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Simple, powerful and fast Inversion of Control container for .NET

NuGet License

Base concepts:

  • maximum performance

    • based on compiled expressions
    • free of boxing and unboxing
    • avoid using delegates
  • thoughtful design

    • code is fully independent of the IoC framework
    • supports for BCL types out of the box
    • ultra-fine tuning of generic types
    • aspect-oriented DI
    • predictable dependency graph
    • Func<... ,T> based factories passing a state

Schrödinger's cat shows how it works CSharp

The reality is that


Let's create an abstraction

interface IBox<out T> { T Content { get; } }

interface ICat { State State { get; } }

enum State { Alive, Dead }

Here is our implementation

class CardboardBox<T> : IBox<T>
    public CardboardBox(T content) => Content = content;

    public T Content { get; }

class ShroedingersCat : ICat
  // Represents the superposition of the states
  private readonly Lazy<State> _superposition;

  public ShroedingersCat(Lazy<State> superposition) => _superposition = superposition;

  // Decoherence of the superposition at the time of observation via an irreversible process
  public State State => _superposition.Value;

  public override string ToString() => $"{State} cat";

It is important to note that our abstraction and our implementation do not know anything about any IoC containers at all.

Let's glue all together

Just add the package reference to IoC.Container. It ships entirely as NuGet packages.

Using NuGet packages allows you to optimize your application to include only the necessary dependencies.

  • Package Manager

    Install-Package IoC.Container
  • .NET CLI

    dotnet add package IoC.Container

Declare the required dependencies in a dedicated class Glue. It is possible to do this anywhere in your code, but putting this information in one place is often the better solution and helps keep your code more organized.

Below is the concept of mutable containers (IMutableContainer). Any binding is not irreversible. Thus the owner of a binding can cancel this binding using the related binding token (IToken).

public class Glue : IConfiguration
  public IEnumerable<IToken> Apply(IMutableContainer container)
    // Returns single token for 2 bindings
    yield return container
      // Represents a cardboard box with any content
      // Represents schrodinger's cat

    // Models a random subatomic event that may or may not occur
    var indeterminacy = new Random();

    // Represents a quantum superposition of 2 states: Alive or Dead
    yield return container.Bind<State>().To(ctx => (State)indeterminacy.Next(2));

Defining generic type arguments using special marker types like TT in the sample above is one of the distinguishing features of this library. So there is an easy way to bind complex generic types with nested generic types and with any type constraints.

Time to open boxes!

// Creates the Inversion of Control container
using var container = Container.Create().Using<Glue>();

// Composition Root
// Gets the cardboard box in the same way as the following expression:
// var box = new CardboardBox<ICat>(new ShroedingersCat(new Lazy<State>(() => (State)indeterminacy.Next(2))));
var box = container.Resolve<IBox<ICat>>();

// Checks the cat's state

This is a Composition Root - a single place in an application where the composition of the object graphs for an application take place. Each instance is resolved by a strongly-typed block of statements like the operator new which is compiled on the fly from the corresponding expression tree with minimal impact on performance or memory consumption. For instance, the getting of a box looks like:

var indeterminacy = new Random();
var box = new CardboardBox<ICat>(new ShroedingersCat(new Lazy<State>(() => (State)indeterminacy.Next(2))));

It allows you to take full advantage of dependency injection everywhere and every time without any compromises in the same way as just a new keyword to create instances.

NuGet packages

binary packages source code packages Âą
Container NuGet NuGet
Interception NuGet NuGet

Âą source code packages require C# 7.0 or higher


  • Package Manager

    Install-Package IoC.AspNetCore
  • .NET CLI

    dotnet add package IoC.AspNetCore

For ASP.NET Core 3+ or Blazor server create the IoC container and use the service provider factory based on this container at Main

public static void Main(string[] args)
  using var container = Container
    // Creates an Inversion of Control container

  // Creates a host
  using var host = Host
    // Adds a service provider for the Inversion of Control container
    .UseServiceProviderFactory(new ServiceProviderFactory(container))
    .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => { webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>(); })


For more details please see this sample or this Blazor sample.

For Blazor WebAssembly create the IoC container and use the service provider factory based on this container at Main

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using var container = Container
      // Creates an Inversion of Control container

    var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);

    // Adds a service provider for the Inversion of Control container
    builder.ConfigureContainer(new ServiceProviderFactory(container));

    await builder.Build().RunAsync();

For more details please see this sample.

For ASP.NET Core 2 create the IoC container with feature AspNetCoreFeature and configure it at Startup

public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

  return Container
    // Creates an Inversion of Control container
    // using ASP .NET Feature
    .Using(new AspNetCoreFeature(services))
    // using Glue
    // Resolves IServiceProvider

For more details please see this sample.


  • Package Manager

    Install-Package IoC.Interception
  • .NET CLI

    dotnet add package IoC.Interception

Add InterceptionFeature to intercept calls to IService by your own MyInterceptor

using var container = Container
  // Using the feature InterceptionFeature
  // Intercepts any invocations to any instances resolved via IoC container
  .Intercept(key => true, new MyInterceptor())


where MyInterceptor looks like:

class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor
  // Intercepts invocations and appends some logic around
  public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)

For details please see this sample.

Why this one framework?

Graph of 27 transient instances


Graph of 20 transient instances and 1 singleton instance


Graph of 364 transient instances of unique type


Graph of 22 transient instances, including 3 Func to create 4 instances each time


Graph of 22 transient instances, including 3 arrays of 4 instances in each


Graph of 22 transient instances, including 3 enumerable of 4 instances in each


  • new - Method when the graph of objects was constructed by operators new only
  • Mean - arithmetic mean of the root instances resolved per nanosecond
  • Error - half of 99.9% confidence interval
  • StdDev - standard deviation of all measurements
  • Median - value separating the higher half of all measurements (50th percentile)
  • 1 ns - 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)

BenchmarkDotNet was used to measure and analyze these results.

Supported Platforms

Easy Integration

Usage Scenarios

Composition Root CSharp

public void Run()
    // Host runs a program

class Program
    // The application's entry point
    public static void TestMain()
        using var container =

        // The Composition Root is a single location for objects construction
        // it should be as close as possible to the application's entry point
        var root = container.Resolve<Program>();

        // Runs a logic

    // Injects dependencies via a constructor
    internal Program(IService service)
         // Saves dependencies as internal fields

    private void Run()
        // Implements a logic using dependencies

// Represents the IoC container configuration
class Configuration: IConfiguration
    public IEnumerable<IToken> Apply(IMutableContainer container)
        yield return container

Autowiring CSharp

Autowring is the most natural way to use containers. In the first step, we should create a container. At the second step, we bind interfaces to their implementations. After that, the container is ready to resolve dependencies.

