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Releases: DLR-RM/stable-baselines3

SB3 v1.5.0: Bug fixes, early stopping callback

25 Mar 13:57
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SB3 Contrib:

Breaking Changes:

  • Switched minimum Gym version to 0.21.0.

New Features:

  • Added StopTrainingOnNoModelImprovement to callback collection (@caburu)
  • Makes the length of keys and values in HumanOutputFormat configurable,
    depending on desired maximum width of output.
  • Allow PPO to turn of advantage normalization (see PR #763) @vwxyzjn


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in VecMonitor. The monitor did not consider the info_keywords during stepping (@ScheiklP)
  • Fixed a bug in HumanOutputFormat. Distinct keys truncated to the same prefix would overwrite each others value,
    resulting in only one being output. This now raises an error (this should only affect a small fraction of use cases
    with very long keys.)
  • Routing all the nn.Module calls through implicit rather than explict forward as per pytorch guidelines (@manuel-delverme)
  • Fixed a bug in VecNormalize where error occurs when norm_obs is set to False for environment with dictionary observation (@buoyancy99)
  • Set default env argument to None in HerReplayBuffer.sample (@qgallouedec)
  • Fix batch_size typing in DQN (@qgallouedec)
  • Fixed sample normalization in DictReplayBuffer (@qgallouedec)


  • Fixed pytest warnings
  • Removed parameter remove_time_limit_termination in off policy algorithms since it was dead code (@Gregwar)


  • Added doc on Hugging Face integration (@simoninithomas)
  • Added furuta pendulum project to project list (@Armandpl)
  • Fix indentation 2 spaces to 4 spaces in custom env documentation example (@Gautam-J)
  • Update MlpExtractor docstring (@gianlucadecola)
  • Added explanation of the logger output
  • Update Directly Accessing The Summary Writer in tensorboard integration (@xy9485)

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0

SB3 v1.4.0: TRPO, ARS and multi env training for off-policy algorithms

19 Jan 10:21
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SB3 Contrib:

Breaking Changes:

  • Dropped python 3.6 support (as announced in previous release)
  • Renamed mask argument of the predict() method to episode_start (used with RNN policies only)
  • local variables action, done and reward were renamed to their plural form for offpolicy algorithms (actions, dones, rewards),
    this may affect custom callbacks.
  • Removed episode_reward field from RolloutReturn() type


An update to the HER algorithm is planned to support multi-env training and remove the max episode length constrain.
(see PR #704)
This will be a backward incompatible change (model trained with previous version of HER won't work with the new version).

New Features:

  • Added norm_obs_keys param for VecNormalize wrapper to configure which observation keys to normalize (@kachayev)
  • Added experimental support to train off-policy algorithms with multiple envs (note: HerReplayBuffer currently not supported)
  • Handle timeout termination properly for on-policy algorithms (when using TimeLimit)
  • Added skip option to VecTransposeImage to skip transforming the channel order when the heuristic is wrong
  • Added copy() and combine() methods to RunningMeanStd


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where set_env() with VecNormalize would result in an error with off-policy algorithms (thanks @cleversonahum)
  • FPS calculation is now performed based on number of steps performed during last learn call, even when reset_num_timesteps is set to False (@kachayev)
  • Fixed evaluation script for recurrent policies (experimental feature in SB3 contrib)
  • Fixed a bug where the observation would be incorrectly detected as non-vectorized instead of throwing an error
  • The env checker now properly checks and warns about potential issues for continuous action spaces when the boundaries are too small or when the dtype is not float32
  • Fixed a bug in VecFrameStack with channel first image envs, where the terminal observation would be wrongly created.


