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"Hexagons are the bestagons"
A basic Rust library to manipulate hexagonal grids.

hexing is a Rust library designed for manipulation and calculations on hexagonal grids. It provides tools for working with hexagonal positions and directions, as well as iterators for exploring hexagonal rings and spirals.


  • Hexagonal Coordinate Manipulation: Represent and manipulate positions in a hexagonal grid using axial coordinates.
  • Distance Calculations: Compute the distance between two hexagonal positions.
  • Pixel Coordinate Conversion: Convert hexagonal positions to pixel coordinates for graphical use.
  • Reflection and Rotation: Apply reflection and rotation to hexagonal positions.
  • Ring and Spiral Iterators: Obtain positions in a ring or spiral around a central position.
  • Bounding: Calculate if a point is within a hexagonal bounding box.
  • Line Iterators: Obtain positions along a line between two hexagonal positions.
  • Number Trait: Allow generic calculations with various numeric types.
  • Serialization and Deserialization: Serialize and deserialize hexagonal positions and directions with the serde feature.
  • Pathfinding: Find the shortest path between two hexagonal positions using the A* algorithm.
  • Field of view: Calculate the field of view of a hexagonal grid.
  • Field of movements: Calculate the movement field of a hexagonal grid.
  • Noise generation: Generate noise maps for hexagonal grids using the noise crate.

The Serde feature documentation is located in the docs/ file. And documentation for the pathfinding, field of view, field of movement and noise generation features are located in the docs/ file.

Number Trait

The library uses the Number trait to allow generic calculations with various numeric types. This trait is implemented for several types, including integers and floating-point numbers.

Main Types


Represents a position in a hexagonal grid with coordinates T. Coordinates are in axial format (x, y).

  • Creation: Creates a new [HexPosition] with the given q and r coordinates in an axial format. Coordinates are explained in this documentation.

    let pos = HexPosition::new(1, 2);
    let pos2 = HexPosition(3, 4);
    // Constant: The origin of the hexagonal grid.
    let origin = HexPosition::ORIGIN;
  • Conversion to Pixel Coordinates: Converts the current [HexPosition] into a pixel coordinate. Basically, it converts a position in a hexagonal grid to a position in a orthogonal grid.

    let pixel_coords = pos.to_pixel_coordinates();
    let pixel_coords2 = HexPosition::from_pixel_coordinates(pixel_coords);
  • Distance Calculation: Calculates the distance between two hexagonal positions, using the Manhattan distance.

    let distance = pos.distance(HexPosition::new(3, 4));
  • Rotation: Will apply a rotation of 2 x 60 degrees around the origin.

    let rotated_pos = pos.rotation(2);
  • Reflection: Will apply a central symmetric reflection around the origin.

    let reflected_pos = pos.reflect();
  • Ring Iterators: A iterator that returns positions in a ring around a central position. The iterator will return positions in a ring with the given radius.

    for ring_pos in pos.ring(2) {
        println!("{:?}", ring_pos);
  • Spiral Iterators: A iterator that returns positions in a spiral around a central position. The iterator will return positions in a spiral with the given radius.

    for spiral_pos in pos.spiral(2) {
        println!("{:?}", spiral_pos);
  • Line Iterators A iterator that returns positions along a line between two hexagonal positions.

    let a = HexPosition(0, 0);
    let b = HexPosition(-2, -1);
    for line_pos in a.line(b) {
        println!("{:?}", line_pos);
  • Bounding: A utility function that calculates the bounding box of a hexagonal grid.

    use hexing::{utils::HexBound, HexPosition};
    let center = HexPosition(0, 0);
    let radius = 3;
    let bounding_box = HexBound::new(center, radius);
    assert!(bounding_box.contains(HexPosition(0, 0)));
    assert_eq!(bounding_box.radius(), 3);
    assert_eq!(, HexPosition(0, 0));


Enum representing the six possible directions in a hexagonal grid.

  • Available Directions:

    • Right (1, 0)
    • UpRight (1, -1)
    • UpLeft (0, -1)
    • Left (-1, 0)
    • DownLeft (-1, 1)
    • DownRight (0, 1)
  • Convert to Vector: You can convert a [HexDirection] to a [HexPosition] by using the to_vector method.

    let direction = HexDirection::Right;
    let vector = direction.to_vector();

Usage Examples

Here are some examples to illustrate the features of hexing.

Creating Hexagonal Positions

use hexing::HexPosition;

let pos = HexPosition::new(1, 2);
let pos2 = HexPosition(3, 4);
let origin = HexPosition::ORIGIN;

println!("Position 1: {:?}", pos);
println!("Position 2: {:?}", pos2);
println!("Origin: {:?}", origin);

Conversion to Pixel Coordinates

use hexing::HexPosition;

let position = HexPosition::new(1, 0);
let pixel_coords = position.to_pixel_coordinates();
println!("Pixel coordinates: {:?}", pixel_coords);

let new_position: HexPosition<i32> = HexPosition::from_pixel_coordinates(pixel_coords);
println!("New position: {:?}", new_position);

assert!(position == new_position);

Calculating Distance Between Positions

use hexing::HexPosition;

let pos1 = HexPosition::new(0, 0);
let pos2 = HexPosition::new(-2, -1);
let dist = pos1.distance(pos2);
println!("Distance: {:?}", dist);

Iterating Over Rings and Spirals

use hexing::{HexPosition, HexRing, HexSpiral};

let center = HexPosition::new(0, 0);

// Ring of radius 1
let ring = center.ring(1);
for pos in ring {
    println!("Ring position: {:?}", pos);

// Spiral of radius 2
let spiral = center.spiral(2);
for pos in spiral {
    println!("Spiral position: {:?}", pos);

Rotation of Hexagonal Position

use hexing::HexPosition;
let rotation = 120;
let pos = HexPosition::new(1, 2);
let rotated_pos = pos.rotation(rotation/60); // Rotates 120 degrees
println!("Rotated Position: {:?}", rotated_pos);

Reflection of Hexagonal Position

use hexing::HexPosition;

let pos = HexPosition::new(1, 2);
let reflected_pos = pos.reflect();
println!("Reflected Position: {:?}", reflected_pos);

Line Iterator

use hexing::HexPosition;

let start = HexPosition::new(0, 0);
let end = HexPosition::new(3, -3);
for pos in start.line(end) {
    println!("Line Position: {:?}", pos);

Using HexDirection

use hexing::HexDirection;

let direction = HexDirection::UpRight;
let vector = direction.to_vector();
println!("Vector for Right Direction: {:?}", vector);

let new_position = HexPosition::new(0, 0) + vector * 3;
println!("New Position after moving Right: {:?}", new_position);

Full Documentation

For more detailed documentation and additional explanations about hexagonal grids, please refer to the Red Blob Games hexagonal grid documentation.


Add hexing to your Cargo.toml:

hexing = "0.3.3"