.


Description: Shows info about the current guild


Description: Retrieves info about an invite, a guild or an user using their ID from Discord's servers.

Arguments: <User ID | Invite code | Invite URL | Guild ID>


Description: Changes your nickname in the current guild

Arguments: <nick>

Permissions: Change Nickname


Description: Run a poll with options. Execute e!poll flags to get a list of all the supported flags.


Description: Quotes a message

Arguments: <message id> [channel]

Permissions: Read History


Description: Displays info about the specified role

Arguments: <role>

Subcommands: e!role give <role> to <user>: Gives the specified role to the specified member

e!role ping <role>: Pings the specified role

e!role take <role> from <user>: Takes the specified role from the specified member


Description: Shows info about the specified user

Arguments: <user>



Description: Command to retrieve all the messages on the specified channel.

Arguments: [number of messages] <channel>

Permissions: Read History


Description: Command for enabled roles that lets user change their color.

Arguments: [color in hex]

Subcommands: e!colorme add <role>: Adds a role to the list of available ColorMe roles.

e!colorme remove <role>: Removes a role from the list of available ColorMe roles.


Description: Search something on Google!

Arguments: [num] <query to search>


Description: Shows the list of reminders.

Subcommands: e!reminder create <time> <message>: Creates a reminder.

e!reminder delete <reminder id>: Deletes a reminder.


Description: Self-assignable roles.

Arguments: [roleme role]

Subcommands: e!roleme add <role>: Adds a role to the list of available RoleMe roles.

e!roleme remove <role>: Removes a role from the list of available RoleMe roles.


Description: Shows the timezone for the specified user

Arguments: <user>

Subcommands: e!timefor change <timezone>: Changes your timezone

e!timefor list: Shows the list with valid timezones


Description: Translate something!

Arguments: <target language> <text>


Description: Gets the current weather of the specified location

Arguments: <location>


Description: Search for a video on YouTube!

Arguments: <query>