  • Added a warning in the env checker when not using np.float32 for continuous actions
  • Improved test coverage and error message when checking shape of observation
  • Added newline="\n" when opening CSV monitor files so that each line ends with \r\n instead of \r\r\n on Windows while Linux environments are not affected (@hsuehch)
  • Fixed device argument inconsistency (@qgallouedec)


  • Add drivergym to projects page (@theDebugger811)
  • Add highway-env to projects page (@eleurent)
  • Add tactile-gym to projects page (@ac-93)
  • Fix indentation in the RL tips page (@cove9988)
  • Update GAE computation docstring
  • Add documentation on exporting to TFLite/Coral
  • Added JMLR paper and updated citation
  • Added link to RL Tips and Tricks video
  • Updated BaseAlgorithm.load docstring (@Demetrio92)
  • Added a note on load behavior in the examples (@Demetrio92)
  • Updated SB3 Contrib doc
  • Fixed A2C and migration guide guidance on how to set epsilon with RMSpropTFLike (@thomasgubler)
  • Fixed custom policy documentation (@IperGiove)
  • Added doc on Weights & Biases integration

SB3 v1.3.0 : Bug fixes and improvements for the user

23 Oct 15:15
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WARNING: This version will be the last one supporting Python 3.6 (end of life in Dec 2021).
We highly recommend you to upgrade to Python >= 3.7.

SB3-Contrib changelog:

Breaking Changes:

  • sde_net_arch argument in policies is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

  • _get_latent (ActorCriticPolicy) was removed

  • All logging keys now use underscores instead of spaces (@timokau). Concretely this changes:

    • time/total timesteps to time/total_timesteps for off-policy algorithms (PPO and A2C) and the eval callback (on-policy algorithms already used the underscored version),
    • rollout/exploration rate to rollout/exploration_rate and
    • rollout/success rate to rollout/success_rate.

New Features:

  • Added methods get_distribution and predict_values for ActorCriticPolicy for A2C/PPO/TRPO (@cyprienc)
  • Added methods forward_actor and forward_critic for MlpExtractor
  • Added sb3.get_system_info() helper function to gather version information relevant to SB3 (e.g., Python and PyTorch version)
  • Saved models now store system information where agent was trained, and load functions have print_system_info parameter to help debugging load issues.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed dtype of observations for SimpleMultiObsEnv
  • Allow VecNormalize to wrap discrete-observation environments to normalize reward
    when observation normalization is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where DQN would throw an error when using Discrete observation and stochastic actions
  • Fixed a bug where sub-classed observation spaces could not be used
  • Added force_reset argument to load() and set_env() in order to be able to call learn(reset_num_timesteps=False) with a new environment


  • Cap gym max version to 0.19 to avoid issues with atari-py and other breaking changes
  • Improved error message when using dict observation with the wrong policy
  • Improved error message when using EvalCallback with two envs not wrapped the same way.
  • Added additional infos about supported python version for PyPi in


  • Add Rocket League Gym to list of supported projects (@AechPro)
  • Added gym-electric-motor to project page (@wkirgsn)
  • Added policy-distillation-baselines to project page (@CUN-bjy)
  • Added ONNX export instructions (@batu)
  • Update read the doc env (fixed docutils issue)
  • Fix PPO environment name (@IljaAvadiev)
  • Fix custom env doc and add env registration example
  • Update algorithms from SB3 Contrib
  • Use underscores for numeric literals in examples to improve clarity

SB3 v1.2.0: Hotfix for VecNormalize, training/eval mode support

08 Sep 10:34
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Breaking Changes:

  • SB3 now requires PyTorch >= 1.8.1
  • VecNormalize ret attribute was renamed to returns

Bug Fixes:

  • Hotfix for VecNormalize where the observation filter was not updated at reset (thanks @vwxyzjn)
  • Fixed model predictions when using batch normalization and dropout layers by calling train() and eval() (@davidblom603)
  • Fixed model training for DQN, TD3 and SAC so that their target nets always remain in evaluation mode (@ayeright)
  • Passing gradient_steps=0 to an off-policy algorithm will result in no gradient steps being taken (vs as many gradient steps as steps done in the environment
    during the rollout in previous versions)


  • Enabled Python 3.9 in GitHub CI
  • Fixed type annotations
  • Refactored predict() by moving the preprocessing to obs_to_tensor() method


  • Updated multiprocessing example
  • Added example of VecEnvWrapper
  • Added a note about logging to tensorboard more often
  • Added warning about simplicity of examples and link to RL zoo (@MihaiAnca13)

