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Community project to classify, identify and protect your privileges based on Enterprise Access Model (EAM)


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EntraOps (Privileged EAM) - Management and Monitoring of Enterprise Access Model


EntraOps is a personal research project to show capabilities for automated management of Microsoft Entra ID tenant at scale by using DevOps-approach. At this time, a PowerShell module and GitHub repository template is available to analyze privileges and use a (customizable) classification model to identify the sensitive of access (based on Microsoft's Enterprise Access Model). The solution can be used on any platform which supports PowerShell Core. Therefore, you have the option to run EntraOps in DevOps, serverless or local environments.

Key features

  • 🚀 Automation for deployment in GitHub, support local execution or any platform which supports PowerShell Core

  • ☑️ Track changes and history of privileged principals and their assignments "as code"

  • 🆕 Automation to update classification templates, PowerShell module and other resources from repository

  • 👑 Identify privileged assets based on automated and full customizable classification of Enterprise Access “tiering” model. Integration to customize Control Plane scope automatically by critical assets in Microsoft Security Exposure Management, high-privileges roles/scope in Microsoft Azure RBAC and privileged objects in Microsoft Entra (by EntraOps).

  • 🔬 Ingest classification data with all details to custom table in Microsoft Sentinel/Log Analytics Workspace or WatchLists for hunting and enrichment. Including support for Sentinel WatchList templates (High Value Assets, VIP Users and Identity Correlation)

  • 🤖 Advanced WatchLists to get insights (e.g., relation between managed identities and Azure Resources) but also information about security posture of Workload Identities by Microsoft Entra Recommendations and Microsoft Defender for Cloud CSPM (Attack Paths).

  • 📊 Build reports or queries on your classified privileges to identify "tier breach" on Microsoft's Enterprise Access Model or privilege escalation paths. Workbook template to visualize classification data of role assignments (identified by EntraOps) and objects (by using custom security attributes)

  • 🛡️ Automated assignment of privileged assets in Conditional Access Groups and Restricted Management Administrative Units (RMAU) to protect high-privileged assets from lower privileges and apply strong Zero Trust policies. Privileged users and groups without existing restricted management by assignment to Administrative Unit (AU), role-assignable group or Entra ID role will be automatically covered by assignmend to a RMAU (named "UnprotectedObjects").

Currently the following RBAC systems are supported:

  • 🔑 Microsoft Entra roles
  • 🔄 Microsoft Entra Identity Governance
  • 🤖 Microsoft Graph App Roles
  • 🖥️ Microsoft Intune

The following RBAC systems are in development and will be released soon:

  • ☁️ Microsoft Azure (RBAC)
  • 💵 Microsoft Billing Profiles (Enterprise Agreement)

EntraOps PowerShell module can be executed locally, as part of a CI/CD pipeline and any automation/worker environment which supports PowerShell Core. The automation to create a pipeline supports GitHub only yet.

Videos and demos of EntraOps Privileged EAM

Quick starts

Executing EntraOps interactively

A complete list of all existing PowerShell query templates is available as YAML file in the Queries folder.

Import module and sign-in options

Import PowerShell module (by default, required modules will be installed automatically)

Import-Module ./EntraOps

User Interactive with consented Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Connect-EntraOps -AuthenticationType "UserInteractive" -TenantName <TenantName>

User Interactive in GitHub Codespaces with consented Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Connect-EntraOps -AuthenticationType "DeviceAuthentication" -TenantName <TenantName>

User-Assigned Managed Identity

Connect-EntraOps -AuthenticationType "UserAssignedMSI" -TenantName <TenantName>`
-AccountId <UserAssignedMSIObjectId>

Service Principal with ClientSecret

$ServicePrincipalCredentials = Get-Credential
Connect-AzAccount -Credential $ServicePrincipalCredentials -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $TenantName
Connect-EntraOps -TenantName $TenantName -AuthenticationType "AlreadyAuthenticated" -TenantName

Workload with already authenticated Azure PowerShell

Connect-EntraOps -AuthenticationType "AlreadyAuthenticated" -TenantName ""

Export and collecting EntraOps data

Export all classification of privileged objects with assignments to Entra ID directory roles and Microsoft Graph API permissions in EntraOps

Save-EntraOpsPrivilegedEAMJson -RBACSystems @("EntraID", "ResourceApps")

Save all Privileged Identities in Entra ID, Identity Governance and Resource Apps in a variable

$EntraOpsData = Get-EntraOpsPrivilegedEAM -RbacSystem ("EntraID", "IdentityGovernance","ResourceApps")

Filter on classification in EntraOps

All privileged objects with Control Plane Permissions

$EntraOpsData | Where-Object { $_.RoleAssignments.Classification.AdminTierLevelName -contains "ControlPlane" }

All privileged objects with permissions with related permissions to "Conditional Access"

$EntraOpsData | Where-Object { $_.RoleAssignments.Classification.Service -contains "Conditional Access" }

Entra ID Custom Roles with role actions which has been classified as "Control Plane"