// Create the container and configure it, using full autowiring
using var container = Container

// Resolve an instance of interface `IService`
var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

Bindings CSharp

It is possible to bind any number of types.

using var container = Container
    // Bind using few types

// Resolve instances using different types
var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>("abc".AsTag());
var instance2 = container.Resolve<IAnotherService>("abc".AsTag());

Constants CSharp

It's obvious here.

using var container = Container
    .Bind<int>().To(ctx => 10)
// Resolve an integer
var val = container.Resolve<int>();
// Check the value

Factories CSharp

Use Func<..., T> with arguments as a factory passing a state.

using var container = Container

// Resolve a factory
var factory = container.Resolve<Func<string, INamedService>>();

// Run factory passing the string "beta" as argument
var instance = factory("alpha");

// Check that argument "beta" was used during constructing an instance

It is better to pass a state using a special type (but not via any base type like in the sample above) because in this case, it will be possible to create a complex object graph with a special state for every object within this graph.

Generics CSharp

Autowring of generic types via binding of open generic types or generic type markers are working the same way.

using var container = Container
    // Bind open generic interface to open generic implementation
    // Or (it is working the same) just bind generic interface to generic implementation, using marker classes TT, TT1, TT2 and so on
    .Bind<IService<TT>>().Tag("just generic").To<Service<TT>>()

// Resolve a generic instance using "open generic" binding
var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService<int>>();

// Resolve a generic instance using "just generic" binding
var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService<string>>("just generic".AsTag());

Wrapper CSharp

public void Run()
    // Create and configure a parent container
    using var parentContainer = Container
        // Binds a service to wrap

    // Create and configure a child container
    using var childContainer = parentContainer
        // Binds a wrapper, injecting the base IService from the parent container via constructor

    var service = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();

    service.Value.ShouldBe("Wrapper abc");

public interface IService
    string Value { get; }

public class Service: IService
    public string Value => "abc";

public class WrapperForService : IService
    private readonly IService _wrapping;

    public WrapperForService(IService wrapping) => _wrapping = wrapping;

    public string Value => $"Wrapper {_wrapping.Value}";

Tags CSharp

Tags are useful while binding to several implementations of the same abstract types.

using var container = Container
    // Bind using several tags

// Resolve instances using tags
var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>("abc".AsTag());
var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>(10.AsTag());

// Resolve the instance using the empty tag
var instance3 = container.Resolve<IService>();

Aspect-oriented DI CSharp

This framework has no special predefined attributes to support aspect-oriented auto wiring because a non-infrastructure code should not have references to this framework. But this code may contain these attributes by itself. And it is quite easy to use these attributes for aspect-oriented auto wiring, see the sample below.

public void Run()
    var console = new Mock<IConsole>();

    // Creates an aspect - oriented auto wiring strategy specifying
    // which attributes should be used and which properties should be used to configure DI
    var autowiringStrategy = AutowiringStrategies.AspectOriented()
        .Type<TypeAttribute>(attribute => attribute.Type)
        .Order<OrderAttribute>(attribute => attribute.Order)
        .Tag<TagAttribute>(attribute => attribute.Tag);

    using var container = Container
        // Configure the container to use DI aspects
        .Bind<IAutowiringStrategy>().To(ctx => autowiringStrategy)
        .Bind<IConsole>().Tag("MyConsole").To(ctx => console.Object)
        .Bind<string>().Tag("Prefix").To(ctx => "info")

    // Create a logger
    var logger = container.Resolve<ILogger>();

    // Log the message

    // Check the output has the appropriate format
    console.Verify(i => i.WriteLine(It.IsRegex(".+ - info: Hello")));

// Represents the dependency aspect attribute to specify a type for injection.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class TypeAttribute : Attribute
    // A type, which will be used during an injection
    public readonly Type Type;

    public TypeAttribute(Type type) => Type = type;

// Represents the dependency aspect attribute to specify a tag for injection.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class TagAttribute : Attribute
    // A tag, which will be used during an injection
    public readonly object Tag;

    public TagAttribute(object tag) => Tag = tag;

// Represents the dependency aspect attribute to specify an order for injection.
public class OrderAttribute : Attribute
    // An order to be used to invoke a method
    public readonly int Order;

    public OrderAttribute(int order) => Order = order;

public interface IConsole { void WriteLine(string text); }

public interface IClock { DateTimeOffset Now { get; } }

public interface ILogger { void Log(string message); }

public class Logger : ILogger
    private readonly IConsole _console;
    private IClock _clock;

    // Constructor injection using the tag "MyConsole"
    public Logger([Tag("MyConsole")] IConsole console) => _console = console;

    // Method injection after constructor using specified type _Clock_
    [Order(1)] public void Initialize([Type(typeof(Clock))] IClock clock) => _clock = clock;

    // Setter injection after the method injection above using the tag "Prefix"
    public string Prefix { get; [Tag("Prefix"), Order(2)] set; }

    // Adds current time and prefix before a message and writes it to console
    public void Log(string message) => _console?.WriteLine($"{_clock.Now} - {Prefix}: {message}");

public class Clock : IClock
    // "clockName" dependency is not resolved here but has default value
    public Clock([Type(typeof(string)), Tag("ClockName")] string clockName = "SPb") { }

    public DateTimeOffset Now => DateTimeOffset.Now;

You can also specify your own aspect-oriented auto wiring by implementing the interface IAutowiringStrategy.

Configurations CSharp

Configurations are used to dedicate a logic responsible for configuring containers.

public void Run()
    using var container = Container

    var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

public class Glue : IConfiguration
    public IEnumerable<IToken> Apply(IMutableContainer container)
        yield return container

Resolve Unbound CSharp

By default, all instances of non-abstract or value types are ready to resolve and inject as dependencies.

public void Run()
    using var container = Container

    // Resolve an instance of unregistered type
    var instance = container.Resolve<Service<int>>(99);

class Service<T>
    public Service(OtherService<T> otherService, IDependency dependency)
        OtherService = otherService;

    public OtherService<T> OtherService { get; }

class OtherService<T>
    public OtherService(T value, int count = 10)
        Value = value;
        Count = count;

    public T Value { get; }

    public long Count { get; }

In the case when context arguments contain instances of suitable types and a container has no appropriate bindings context arguments will be used for resolving and injections.

Several contracts CSharp

It is possible to bind several types to a single implementation.

using var container = Container
    .Bind<Service, IService, IAnotherService>().To<Service>()

// Resolve instances
var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
var instance2 = container.Resolve<IAnotherService>();

Autowiring with initialization CSharp

Sometimes instances required some actions before you give them to use - some methods of initialization or fields which should be defined. You can solve these things easily.