SB3 v1.1.0: Dictionary observation support, timeout handling and refactored HER buffer

02 Jul 10:07
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Breaking Changes

  • All customs environments (e.g. the BitFlippingEnv or IdentityEnv) were moved to stable_baselines3.common.envs folder
  • Refactored HER which is now the HerReplayBuffer class that can be passed to any off-policy algorithm
  • Handle timeout termination properly for off-policy algorithms (when using TimeLimit)
  • Renamed _last_dones and dones to _last_episode_starts and episode_starts in RolloutBuffer.
  • Removed ObsDictWrapper as Dict observation spaces are now supported
  her_kwargs = dict(n_sampled_goal=2, goal_selection_strategy="future", online_sampling=True)
  # SB3 < 1.1.0
  # model = HER("MlpPolicy", env, model_class=SAC, **her_kwargs)
  # SB3 >= 1.1.0:
  model = SAC("MultiInputPolicy", env, replay_buffer_class=HerReplayBuffer, replay_buffer_kwargs=her_kwargs)
  • Updated the KL Divergence estimator in the PPO algorithm to be positive definite and have lower variance (@09tangriro)
  • Updated the KL Divergence check in the PPO algorithm to be before the gradient update step rather than after end of epoch (@09tangriro)
  • Removed parameter channels_last from is_image_space as it can be inferred.
  • The logger object is now an attribute model.logger that be set by the user using model.set_logger()
  • Changed the signature of logger.configure and utils.configure_logger, they now return a Logger object
  • Removed Logger.CURRENT and Logger.DEFAULT
  • Moved warn(), debug(), log(), info(), dump() methods to the Logger class
  • .learn() now throws an import error when the user tries to log to tensorboard but the package is not installed

New Features

  • Added support for single-level Dict observation space (@JadenTravnik)
  • Added DictRolloutBuffer DictReplayBuffer to support dictionary observations (@JadenTravnik)
  • Added StackedObservations and StackedDictObservations that are used within VecFrameStack
  • Added simple 4x4 room Dict test environments
  • HerReplayBuffer now supports VecNormalize when online_sampling=False
  • Added VecMonitor and VecExtractDictObs wrappers to handle gym3-style vectorized environments (@vwxyzjn)
  • Ignored the terminal observation if the it is not provided by the environment
    such as the gym3-style vectorized environments. (@vwxyzjn)
  • Added policy_base as input to the OnPolicyAlgorithm for more flexibility (@09tangriro)
  • Added support for image observation when using HER
  • Added replay_buffer_class and replay_buffer_kwargs arguments to off-policy algorithms
  • Added kl_divergence helper for Distribution classes (@09tangriro)
  • Added support for vector environments with num_envs > 1 (@benblack769)
  • Added wrapper_kwargs argument to make_vec_env (@amy12xx)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed potential issue when calling off-policy algorithms with default arguments multiple times (the size of the replay buffer would be the same)
  • Fixed loading of ent_coef for SAC and TQC, it was not optimized anymore (thanks @Atlis)
  • Fixed saving of A2C and PPO policy when using gSDE (thanks @liusida)
  • Fixed a bug where no output would be shown even if verbose>=1 after passing verbose=0 once
  • Fixed observation buffers dtype in DictReplayBuffer (@c-rizz)
  • Fixed EvalCallback tensorboard logs being logged with the incorrect timestep. They are now written with the timestep at which they were recorded. (@skandermoalla)


  • Added flake8-bugbear to tests dependencies to find likely bugs
  • Updated env_checker to reflect support of dict observation spaces
  • Added Code of Conduct
  • Added tests for GAE and lambda return computation
  • Updated distribution entropy test (thanks @09tangriro)
  • Added sanity check batch_size > 1 in PPO to avoid NaN in advantage normalization