$EntraOpsData | Where-Object {$_.RoleSystem -eq "EntraID"} `
| select-Object -ExpandProperty RoleAssignments `
| Where-Object {$_.RoleType -eq "CustomRole" -and $_.Classification.AdminTierLevelName -contains "ControlPlane"}

Filter on classified objects and object details

Administrative Units with assigned privileged objects

$EntraIdRoles | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AssignedAdministrativeUnits `
| Select-Object -Unique displayName | Sort-Object displayName

External users with privileged role assignments

$EntraOpsData | Where-Object { $_.ObjectSubType -eq "Guest"}

Hybrid identities with privileges (excl. Directory Synchronization Service Account)

$EntraIdRoles | Where-Object { $_.OnPremSynchronized -eq $true `
  -and $_.RoleAssignments.RoleDefinitionName -notcontains "Directory Synchronization Accounts" }

Privileged objects (e.g., groups or service principals) with privileges and delegations by ownership

$EntraOpsData | Where-Object { $_.Owners -ne $null}

Privileged objects without restricted management by assigning role-assignable group membership, Entra ID role or RMAU membership (excluding service principal which are not protected by those features)

$EntraOpsData `
  | Where-Object {$_.RestrictedManagementByRAG -ne $True `
    -and $_.RestrictedManagementByAadRole -ne $True `
    -and $_.RestrictedManagementByRMAU -ne $True `
    -and $_.ObjectType -ne "serviceprincipal"}

Role Assignments by using eligible membership in "PIM for Groups" or nested group membership

$EntraOpsData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RoleAssignments `
 | Where-Object {$_.RoleAssignmentSubType -eq "Eligible member" -or $_.RoleAssignmentSubType -like "*Nested*"} `
 | sort-object RoleAssignmentSubType `
 | ft RoleAssignmentId, RoleAssignmentScopeName, RoleSystem, RoleAssignmentType, RoleAssignmentSubType, PIMAssignmentType, Transitive*

Role Assignments of privileges without using PIM capabilities (excluded service principals)

$EntraOpsData | select-Object -ExpandProperty RoleAssignments `
 | Where-Object {$_.ObjectType -ne "serviceprincipal" -and $_.PIMAssignmentType -ne "Eligible"}

Using EntraOps with GitHub

All steps to use automated setup for configuring GitHub and Microsoft Entra Workload ID for EntraOps

  1. Create repository from this template Choose private repository to keep data internal

  2. Clone your new EntraOps repository to your client or use GitHub Codespace. Devcontainer is available to load the required dependencies.

  3. Import EntraOps PowerShell Module in PowerShell Core

    Import-Module ./EntraOps
  4. Create a new EntraOps.config File and update the settings based on your parameters and use case Tip: Use Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication before executing New-EntraOpsConfigFile if you are using GitHub Codespaces or Cloud Shell to perform Device Authentication.

    New-EntraOpsConfigFile -TenantName <TenantName>
  5. Optional: Create a data collection rule and endpoint if you want to ingest data to custom table in Log Analytics or Microsoft Sentinel workspace. Follow the instructions from Microsoft Learn to configure a data collection endpoint, custom table, and transformation rule. Use as table name "PrivilegedEAM_CL" to make sure the parser will works on your created custom table. Execute EntraOps interactively and execute "Save-EntraOpsPrivilegedEAMJson" to create a JSON file which can be used as sample data.

    Recommendation: There is a limitation of 10 KB for a single WatchList entry. This limit can be exceeded in the case of a high number of property items (e.g., classification or owner properties). Therefore, I can strongly recommend choosing "Custom tables" in a large environment. If you are choosing WatchList as ingestion option, keep an eye on the deployment logs for any warnings of this limitation. Entries will not be added if the limit has been exceeded.