// Create a container and configure it using full autowiring
using var container = Container
        // Configure the container to invoke method "Initialize" for every created instance of this type
        ctx => ctx.It.Initialize("Initialized!", ctx.Container.Resolve<IDependency>()))

// Resolve an instance of interface `IService`
var instance = container.Resolve<INamedService>();

// Check the instance

// Check that the initialization has took place

⚠️ It is not recommended because it is a cause of hidden dependencies.

Child container CSharp

Child containers allow to override or just to add bindings without any influence on parent containers. This is useful when few components have their own child containers with additional bindings based on a common parent container.

using var parentContainer = Container
    // Bind IService to Service

using var childContainer = parentContainer
    // Override binding of IService to Service<int>

var instance1 = parentContainer.Resolve<IService>();
var instance2 = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();


Expression binding CSharp

A specific type is bound as a part of an expression tree. This dependency will be introduced as is, without any additional overhead like lambda call or type cast.

using var container = Container
    .Bind<IService>().To(ctx => new Service(new Dependency()))

// Resolve an instance
var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

Method injection CSharp

⚠️ Please use the constructor injection instead. The method injection is not recommended because it is a cause of hidden dependencies.

// Create and configure a container using full autowiring
using var container = Container
    // Bind 'INamedService' to the instance creation and initialization, actually represented as an expression tree
        // Select the constructor and inject a dependency into it
        ctx => new InitializingNamedService(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>()),
        // Configure the initializing method to invoke after the instance creation and inject the dependencies
        // The first one is the value from context arguments at index 0
        // The second one - is just dependency injection of type IDependency
        ctx => ctx.It.Initialize((string) ctx.Args[0], ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>()))

// Resolve the instance using the argument "alpha"
var instance = container.Resolve<INamedService>("alpha");

// Check the instance type

// Check the injected dependency

// Resolve a function to create an instance
var func = container.Resolve<Func<string, INamedService>>();

// Create an instance with the argument "beta"
var otherInstance = func("beta");

// Check the injected dependency

It is possible to use DI aspects (Attributes) to use full autowring instead.

Setter or field injection CSharp

⚠️ Please try using the constructor injection instead. The setter/field injection is not recommended because of it is a cause of hidden dependencies.

using var container = Container
    // Bind 'INamedService' to the instance creation and initialization, actually represented as an expression tree
        // Select a constructor and inject the dependency
        ctx => new InitializingNamedService(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>()),
        // Select a setter/field to inject after the instance creation and inject the value from arguments at index 0
        ctx => ctx.Container.Assign(ctx.It.Name, (string)ctx.Args[0]))

// Resolve the instance using the argument "alpha"
var instance = container.Resolve<INamedService>("alpha");

// Check the instance type

// Check the injected dependency

// Resolve a function to create an instance
var func = container.Resolve<Func<string, INamedService>>();

// Create an instance with the argument "beta"
var otherInstance = func("beta");

// Check the injected dependency

It is possible to use DI aspects (Attributes) to use full autowring instead.

Dependency tag CSharp

Use a tag to bind few dependencies for the same types.

using var container = Container
    // Configure autowiring and inject dependency tagged by "MyDep"
    .Bind<IService>().To<Service>(ctx => new Service(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>("MyDep")))

// Resolve an instance
var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

Manual wiring CSharp

In the case when the full control of creating an instance is required it is possible to do it in a simple way without any performance impact.

// Create and configure a container using manual wiring
using var container = Container
    // Bind 'INamedService' to the instance creation and initialization, actually represented as an expression tree
        // Select the constructor and inject a dependency into it
        ctx => new InitializingNamedService(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>()),
        // Configure the initializing method to invoke for every created instance with all appropriate dependencies
        // We used _Resolve_ instead _Inject_ just for example
        ctx => ctx.It.Initialize("some name", ctx.Container.Resolve<IDependency>()))

// Resolve an instance
var instance = container.Resolve<INamedService>();

// Check the instance

// Check the injected dependency
instance.Name.ShouldBe("some name");

It's important to note that injection is possible in several ways in the sample above. The first one is an expressions like ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>(). It uses the injection context ctx to access the current (or other parents) container and method Inject to inject a dependency. But actually, this method has no implementation. It just a marker and every such method will be replaced by an expression that creates dependency in place without any additional invocations. Another way is to use an expression like ctx.Resolve<IDependency>(). It will access a container each time to resolve a dependency. Each time, it will look for the necessary binding in the container and call the method to create an instance of the dependency type. We recommend: wherever possible, use the first approach like ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>().

Func dependency CSharp

No comments. Everything is very simple!

Func<IService> func = () => new Service(new Dependency());

using var container = Container
    .Bind<IService>().To(ctx => func())

var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

Value types CSharp

Value types are fully supported avoiding any boxing/unboxing or cast operations, so the performance does not suffer!

public void Run()
    using var container = Container
        // Register the tracing builder
        .Bind<TracingBuilder, IBuilder>().As(Singleton).To<TracingBuilder>()
        // Register a struct

    // Resolve an instance
    var instance = container.Resolve<MyStruct>();

    // Check the expression which was used to create an instances of MyStruct
    var expressions = container.Resolve<TracingBuilder>().Expressions;
    var structExpression = expressions[new Key(typeof(MyStruct))].ToString();
    // The actual code is "new MyStruct(new Dependency())"!
    structExpression.ShouldBe("new MyStruct(new Dependency())");
    // Obvious there are no any superfluous operations like a `boxing`, `unboxing` or `cast`,
    // just only what is really necessary to create an instance

public struct MyStruct
    public MyStruct(IDependency dependency) { }

// This builder saves expressions that used to create resolvers
public class TracingBuilder : IBuilder
    public readonly IDictionary<Key, Expression> Expressions = new Dictionary<Key, Expression>();

    public Expression Build(IBuildContext context, Expression expression)
        Expressions[context.Key] = expression;
        return expression;

Injection of default parameters CSharp

public void Run()
    using var container = Container.Create()

    // Resolve an instance
    var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

    // Check the optional dependency

public class SomeService: IService
    // "state" dependency is not resolved here but it has the default value "empty"
    public SomeService(IDependency dependency, string state = "empty")
        Dependency = dependency;
        State = state;

    public IDependency Dependency { get; }

    public string State { get; }

Generic autowiring CSharp

Autowiring of generic types as simple as autowiring of other simple types. Just use a generic parameters markers like TT, TT1, TT2 and etc. or TTI, TTI1, TTI2 ... for interfaces or TTS, TTS1, TTS2 ... for value types or other special markers like TTDisposable, TTDisposable1 and etc. TTList<>, TTDictionary<> ... or create your own generic parameters markers or bind open generic types.

