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ELTE Drama Corpus

ELTE Drama Corpus is a continuously expanding database developed by the Department of Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University. Currently, the corpus contains 58 Hungarian dramas. Besides the texts, the corpus contains the annotation of structural units and the grammatical features of words in TEI XML format. The dramas of the corpus were written between the 16th and the first half of the 20th century.

Numeric properties:

  • number of dramas: 74
  • number of authors: 31
  • number of tokens: 1 141 490
  • number of words: 871 542

For more information on the metadata of the dramas, see the file metadata.tsv

TEI Levels

The source of the corpus was the collection of the Hungarian Electronic Library and the collection of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Literary Studies.

  1. The texts were converted into TEI XML format based on the Text Encoding Initiative. The TEI XML files contain the annotation of structural units and the metadata of the dramas. The conversion was done manually (level1).
  2. Then, we tokenized the poems and annotated the grammatical features of words by using e-magyar, an NLP tool chain for Hungarian texts. The level2 folder contains the TEI XML files in which the morphosyntactic features (values of the msd attributes) are annotated in the format of universal dependencies, while the level2_emMorph folder contains the same files in which the morphosyntactic features are annotated in its own, emMorph format of e-magyar.

Elements and attributes

Level1 -- annotation of structural units and adding metadata to texts

  • <castList> : list of characters
  • <castItem> : a single entry within <castList>, describing a character
  • <castGroup> : group of several characters
  • <roleDesc> : description of a character group
  • <role> : name/description of the dramatic role of a character
  • <roleName> : name of the character
  • <head> : title
  • <div> : act, scene
  • <stage> : stage direction
  • <sp> : individual speech of a character
  • @who : character id
  • <speaker> : name of the speaking character
  • <p> : paragraph
  • <lg> : stanza
  • <l> : line

Level2 -- tokenization and annotation of grammatical features of words

  • <s> : sentence
  • <w> : word
  • <pc> : punctuation mark
  • @lemma : lemma
  • @pos : part of speech
  • @msd : morphosyntactic features (Universal Dependencies)


Citing and license

If you use ELTE Drama Corpus, please cite the following article:

Szemes Botond – Bajzát Tímea – Fellegi Zsófia – Kundráth Péter – Horváth Péter – Indig Balázs – Dióssy Anna – Hegedüs Fanni – Pantyelejev Natali – Sziráki Sarolta – Vida Bence – Kalmár Balázs – Palkó Gábor 2022. Az ELTE Drámakorpuszának létrehozása és lehetőségei. In: Tick József – Kokas Károly – Holl András (szerk.): Valós térben – Az online térért: Networkshop 31: országos konferencia. Budapest: HUNGARNET Egyesület. 170–178.

The content of the repository is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

All texts of the corpus are in the public domain, except Adáshiba written by Károly Szakonyi.


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