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Gradient-based trajectory optimisation toolbox that speeds up trajectory optimisation by only computing dynamics derivatives at key-points with finite-differencing. Remainder of derivatives are approximated via interpolation.

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Trajectory Optimisation With Key-points (TrajOptKP)

The project website can be found here. This package showcases an efficient method to perform gradient-based trajectory optimisation by reducing the number of expensive finite-differencing computations required to perform optimisation. The basic methodology is computing Key-points over a trajectory where expensive finite-differencing computations are performed, the remainder of the dynamics derivatives needed for trajectory optimisation are then approximated via linear interpolation.

This package includes a set of example tasks that can be solved via trajectory optimisation, including non-prehensile manipulation and locomotion. This package is implemented in C++, and uses MuJoCo as the physics simulator.

Please note that this code is still under active development.


MuJoCo 2.32 or newer

This repository uses a custom fork of MuJoCo (simply for the access to one private function - please see this issue).

As such you need to git clone my custom fork and then build from source.

git clone mujoco_temp
cd mujoco_temp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="~/mujoco"
cmake --install .
echo export MJ_HOME='"'$(pwd)/mujoco'"' >> ~/.bashrc

These commands also set an environment variable "MJ_HOME" for CMake, if you are installing MuJoCo differently, remember to set this variable.

Eigen is used for matrix computations in trajectory optimisation. Download and install it with the following command:

sudo apt install -y libeigen3-dev

This repository uses YAML for configuration files. Install YAML with the following command.

sudo apt install -y libyaml-cpp-dev

GLFW is used for visualisation. Download with the following command.

sudo apt install -y libglfw3 libglfw3-dev


If you have singularity installed, you can use this singularity container which has all the dependancies installation and setup.


  1. Clone this repository (Please note that this repository uses submodules, so you need to clone recursively).
git clone --recursive
  1. Set the following environment variables.
export MJ_HOME=$HOME/*path to the home directory of MuJoCo*
(NOTE: "~/" does not work)
  1. Build the package.
cd TrajOptKP
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..



There are two config yaml files that the user can change to run different examples. The first config is called generalConfig.yaml. This file determines various high level settings (such as Optimiser, task, etc.) which are explained in the configuration file.

The second config file is specific to the task being loaded, all task config files are located in taskConfigs folder. There are some high level settings, as follows:

  • modelFile: Relative path to the model xml file
  • model_name: Name of the model, used for saving data
  • timeStep: Time step for simulation
  • keypoint_method: Key-point method to use in optimisation. See below for more details.
  • min_N: Minimum interval between key-points
  • max_N: Maximum interval between key-points
  • iterative_error_threshold: Error threshold for iterative error method

As well as these high level settings, there is the task description. Every task is specified by a collection of robots amd rigid_bodies. Robots are actuated whereas rigid_bodies are not. This list of robots and rigid_bodies instantiates the trajectory optimisation problem, by defining starting and desired states, as well as cost attributes. Finally, there are also settings for each DoF that relate to key-point methods, Please see the Key-points section for additional details.

Run the code

To run the code, there is a bash script that handles compilation and execution. The bash script takes one argument which is the name of the task configSimply run the following command:

bash run.bash <task_name>

There are four example task configuration files provided in the generalConfigs folder. These are:

  • boxSweep.yaml: Sweeping a large heavy box to a target location.
  • pushNoClutter.yaml: Pushing a small light cylinder to a goal location with no clutter.
  • PandaMove.yaml: Moving a Panda robot to a goal location smoothly.
  • walkerMPC.yaml: Locomotion of a 9 DoF walker model using MPC.


Here are some example trajectories that have been generated using this package.


Here are 4 example of contact-based manipulation in this repository. The examples are: Sweeping a large heavy box to a target location, and three examples of pushing a small light cylinder to a goal location through varying levels of clutter.


A locomotion example of the 9 DoF walker model. Goal is to keep moving forward whilst keeping the body upright at a specific height.

Dynamic motion Coming soon.


Computation of dynamics gradients via finite-differencing is computationally expensive and is generally the bottleneck of gradient-based trajectory optimisation. We propose only performing these finite-differencing computations at "key-points" over the trajectory, and approximating the remainder of the dynamics gradients via linear interpolation. If these key-points are chosen intelligently, we can compute an approximated set of derivatives significantly faster without noticeable degradation on the performance of the final optimal trajectory.

There are four key-point methods implemented in this repository. Code for these key-point methods can be found in Optimiser.cpp.

Set Interval

The Set-interval method has one parameter (min_N)

The Set-interval method is the simplest.The key-points are equally spaces with an interval of min_N inbetween them.

Adaptive Jerk

The Adaptive jerk method has three parameters (min_N, max_N, jerk_threshold)

The Adaptive Jerk method calculates the jerk over the trajectory for all the DoFs in the state vector. Whenever the jerk threshold is exceeded, the time-step is marked as a "key-point".
New key-points cant be placed within min_N steps of another. If the jerk_threshold is not exceeded within max_N time-steps, another key-point is placed automatically.

Velocity Change

The Velocity-jerk method has three parameters (min_N, max_N, velocity_threshold)

The Velocity Change method looks at the velocity profiles for every DoF over the trajectory. Whenever a turning point (when the velocity changes direction) is detected, a key-point is added for that DoF.

Key-points are also placed when the velocity changes by more than velocity_threshold (since the last key-point). If neither of these conditions are reached within max_N time-steps, another key-point is placed automatically.

Iterative Error

The Iterative-error method has two parameters (min_N, error_threshold)

The iterative error method works very similarly to adaptive-size cell decomposition (A common path-planning algorithm). It starts out with a bad approximation and iteratively improves it until all segments are below a certain error threshold.

It starts with a bad linear approximation (just using the fist and last time-steps). It then checks the middle of the interpolation, by comparing the difference between the true derivatives (computed via autodiff) and the approximated derivatives (computed via linear interpolation). The error is computed between these matrices (by calculating the mean squared difference of all values in the matrix). If the error is below the error_threshold then the approximation is good. If the approximation is above the threshold, the algorithm further subdivides that section into smaller sections and repeats this process.

This iterative process is repeated until all segments satisfy the error requirement or the min_N interval is reached.


  • change GIFS to show baseline vs key-point trajectories and show optimisation time.
  • Improve README readability.
  • Add more examples
  • starting camera variables in model file
  • improved parallelisation on iterative error method


Coming soon.


Gradient-based trajectory optimisation toolbox that speeds up trajectory optimisation by only computing dynamics derivatives at key-points with finite-differencing. Remainder of derivatives are approximated via interpolation.







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