public void Run()
    // Create and configure the container using autowiring
    using var container = Container
        // Bind using the predefined generic parameters marker TT (or TT1, TT2, TT3 ...)
        // Bind using the predefined generic parameters marker TTList (or TTList1, TTList2 ...)
        // For other cases there are TTComparable, TTComparable<in T>, TTEquatable<T>, TTEnumerable<out T>, TTDictionary<TKey, TValue> and etc.
        // Bind using the custom generic parameters marker TCustom
        .Bind<IService<TTMy>>().Tag("custom marker").To<Service<TTMy>>()
        // Bind using the open generic type
        .Bind(typeof(IService<>)).Tag("open type").To(typeof(Service<>))

    // Resolve a generic instance
    var listService = container.Resolve<IListService<IList<int>>>();
    var instances = container.Resolve<ICollection<IService<int>>>();

    // Check the instance's type
    foreach (var instance in instances)


// Custom generic type marker using predefined attribute `GenericTypeArgument`
class TTMy { }

Optional injection CSharp

public void Run()
    using var container = Container.Create()
        .Bind<IService>().To<SomeService>(ctx => 
            new SomeService(
                // Injects default(string) if the dependency cannot be resolved
                // Injects default(int) if the dependency cannot be resolved
                // Injects int? if the dependency cannot be resolved

    // Resolve an instance
    var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

    // Check optional dependencies

public class SomeService: IService
    public SomeService(IDependency dependency, string state, int? val1, int? val2)
        Dependency = dependency;
        State = state ?? $"empty,{val1.HasValue},{val2.HasValue}";

    public IDependency Dependency { get; }

    public string State { get; }

Resolve an instance using arguments CSharp

using var container = Container
    // Bind 'INamedService' to the instance creation and initialization, actually represented as an expression tree
        // Select the constructor and inject the value from arguments at index 0
        ctx => new NamedService(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>(), (string) ctx.Args[0]))

// Resolve the instance using the argument "alpha"
var instance = container.Resolve<INamedService>("alpha");

// Check the instance type

// Check the injected dependency

// Resolve a function to create an instance
var func = container.Resolve<Func<string, INamedService>>();

// Create an instance with the argument "beta"
var otherInstance = func("beta");

// Check the injected dependency

Auto Disposing CSharp

A singleton instance it's a very special instance. If it implements the IDisposable (or IAsyncDisposable) interface the Sigleton lifetime takes care of disposing of this instance after disposing of the owning container (where this type was registered) or if after the binding cancellation.

var disposableService = new Mock<IDisposableService>();

using (
    var container = Container
    .Bind<IService>().As(Lifetime.Singleton).To<IDisposableService>(ctx => disposableService.Object)
    var disposableInstance = container.Resolve<IService>();

// Check the singleton was disposed after the container was disposed
disposableService.Verify(i => i.Dispose(), Times.Once);
disposableService.Verify(i => i.DisposeAsync(), Times.Once);

Container Singleton lifetime CSharp

Each container may have its own singleton instance for specific binding.

var container = Container
    // Use the Container Singleton lifetime

// Resolve the container singleton twice
var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>();

// Check that instances from the parent container are equal

// Create a child container
var childContainer = container.Create();

// Resolve the container singleton twice
var childInstance1 = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();
var childInstance2 = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();

// Check that instances from the child container are equal

// Check that instances from different containers are not equal

// Dispose instances on disposing a child container

// Dispose instances on disposing a container

Disposing lifetime CSharp

var container = Container
    // Use the Disposing lifetime

var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

// Dispose instances on disposing a container

Scope Root lifetime CSharp

ScopeRoot lifetime creates an instance together with new scope and allows control of all scope singletons by IScopeToken.

using var container = Container
    // Bind "session" as a root of scope
    // Bind a dependency as a container singleton
    // It is optional. Bind IDisposable to IScopeToken to prevent any reference to IoC types from models
    .Bind<IDisposable>().To(ctx => ctx.Container.Inject<IScopeToken>())

// Resolve 2 sessions in own scopes
var session1 = container.Resolve<Session>();
var session2 = container.Resolve<Session>();

// Check sessions are not equal

// Check singletons are equal in the first scope 

// Check singletons are equal in the second scope

// Check singletons are not equal for different scopes

// Dispose of the instance from the first scope

// Check dependencies are disposed for the first scope

// Dispose container

// Check all dependencies are disposed for the all scopes
class Service: IDisposable
    public int DisposeCounter;

    public void Dispose() => DisposeCounter++;

class Session: IDisposable
    private readonly IDisposable _scope;
    public readonly Service Service1;
    public readonly Service Service2;

    public Session(
        // There is no reference to the IoC type here
        IDisposable scope,
        Service service1,
        Service service2)
        _scope = scope;
        Service1 = service1;
        Service2 = service2;

    public void Dispose() => _scope.Dispose();

Singleton lifetime CSharp

Singleton is a design pattern that supposes for having only one instance of some class during the whole application lifetime. The main complaint about Singleton is that it contradicts the Dependency Injection principle and thus hinders testability. It essentially acts as a global constant, and it is hard to substitute it with a test when needed. The Singleton lifetime is indispensable in this case.

var container = Container
    // Use the Singleton lifetime

// Resolve the singleton twice
var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>();

// Check that instances from the parent container are equal

// Create a child container
using var childContainer = container.Create();

// Resolve the singleton twice
var childInstance1 = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();
var childInstance2 = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();

// Check that instances from the child container are equal

// Check that instances from different containers are equal

// Dispose of instances on disposing of a container

The lifetime could be:

  • Transient - a new instance is creating each time (it's default lifetime)
  • Singleton - single instance
  • ContainerSingleton - singleton per container
  • ScopeSingleton - singleton per scope
  • ScopeRoot - root of a scope
  • Disposing - Automatically calls a Disposable() method for disposable instances

Replacement of Lifetime CSharp

It is possible to replace default lifetimes on your own one. The sample below shows how to count the number of attempts to resolve singleton instances.

public void Run()
    var counter = new Mock<ICounter>();

    using var container = Container
        .Bind<ICounter>().To(ctx => counter.Object)
        // Replace the Singleton lifetime with a custom lifetime
            // Select the constructor
            ctx => new MySingletonLifetime(
                // Inject the singleton lifetime from the parent container for partially delegating logic
                // Inject a counter to store the number of created instances
        // Configure the container as usual
        // Bind using the custom implementation of Singleton lifetime

    // Resolve the singleton twice using the custom lifetime
    var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
    var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>();

    // Check that instances are equal

    // Check the number of created instances
    counter.Verify(i => i.Increment(), Times.Exactly(2));

// Represents the instance counter
public interface ICounter
    void Increment();

public class MySingletonLifetime : ILifetime
    // Stores 'IncrementCounter' method info to the static field
    private static readonly MethodInfo IncrementCounterMethodInfo = typeof(MySingletonLifetime).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods.Single(i => i.Name == nameof(IncrementCounter));

    private readonly ILifetime _baseSingletonLifetime;
    private readonly ICounter _counter;