  • Added gym pybullet drones project (@JacopoPan)
  • Added link to SuperSuit in projects (@justinkterry)
  • Fixed DQN example (thanks @ltbd78)
  • Clarified channel-first/channel-last recommendation
  • Update sphinx environment installation instructions (@tom-doerr)
  • Clarified pip installation in Zsh (@tom-doerr)
  • Clarified return computation for on-policy algorithms (TD(lambda) estimate was used)
  • Added example for using ProcgenEnv
  • Added note about advanced custom policy example for off-policy algorithms
  • Fixed DQN unicode checkmarks
  • Updated migration guide (@juancroldan)
  • Pinned docutils==0.16 to avoid issue with rtd theme
  • Clarified callback save_freq definition
  • Added doc on how to pass a custom logger
  • Remove recurrent policies from A2C docs (@bstee615)

Stable-Baselines3 v1.0

17 Mar 14:26
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First Major Version

Blog post:

100+ pre-trained models in the zoo:

Breaking Changes:

  • Removed stable_baselines3.common.cmd_util (already deprecated), please use env_util instead


A refactoring of the HER algorithm is planned together with support for dictionary observations (see PR #243 and
This will be a backward incompatible change (model trained with previous version of HER won't work with the new version).

New Features:

  • Added support for custom_objects when loading models

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with DQN predict method when using deterministic=False with image space


  • Fixed examples
  • Added new project using SB3: rl_reach (@PierreExeter)
  • Added note about slow-down when switching to PyTorch
  • Add a note on continual learning and resetting environment
  • Updated RL-Zoo to reflect the fact that is it more than a collection of trained agents
  • Added images to illustrate the training loop and custom policies (created with
  • Updated the custom policy section


06 Mar 13:27
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Second release candidate

v1.0rc0: Beta is over =)!

01 Mar 12:35
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Beta is over =)! V1.0rc0 (#334)

* Fix doc + bump version

* Removed cmd util

* Remove test

Bug fixes, better image support and last release before v1.0

27 Feb 19:31
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Breaking Changes:

  • evaluate_policy now returns rewards/episode lengths from a Monitor wrapper if one is present,
    this allows to return the unnormalized reward in the case of Atari games for instance.
  • Renamed common.vec_env.is_wrapped to common.vec_env.is_vecenv_wrapped to avoid confusion
    with the new is_wrapped() helper
  • Renamed _get_data() to _get_constructor_parameters() for policies (this affects independent saving/loading of policies)
  • Removed n_episodes_rollout and merged it with train_freq, which now accepts a tuple (frequency, unit):
  • replay_buffer in collect_rollout is no more optional
  # SB3 < 0.11.0
  # model = SAC("MlpPolicy", env, n_episodes_rollout=1, train_freq=-1)
  # SB3 >= 0.11.0:
  model = SAC("MlpPolicy", env, train_freq=(1, "episode"))

New Features:

  • Add support for VecFrameStack to stack on first or last observation dimension, along with
    automatic check for image spaces.
  • VecFrameStack now has a channels_order argument to tell if observations should be stacked
    on the first or last observation dimension (originally always stacked on last).
  • Added common.env_util.is_wrapped and common.env_util.unwrap_wrapper functions for checking/unwrapping
    an environment for specific wrapper.
  • Added env_is_wrapped() method for VecEnv to check if its environments are wrapped
    with given Gym wrappers.
  • Added monitor_kwargs parameter to make_vec_env and make_atari_env
  • Wrap the environments automatically with a Monitor wrapper when possible.
  • EvalCallback now logs the success rate when available (is_success must be present in the info dict)
  • Added new wrappers to log images and matplotlib figures to tensorboard. (@zampanteymedio)
  • Add support for text records to Logger. (@lorenz-h)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug where code added VecTranspose on channel-first image environments (thanks @qxcv)
  • Fixed DQN predict method when using single gym.Env with deterministic=False
  • Fixed bug that the arguments order of explained_variance() in and is not correct (@thisray)
  • Fixed bug where full HerReplayBuffer leads to an index error. (@megan-klaiber)
  • Fixed bug where replay buffer could not be saved if it was too big (> 4 Gb) for python<3.8 (thanks @hn2)
  • Added informative PPO construction error in edge-case scenario where n_steps * n_envs = 1 (size of rollout buffer),
    which otherwise causes downstream breaking errors in training (@decodyng)
  • Fixed discrete observation space support when using multiple envs with A2C/PPO (thanks @ardabbour)
  • Fixed a bug for TD3 delayed update (the update was off-by-one and not delayed when train_freq=1)
  • Fixed numpy warning (replaced np.bool with bool)
  • Fixed a bug where VecNormalize was not normalizing the terminal observation
  • Fixed a bug where VecTranspose was not transposing the terminal observation
  • Fixed a bug where the terminal observation stored in the replay buffer was not the right one for off-policy algorithms
  • Fixed a bug where action_noise was not used when using HER (thanks @ShangqunYu)
  • Fixed a bug where train_freq was not properly converted when loading a saved model


