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Sam Reeve edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 4 revisions

Applications using Cabana

  • XGC (PPPL, CoPA)
    • Plasma particle-in-cell
  • PicassoMPM (ORNL, CoPA)
    • Material point method for additive manufacturing
  • CabanaPD (ORNL)
    • Peridynamics for fracture mechanics
  • CabanaMPCD (Jülich Supercomputing Center)
    • Multi-particle collision dynamics
  • Finch (ORNL)
    • Finite difference for additive manufacturing heat transfer
  • CabanaPF (ORNL)
    • Pseudospectral phase field
  • Beatnik (University of New Mexico)
    • Z-model interface solver
  • PUMIPic (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
    • Particle-in-cell library

Cabana proxy applications

Multiple proxy applications have also been created to exhibit, test, and explore with Cabana. These minimal apps integrate the features of Cabana shown in the Programming Guide into full simulations and include the following. Notable features of each are included:

  • CabanaMD - Classical molecular dynamics
    • Represents the LAMMPS production code
    • Run-time flexible number of AoSoAs for combined or separate particle properties
    • Lennard-Jones and neural network interatomic potentials
  • CabanaPIC - Structured Particle-In-Cell
    • Represents the VPIC production code
    • Shares motifs with other plasma PIC codes
    • Relies heavily on atomics for particle deposition
  • ExaMPM - Material point method
    • Represents the ExaAM production code
    • Kernel fusion for performance improvement
    • Integration of Cabana particle-grid and particle specific motifs
  • HACCabana - N-body cosmology
    • Represents the HACC production code
    • Exploration of short and long-range interaction kernels
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