    // Stores the base lifetime and the instance counter
    public MySingletonLifetime(ILifetime baseSingletonLifetime, ICounter counter)
        _baseSingletonLifetime = baseSingletonLifetime;
        _counter = counter;

    public Expression Build(IBuildContext context, Expression expression)
        // Builds expression using base lifetime
        expression = _baseSingletonLifetime.Build(context, expression);

        // Defines `this` variable to store the reference to the current lifetime instance to call internal method 'IncrementCounter'
        var thisVar = Expression.Constant(this);

        // Creates a code block
        return Expression.Block(
            // Adds the expression to call the method 'IncrementCounter' for the current lifetime instance
            Expression.Call(thisVar, IncrementCounterMethodInfo),
            // Returns the expression to create an instance

    // Creates a similar lifetime to use with generic instances
    public ILifetime CreateLifetime() => new MySingletonLifetime(_baseSingletonLifetime.CreateLifetime(), _counter);

    // Select a container to resolve dependencies using the Singleton lifetime logic
    public IContainer SelectContainer(IContainer registrationContainer, IContainer resolvingContainer) =>
        _baseSingletonLifetime.SelectContainer(registrationContainer, resolvingContainer);

    // Disposes the instance of the Singleton lifetime
    public void Dispose() => _baseSingletonLifetime.Dispose();

    // Just counts the number of requested instances
    internal void IncrementCounter() => _counter.Increment();

Custom lifetime: thread Singleton CSharp

Sometimes it is useful to have a singleton instance per a thread (or more generally a singleton per something else). There is no special "lifetime" type in this framework to achieve this requirement. Still, it is quite easy to create your own "lifetime" type for that using base type KeyBasedLifetime<>.

public void Run()
    var finish = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    var container = Container
        // Bind an interface to an implementation using the singleton per a thread lifetime
        .Bind<IService>().Lifetime(new ThreadLifetime()).To<Service>()

    // Resolve the singleton twice
    var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
    var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>();
    IService instance3 = null;
    IService instance4 = null;

    var newThread = new Thread(() =>
        instance3 = container.Resolve<IService>();
        instance4 = container.Resolve<IService>();


    // Check that instances resolved in a main thread are equal

    // Check that instance resolved in a new thread is not null

    // Check that instances resolved in different threads are not equal

    // Check that instances resolved in a new thread are equal

// Represents the custom thread singleton lifetime based on the KeyBasedLifetime
public sealed class ThreadLifetime : KeyBasedLifetime<int>
    // Creates a clone of the current lifetime (for the case with generic types)
    public override ILifetime CreateLifetime() =>
        new ThreadLifetime();

    // Provides an instance key. In this case, it is just a thread identifier.
    // If a key the same an instance is the same too.
    protected override int CreateKey(IContainer container, object[] args) =>

Arrays CSharp

To resolve all possible instances of any tags of the specific type as an array just use the injection T[]

using var container = Container
    // Bind to the implementation #1
    // Bind to the implementation #2
    // Bind to the implementation #3

// Resolve all appropriate instances
var instances = container.Resolve<IService[]>();

Collections CSharp

To resolve all possible instances of any tags of the specific type as a collection just use the injection ICollection

using var container = Container
    // Bind to the implementation #1
    // Bind to the implementation #2
    // Bind to the implementation #3

// Resolve all appropriate instances
var instances = container.Resolve<ICollection<IService>>();

// Check the number of resolved instances

Enumerables CSharp

To resolve all possible instances of any tags of the specific type as an enumerable just use the injection IEnumerable.

using var container = Container
    // Bind to the implementation #1
    // Bind to the implementation #2
    // Bind to the implementation #3

// Resolve all appropriate instances
var instances = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IService>>().ToList();

// Check the number of resolved instances

Funcs CSharp

Func<> helps when a logic needs to inject some type of instances on-demand or solve circular dependency issues.

using var container = Container

// Resolve function to create instances
var factory = container.Resolve<Func<IService>>();

// Resolve few instances
var instance1 = factory();
var instance2 = factory();

Lazy CSharp

Lazy dependency helps when a logic needs to inject Lazy to get instance once on demand.

using var container = Container

// Resolve the instance of Lazy<IService>
var lazy = container.Resolve<Lazy<IService>>();

// Get the instance via Lazy
var instance = lazy.Value;

Nullable value type CSharp

using var container = Container.Create()
    .Bind<int>().Tag(1).To(ctx => 1)

// Resolve an instance
var val1 = container.Resolve<int?>(1.AsTag());
var val2 = container.Resolve<int?>(2.AsTag());
var val3 = container.Resolve<int?>();

// Check the optional dependency

Observables CSharp

To resolve all possible instances of any tags of the specific type as an IObservable<> instance just use the injection IObservable

using var container = Container
    // Bind to the implementation #1
    // Bind to the implementation #2
    // Bind to the implementation #3

// Resolve the source for all appropriate instances
var instancesSource = container.Resolve<IObservable<IService>>();

Sets CSharp

To resolve all possible instances of any tags of the specific type as a ISet<> just use the injection ISet.

using var container = Container
    // Bind to the implementation #1
    // Bind to the implementation #2
    // Bind to the implementation #3

// Resolve all appropriate instances
var instances = container.Resolve<ISet<IService>>();

// Check the number of resolved instances

ThreadLocal CSharp

using var container = Container

// Resolve the instance of ThreadLocal<IService>
var threadLocal = container.Resolve<ThreadLocal<IService>>();

// Get the instance via ThreadLocal
var instance = threadLocal.Value;

Tuples CSharp

Tuple has a set of elements that should be resolved at the same time.

using var container = Container
    .Bind<INamedService>().To<NamedService>(ctx => new NamedService(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>(), "some name"))

// Resolve an instance of type Tuple<IService, INamedService>
var tuple = container.Resolve<Tuple<IService, INamedService>>();

Value Tuples CSharp

using var container = Container
    .Bind<INamedService>().To<NamedService>(ctx => new NamedService(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>(), "some name"))
    // Resolve an instance of type (IService service, INamedService namedService)
    var valueTuple = container.Resolve<(IService service, INamedService namedService)>();

Func with arguments CSharp

It is easy to use Func<..., T> with arguments and to pass these arguments to the created instances manually via context arguments.