  • Add more issue templates
  • Add signatures to callable type annotations (@ernestum)
  • Improve error message in NatureCNN
  • Added checks for supported action spaces to improve clarity of error messages for the user
  • Renamed variables in the train() method of SAC, TD3 and DQN to match SB3-Contrib.
  • Updated docker base image to Ubuntu 18.04
  • Set tensorboard min version to 2.2.0 (earlier version are apparently not working with PyTorch)
  • Added warning for PPO when n_steps * n_envs is not a multiple of batch_size (last mini-batch truncated) (@decodyng)
  • Removed some warnings in the tests


  • Updated algorithm table
  • Minor docstring improvements regarding rollout (@stheid)
  • Fix migration doc for A2C (epsilon parameter)
  • Fix clip_range docstring
  • Fix duplicated parameter in EvalCallback docstring (thanks @tfederico)
  • Added example of learning rate schedule
  • Added SUMO-RL as example project (@LucasAlegre)
  • Fix docstring of classes in which were inside the constructor (@LucasAlegre)
  • Added SB3-Contrib page
  • Fix bug in the example code of DQN (@AptX395)
  • Add example on how to access the tensorboard summary writer directly. (@lorenz-h)
  • Updated migration guide
  • Updated custom policy doc (separate policy architecture recommended)
  • Added a note about OpenCV headless version
  • Corrected typo on documentation (@mschweizer)
  • Provide the environment when loading the model in the examples (@lorepieri8)

HER with online and offline sampling, bug fixes for features extraction

28 Oct 12:05
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Breaking Changes

  • Warning: Renamed common.cmd_util to common.env_util for clarity (affects make_vec_env and make_atari_env functions)

New Features

  • Allow custom actor/critic network architectures using net_arch=dict(qf=[400, 300], pi=[64, 64]) for off-policy algorithms (SAC, TD3, DDPG)
  • Added Hindsight Experience Replay HER. (@megan-klaiber)
  • VecNormalize now supports gym.spaces.Dict observation spaces
  • Support logging videos to Tensorboard (@SwamyDev)
  • Added share_features_extractor argument to SAC and TD3 policies

Bug Fixes

  • Fix GAE computation for on-policy algorithms (off-by one for the last value) (thanks @Wovchena)
  • Fixed potential issue when loading a different environment
  • Fix ignoring the exclude parameter when recording logs using json, csv or log as logging format (@SwamyDev)
  • Make make_vec_env support the env_kwargs argument when using an env ID str (@ManifoldFR)
  • Fix model creation initializing CUDA even when device="cpu" is provided
  • Fix check_env not checking if the env has a Dict actionspace before calling _check_nan (@wmmc88)
  • Update the check for spaces unsupported by Stable Baselines 3 to include checks on the action space (@wmmc88)
  • Fixed feature extractor bug for target network where the same net was shared instead
    of being separate. This bug affects SAC, DDPG and TD3 when using CnnPolicy (or custom feature extractor)
  • Fixed a bug when passing an environment when loading a saved model with a CnnPolicy, the passed env was not wrapped properly
    (the bug was introduced when implementing HER so it should not be present in previous versions)


  • Improved typing coverage
  • Improved error messages for unsupported spaces
  • Added .vscode to the gitignore


  • Added first draft of migration guide
  • Added intro to imitation library (@shwang)
  • Enabled doc for CnnPolicies
  • Added advanced saving and loading example
  • Added base doc for exporting models
  • Added example for getting and setting model parameters