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Documentation can be found here


The Magnifier backend consists of a C# ASP.NET Core Web API located in Magnifier.
Spyglass, the frontend, is a C# ASP.NET Core Blazor WASM app located in Spyglass.


The backend needs a config file to function. Create Magnifier/appsettings.json and put in it this:

    "JwtAuthSettings": {
        "PrivateKey": "<super secret private key for signing jwt auth tokens>",
        "Issuer": "https://localhost:5000",
        "Audience": "https://localhost:5000",
        "LifetimeDays": 90
    "MongoDBSettings": {
        "ConnectionString": "<super secret mongodb connection string>",
        "DatabaseName": "Magnifier"
    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Information",
            "Microsoft": "Warning",
            "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
    "AllowedHosts": "*"

The Issuer and Audience fields don't really matter because tokens are validated using their signature but you can, and should, set them to your domain if you want.


You need to have at least version 5.0 of the .NET SDK installed to compile Magnifier and Spyglass, and you need Node.js and NPM to compile Spyglass.

You also need a private key and a MongoDB instance.

To run the Magnifier backend, just open in Visual Studio, select "Magnifier" from the project select dropdown and from the build type select dropdown. A MongoDB instance and a private key are required. The backend also supports Docker, so you can run it in Docker if you want.

To run the Spyglass frontend, open Spyglass in a terminal window then run:

npm install

gulp css

dotnet watch -p Spyglass.csproj run

to run and watch changes.

Spyglass stylesheet

DO NOT modify Spyglass/wwwroot/css/app.css. This file is generated when you run gulp css. Instead, modify Spyglass/Styles/app.css.

Stuff Explained

Frontend (Spyglass)

idk lol

Backend (Magnifier)

Magnifier/Controllers contains classes with endpoints.
Magnifier/Models contains classes to be used to store data.
Magnifier/Services contains singleton classes that can be used to access data and to do stuff. You can see the REST API Docs for Magnifier here.


guys i didnt really write an entire reaction system in css ok?





Contributors 4