Func<IDependency, string, INamedService> func = 
    (dependency, name) => new NamedService(dependency, name);

// Create and configure the container, using full autowiring
using var container = Container
    // Bind the constructor and inject argument[0] as the second parameter of type 'string'
    .Bind<INamedService>().To(ctx => func(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>(), (string)ctx.Args[0]))

// Resolve the instance passing the string "alpha" into the array of arguments
var instance = container.Resolve<INamedService>("alpha");

// Check the instance's type

// Check that argument "alpha" was used during the construction of an instance

// Resolve a factory
var factory = container.Resolve<Func<string, INamedService>>();

// Run this function and pass the string "beta" as argument
var otherInstance = factory("beta");

// Check that argument "beta" was used during constructing an instance

Besides that, you can rely on full autowring, when it is not needed to specify constructor arguments at all. In this case, all appropriate arguments are matching with context arguments automatically by type.

ValueTask CSharp

In this scenario, ValueTask is just a container for a resolved instance.

using var container = Container
    // Bind Service

// Resolve an instance asynchronously via ValueTask
var instance = await container.Resolve<ValueTask<IService>>();

Async Enumerables CSharp

It is easy to resolve an enumerator IAsyncEnumerable<> that provides asynchronous iteration over values of a type for every tag.

using var container = Container
    // Bind to the default implementation
    // Bind to the implementation #1
    // Bind to the implementation #2
    // Bind to the implementation #3

// Resolve all appropriate instances
var instances = container.Resolve<IAsyncEnumerable<IService>>();
var items = new List<IService>();
await foreach (var instance in instances) { items.Add(instance); }

// Check the number of resolved instances

Asynchronous construction CSharp

It is easy to inject dependencies in an asynchronous style.

public async void Run()
    using var container = Container.Create()
        // Bind some dependency

    // Resolve an instance asynchronously using the default task scheduler _TaskScheduler.Current_
    var instance = await container.Resolve<Task<Consumer>>();

    // Check the instance

public class SomeDependency: IDependency
    // Some time-consuming constructor
    public SomeDependency() { }

    public int Index { get; set; }

public class Consumer
    public Consumer(Task<IDependency> dependency1, Task<IDependency> dependency2)
        // Some time-consuming statements
        var dep1 = dependency1.Result;
        var dep2 = dependency2.Result;

It is better to not use any logic except an instance field setup logic within a constructor.

Cancellation of asynchronous construction CSharp

It is possible to inject dependencies in asynchronous style and to cancel their creations using default CancellationTokenSource.

public void Run()
    // Create a cancellation token source
    var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    using var container = Container.Create()
        // Bind cancellation token source
        .Bind<CancellationTokenSource>().To(ctx => cancellationTokenSource)
        // Bind the cancellation token
        .Bind<CancellationToken>().To(ctx => ctx.Container.Inject<CancellationTokenSource>().Token)
        // Bind some dependency

    // Resolve an instance asynchronously
    var instanceTask = container.Resolve<Task<Consumer>>();

    // Cancel tasks

    // Get an instance

public class SomeDependency: IDependency
    // A time-consuming logic constructor with 
    public SomeDependency(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { }

    public int Index { get; set; }

public class Consumer
    public Consumer(Task<IDependency> dependency1, Task<IDependency> dependency2)
        // A time-consuming logic
        var dep1 = dependency1.Result;
        var dep2 = dependency2.Result;

Override the default task scheduler CSharp

TaskScheduler.Current is used by default for an asynchronous construction, but it is easy to override it, binding abstract class TaskScheduler to required implementation in an IoC container.

using var container = Container.Create()
    // Bind some dependency
    // Override the default _TaskScheduler by your own one
    .Bind<TaskScheduler>().To(ctx => TaskScheduler.Default)

// Resolve an instance asynchronously
var instance = await container.Resolve<Task<IService>>();

Change configuration on-the-fly CSharp

using var container = Container

// Configure `IService` as Transient
using (container.Bind<IService>().To<Service>())
    // Resolve instances
    var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
    var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>();

    // Check that instances are not equal

// Reconfigure `IService` as Singleton
using (container.Bind<IService>().As(Lifetime.Singleton).To<Service>())
    // Resolve the singleton twice
    var instance1 = container.Resolve<IService>();
    var instance2 = container.Resolve<IService>();

    // Check that instances are equal

Resolve Unbound for abstractions CSharp

The feature ResolveUnboundFeature allows you to resolve any implementation type from the container regardless of whether or not you specifically bound it and find appropriate implementations for abstractions using a key "resolver".

public void Run()
    using var container = Container
        .Using(new ResolveUnboundFeature(KeyResolver));

    // Resolve an instance of unregistered type

// Find an appropriate implementation using all non-abstract types defined in the current assembly
private static Key KeyResolver(Key key) =>
    new Key((
        from type in key.Type.Assembly.GetTypes()
        where !type.IsInterface 
        where !type.IsAbstract
        where key.Type.IsAssignableFrom(type)
        select type).FirstOrDefault() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find a type assignable to {key}."),

Constructor choice CSharp

We can specify a constructor manually and all its arguments.

using var container = Container
        // Select the constructor and inject required dependencies
        ctx => new Service(ctx.Container.Inject<IDependency>(), "some state"))

var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

// Check the injected constant
instance.State.ShouldBe("some state");

Container injection CSharp

⚠️ Please avoid injecting containers in non-infrastructure code. Keep your code in ignorance about a container framework.

public void Run()
    using var currentContainer = Container

    var instance = currentContainer.Resolve<MyClass>();
    instance.NamedChildContainer.ToString().ShouldBe("//root/Some name");

public class MyClass
    public MyClass(
        IContainer currentContainer,
        IMutableContainer newChildContainer,
        Func<IMutableContainer> childContainerFactory,
        Func<string, IMutableContainer> nameChildContainerFactory)
        CurrentContainer = currentContainer;
        ChildContainer1 = newChildContainer;
        ChildContainer2 = childContainerFactory();
        NamedChildContainer = nameChildContainerFactory("Some name");

    public IContainer CurrentContainer { get; }

    public IContainer ChildContainer1 { get; }

    public IContainer ChildContainer2 { get; }

    public IContainer NamedChildContainer { get; }

Tracing CSharp

Tracing allows to explore most aspects of container behavior: creating and removing child containers, adding and removing bindings, compiling instance factories.

var traceMessages = new List<string>();

// This block is just to mark the scope for "using" statements
    // Create and configure a root container
    using var rootContainer = Container
        // Aggregate trace messages to the list 'traceMessages'
        .Trace(e => traceMessages.Add(e.Message))

    // Create and configure a parent container
    using var parentContainer = rootContainer
        .Bind<IDependency>().To<Dependency>(ctx => new Dependency())

    // Create and configure a child container
    using var childContainer = parentContainer

} // All containers were disposed of here


Check a binding CSharp

It is easy to validate that binding already exists.

using var container = Container.Create();

var isBound = container.IsBound<IService>();
// _IService_ is not bound yet


// _IService_ is already bound
isBound = container.IsBound<IService>();


Check for possible resolving CSharp

It is easy to validate the ability to resolve something without resolving it.

// Create and configure a container
using var container = Container

// _Service_ has the mandatory dependency _IDependency_ in the constructor,
// which was not registered and that is why _IService_ cannot be resolved

// Add the required binding for _Service_

// Now it is possible to resolve _IService_

Custom builder CSharp

The sample below shows how to use this extension point IBuilder to rewrite the expression tree of creation any instances to check constructor arguments on null. It is possible to create other own builders to make any manipulation on expression trees before they will be compiled into factories for the creation of the instances. Any logic any automation - checking arguments, logging, thread safety, authorization aspects and etc.

public void Run()
    using var container = Container
        .Bind<IService>().To<Service>(ctx => new Service(ctx.Container.Resolve<IDependency>(), ctx.Args[0] as string))
        // Register the custom builder

    // Resolve an instance passing null to the "state" parameter
    Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => container.Resolve<IService>(null as string));

// This custom builder adds the logic to check parameters of reference types injected via constructors on null
private class NotNullGuardBuilder : IBuilder
    public Expression Build(IBuildContext context, Expression expression) =>
        expression is NewExpression newExpression && newExpression.Arguments.Count != 0
            ? newExpression.Update(CheckedArgs(newExpression))
            : expression;

    private static IEnumerable<Expression> CheckedArgs(NewExpression newExpression) =>
        from arg in newExpression.Constructor.GetParameters().Select((info, index) => (info, expression: newExpression.Arguments[index]))
        let typeDescriptor =
        select !typeDescriptor.IsValueType()
            // arg ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(arg), "The argument ...")
            ? Expression.Coalesce(
                // Throws an exception when an argument is null
                    Expression.Throw(Expression.Constant(new ArgumentNullException(, $"The argument \"{}\" is null while constructing the instance of type \"{newExpression.Type.Name}\"."))),
            : arg.expression;

Custom child container CSharp

You may replace the default implementation of the container with your own. I can't imagine why it should be done, but it’s possible!

public void Run()
    // Create and configure the root container
    using var container = Container
        // Configure the root container to use a custom container as a child container

    // Create and configure the custom child container
    using var childContainer = container

    // Resolve an instance
    var instance = childContainer.Resolve<IService>();

    // Check the child container type

// Sample of transparent container implementation
public class MyContainer: IMutableContainer
    // Some implementation here

Interception CSharp

The Interception feature allows specifying the set of bindings that will be used to produce instances wrapped by proxy objects. These proxy objects intercept any invocations to the created (or injected) instances and allow to add any logic around it: checking arguments, logging, thread safety, authorization aspects and etc.

// To use this feature please add the NuGet package
// or
public void Run()
    var methods = new List<string>();
    using var container = Container
        // Creates the Inversion of Control container
        // Using the feature InterceptionFeature
        // Configures binds
        // Intercepts any invocations
        .Intercept(key => true, new MyInterceptor(methods))

    // Resolve an instance
    var instance = container.Resolve<IService>();

    // Invoke the getter "get_State"
    var state = instance.State;
    instance.Dependency.Index = 1;

    // Check invocations by our interceptor

// This interceptor just stores names of called methods
public class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor
    private readonly ICollection<string> _methods;

    // Stores the collection of called method names
    public MyInterceptor(ICollection<string> methods) => _methods = methods;

    // Intercepts the invocations and appends the called method name to the collection
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)

Custom autowiring strategy CSharp

public void Run()
    using var container = Container
        // NamedService requires the "name" parameter of a String type in the constructor
        // Overrides the previous autowiring strategy for the current and children containers

    var service = container.Resolve<INamedService>();

    service.Name.ShouldBe("default name");

class CustomAutowiringStrategy : IAutowiringStrategy
    private readonly IAutowiringStrategy _baseStrategy;

    public CustomAutowiringStrategy(IContainer container, IAutowiringStrategy baseStrategy) =>
        // Saves the previous autowiring strategy
        _baseStrategy = baseStrategy;

    public bool TryResolveType(IContainer container, Type registeredType, Type resolvingType, out Type instanceType) =>
        // Just uses logic from the previous autowiring strategy as is
        _baseStrategy.TryResolveType(container, registeredType, resolvingType, out instanceType);

    // Overrides logic to inject the constant "default name" to every constructor's parameters named "name" of type String
    public bool TryResolveConstructor(IContainer container, IEnumerable<IMethod<ConstructorInfo>> constructors, out IMethod<ConstructorInfo> constructor)
        if (!_baseStrategy.TryResolveConstructor(container, constructors, out constructor))
            return false;

        var selectedConstructor = constructor;
            // Filters constructor parameters
            .Where(p => p.Name == "name" && p.ParameterType == typeof(string)).ToList()
            // Overrides every parameter's expression by the constant "default name"
            .ForEach(p => selectedConstructor.SetExpression(p.Position, Expression.Constant("default name")));

        return true;

    public bool TryResolveInitializers(IContainer container, IEnumerable<IMethod<MethodInfo>> methods, out IEnumerable<IMethod<MethodInfo>> initializers)
        // Just uses logic from the previous autowiring strategy as is
        => _baseStrategy.TryResolveInitializers(container, methods, out initializers);

Cyclic dependency CSharp

By default, a circular dependency is detected after the 256th recursive resolution. This behavior may be changed by overriding the interface IFoundCyclicDependency.

public void Run()
    var expectedException = new InvalidOperationException("error");
    var foundCyclicDependency = new Mock<IFoundCyclicDependency>();
    // Throws the exception for reentrancy 128
    foundCyclicDependency.Setup(i => i.Resolve(It.Is<IBuildContext>(ctx => ctx.Depth == 128))).Throws(expectedException);

    using var container = Container
        .Bind<IFoundCyclicDependency>().To(ctx => foundCyclicDependency.Object)
        // Configure the container, where 1,2,3 are tags to produce cyclic dependencies during a resolving
        .Bind<ILink>().To<Link>(ctx => new Link(ctx.Container.Inject<ILink>(1)))
        .Bind<ILink>().Tag(1).To<Link>(ctx => new Link(ctx.Container.Inject<ILink>(2)))
        .Bind<ILink>().Tag(2).To<Link>(ctx => new Link(ctx.Container.Inject<ILink>(3)))
        .Bind<ILink>().Tag(3).To<Link>(ctx => new Link(ctx.Container.Inject<ILink>(1)))

        // Resolve the root instance
    // Catch the exception about cyclic dependencies at a depth of 128
    catch (InvalidOperationException actualException)
        // Check the exception

public interface ILink { }

public class Link : ILink
    public Link(ILink link) { }

Plugins CSharp

public void Run()
    // Given
    var pluginTypes = new[] { typeof(Plugin1), typeof(Plugin2), typeof(Plugin3) };

    using var container = Container.Create();
    foreach (var pluginType in pluginTypes)
        // Should ensure uniqueness of plugin
        var uniquePluginId = pluginType;

        // Bind several opened types by a tag which should ensure uniqueness of binding

    // When

    // Resolve plugins
    var plugins = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IPlugin>>();

    // This also works when you cannot use a generic type like IEnumerable<IPlugin>
    // var plugins = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<object>>(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(IPlugin)));

    // Then
    var resolvedPluginTypes = plugins.Select(i => i.GetType()).ToList();


    // We cannot rely on order here

interface IPlugin { }

class Plugin1 : IPlugin { }

class Plugin2 : IPlugin { }

class Plugin3 : IPlugin { }

Generator sample CSharp

public void Run()
    // Create and configure the container using a configuration class 'Generators'
    using var container = Container.Create().Using<Generators>();
    using (container.Bind<(int, int)>().To(
        // Uses a function to create a tuple because the expression trees have a limitation in syntax
        ctx => System.ValueTuple.Create(
            // The first one is of sequential number generator
            // The second one is of random number generator
        // Generate sequential numbers
        var sequential1 = container.Resolve<int>(GeneratorType.Sequential.AsTag());
        var sequential2 = container.Resolve<int>(GeneratorType.Sequential.AsTag());

        // Check numbers
        sequential2.ShouldBe(sequential1 + 1);

        // Generate a random number
        var random = container.Resolve<int>(GeneratorType.Random.AsTag());

        // Generate a tuple of numbers
        var setOfValues = container.Resolve<(int, int)>();

        // Check sequential numbers
        setOfValues.Item1.ShouldBe(sequential2 + 1);

// Represents tags for generators
public enum GeneratorType
    Sequential, Random

// Represents IoC configuration
public class Generators: IConfiguration
    public IEnumerable<IToken> Apply(IMutableContainer container)
        var value = 0;
        // Define a function to get sequential integer value
        Func<int> generator = () => Interlocked.Increment(ref value);
        // Bind this function using the corresponding tag 'Sequential'
        yield return container.Bind<int>().Tag(GeneratorType.Sequential).To(ctx => generator());

        var random = new Random();
        // Define a function to get random integer value
        Func<int> randomizer = () => random.Next();
        // Bind this function using the corresponding tag 'Random'
        yield return container.Bind<int>().Tag(GeneratorType.Random).To(ctx => randomizer());

Wrapper sample CSharp

public void Run()
    var console = new Mock<IConsole>();
    var clock = new Mock<IClock>();
    var now = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 9, 9, 12, 31, 34, TimeSpan.FromHours(3));
    clock.SetupGet(i => i.Now).Returns(now);

    // Create and configure a root container
    using var rootContainer = Container
        .Bind<IConsole>().To(ctx => console.Object)

    // Create and configure a child container
    using var childContainer = rootContainer
        .Bind<IClock>().To(ctx => clock.Object)
        // Binds 'ILogger' to the instance creation, actually represented as an expression tree
        // and injects the base logger from the parent container "root" and the clock from the current container "child"

    // Create a logger
    var logger = childContainer.Resolve<ILogger>();

    // Log the message

    // Check the console output
    console.Verify(i => i.WriteLine($"{now}: Hello"));

public interface IConsole
    // Writes a text
    void WriteLine(string text);

public interface ILogger
    // Logs a message
    void Log(string message);

public interface IClock
    DateTimeOffset Now { get; }

public class Logger : ILogger
    private readonly IConsole _console;

    // Stores console to field
    public Logger(IConsole console) => _console = console;

    // Logs a message to console
    public void Log(string message) => _console.WriteLine(message);

public class TimeLogger: ILogger
    private readonly ILogger _baseLogger;
    private readonly IClock _clock;

    public TimeLogger(ILogger baseLogger, IClock clock)
        _baseLogger = baseLogger;
        _clock = clock;

    // Adds current time as a message prefix and writes it to the console
    public void Log(string message) => _baseLogger.Log($"{_clock.Now}: {message}");

Instant Messenger sample CSharp

public void Run()
    var observer = new Mock<IObserver<IMessage>>();

    // Create a container
    using var container = Container.Create().Using<InstantMessengerConfig>();

    // Composition Root
    // Resolve a messenger
    var instantMessenger = container.Resolve<IInstantMessenger<IMessage>>();
    using var subscription = instantMessenger.Subscribe(observer.Object);

    // Send messages
    instantMessenger.SendMessage("Nik", "John", "Hello, John");
    instantMessenger.SendMessage("John", "Nik", "Hello, Nik!");

    // Verify messages
    observer.Verify(i => i.OnNext(It.Is<IMessage>(message => message.Id == 34 && message.Text == "Hello, John")));
    observer.Verify(i => i.OnNext(It.Is<IMessage>(message => message.Id == 35 && message.Text == "Hello, Nik!")));

public class InstantMessengerConfig: IConfiguration
    public IEnumerable<IToken> Apply(IMutableContainer container)
        // Let's suppose that the initial message ID is 33
        var id = 33;

        yield return container
            // id generator
            .Bind<int>().To(ctx => Interlocked.Increment(ref id))
            // abstract messenger
            // abstract subject
            // message factory

public interface IInstantMessenger<out T>: IObservable<T>
    void SendMessage(string addressFrom, string addressTo, string text);

public interface IMessage
    int Id { get; }

    string AddressFrom { get; }

    string AddressTo { get; }

    string Text { get; }

public interface IMessageFactory<out T>
    T Create([NotNull] string addressFrom, [NotNull] string addressTo, [NotNull] string text);

public class Message: IMessage, IMessageFactory<IMessage>
    private readonly Func<int> _idFactory;

    public Message(Func<int> idFactory) => _idFactory = idFactory;

    private Message(int id, [NotNull] string addressFrom, [NotNull] string addressTo, [NotNull] string text)
        Id = id;
        AddressFrom = addressFrom ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addressFrom));
        AddressTo = addressTo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addressTo));
        Text = text ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));

    public int Id { get; }

    public string AddressFrom { get; }

    public string AddressTo { get; }

    public string Text { get; }

    public IMessage Create(string addressFrom, string addressTo, string text) => new Message(_idFactory(), addressFrom, addressTo, text);

public class InstantMessenger<T> : IInstantMessenger<T>
    private readonly IMessageFactory<T> _messageFactory;
    private readonly ISubject<T> _messages;

    internal InstantMessenger(IMessageFactory<T> messageFactory, ISubject<T> subject)
        _messageFactory = messageFactory;
        _messages = subject;

    public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> observer) => _messages.Subscribe(observer);

    public void SendMessage(string addressFrom, string addressTo, string text) => _messages.OnNext(_messageFactory.Create(addressFrom, addressTo, text));