  6. Review and customize the EntraOps.config file based on your requirements.

    • TenantId and TenantName should be already updated based on the provided parameters to create the config file. ClientId will be automatically updated by running the cmdlet New-EntraOpsWorkloadIdentity.
    • The default scheduled time for running the pull workflow will be a also enabled (PullScheduledTrigger) and defined (PullScheduledCron) in the config file. By default, the workflow to ingest data will be triggered right after the pull has been completed (by default value of PushAfterPullWorkflowTrigger).
    • Automated updates for classification templates from AzurePrivilegedIAM repository (AutomatedClassificationUpdate) or Control Plane scope (ApplyAutomatedControlPlaneScopeUpdate) can also be enabled by parameters. Customization of classification updates or data source to identify Control Plane assets is also available from here.
    • Review the settings in the section AutomatedEntraOpsUpdate to configure an automated update of the EntraOps PowerShell module on demand or scheduled basis.
    • Enable and update the following parameters if you want to ingest classification data to Custom Tables in Microsoft Sentinel/Log Analytics Workspace (IngestToLogAnalytics) or Microsoft Sentinel WatchLists (IngestToWatchLists). You need to add the required parameters of the workspace and/or data collection endpoints.
      • Optional: Use parameter WatchListTemplates to define Microsoft Sentinel WatchList templates which should be updated based on EntraOps data. Use the value All to update VIP Users, High Value Assets and Identity Correlation watchlists.
      • Optional: Use parameter WatchListWorkloadIdentity to create and update WatchList Templates for Workload Identities which are required for EntraOps workbooks and enhanced enrichment in combination with EntraOps data. Use the value All or one of the following values to create the WatchLists for Workload Identities:
        • "ManagedIdentityAssignedResourceId" - List of resources with assigned Managed Identity
        • "WorkloadIdentityAttackPaths" - List of attack paths in Microsoft Defender for Cloud for service principals and managed identities
        • "WorkloadIdentityInfo" - List of service principals with detailed information for Workload Identity
        • "WorkloadIdentityRecommendations" - List of recommendations for Workload Identity in Microsoft Entra ID
    • Enable and configure AutomatedConditionalAccessTargetGroups if you like to create Security Groups for Conditional Access Policies automatically. Name of the Administrative Unit and scope can be customized by the properties in this section.
    • Creation and Management of Administrative Unit based on the selected EntraOps Tiering can be automated by using AutomatedAdministrativeUnitManagement. All supported objects (users and groups) will be added to the Administrative Unit. RestrictedAuMode allows to control if a RMAU will be created for RBAC Systems outside of Microsoft Entra which are not using role-assignable group usually.
    • All privileged users outside of existing protection by role-assignable group, existing (Restricted) Management Administrative Unit (RMAU) or role-assignable groups can be protected by the setting AutomatedRmauAssignmentsForUnprotectedObjects. All users or groups without restricted management will be added automatically to an RMAU for protection.
  7. Create an application registration with required permissions (Global Admin role required and User Access Administrator). All necessary permissions on Microsoft Graph API permissions but also Azure RBAC roles for data collection and/or ingestion (if configured in EntraOps.config) will be added. Administrative Unit, based on the defined name in the config file (AdminUnitName) for Conditional Access Groups will be created to scoped delegation on Group Administrator if ApplyConditionalAccessTargetGroups has been enabled.

    New-EntraOpsWorkloadIdentity -AppDisplayName entraops -CreateFederatedCredential -GitHubOrg "<YourGitHubUser/Org>" -GitHubRepo "<YourRepoName (e.g., EntraOps-Contoso)> -FederatedEntityType "Branch" -FederatedEntityName "main"
  8. Update GitHub workflow definition based on the definitions in EntraOps.config


EntraOps Integration in Microsoft Sentinel

Parser for Custom Tables and WatchLists

I have built a parser which ensures a standardized schema for EntraOps data across the various ingestion options. This allows you to use the same queries and workbooks, regardless of whether you have used WatchLists or Custom Table.

Deploy the according parser for your ingestion option. Recommendation: Choose the parser for "Custom table" if you have enabled ingestion to both targets.

Parser for Custom Table (Log Analytics/Sentinel Workspace)

[![Deploy to Azure](](

Parser for Microsoft Sentinel Watchlists

[![Deploy to Azure](](

Examples to use EntraOps data in Unified SecOps Platform (Sentinel and XDR)

Devices in Exposure Management with authentication from Control Plane users

let ClassifiedTier0User = PrivilegedEAM
                | where Classification contains "ControlPlane"
                | where ObjectType == "user"
                | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ObjectId
                | project tostring(ObjectId), tostring(ObjectAdminTierLevel);
let Tier0Nodes = ExposureGraphNodes
                | where NodeLabel == "user"
                | mv-expand parse_json(EntityIds)
                | where parse_json(EntityIds).type == "AadObjectId"
                | extend NodeId = tostring(NodeId)
                | extend AadObjectId = tostring(parse_json(EntityIds).id)
                | extend TenantId = extract("tenantid=([\\w-]+)", 1, AadObjectId)
                | extend ObjectId = tostring(extract("objectid=([\\w-]+)", 1, AadObjectId))
                | where ObjectId in (ClassifiedTier0User);
let SensitiveRelation = dynamic(["can authenticate as","has credentials of","can authenticate as", "frequently logged in by"]);                
| where TargetNodeId in (Tier0Nodes) and EdgeLabel in (SensitiveRelation)
| where SourceNodeLabel == "device"
// Get details of devices
| join kind = inner ( ExposureGraphNodes ) on $left.SourceNodeId == $right.NodeId
// Get ObjectId of Target (Tier0) Nodes
| join kind = inner ( Tier0Nodes ) on $left.TargetNodeId == $right.NodeId
| mv-expand parse_json(NodeProperties)
| summarize make_list(EdgeLabel) by SourceNodeName, SourceNodeLabel, tostring(SourceNodeCategories), TargetNodeId, TargetNodeName, TargetNodeLabel, tostring(TargetNodeCategories),
    VulnerableToPrivilegeEscalation = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(tostring(NodeProperties.rawData)).highRiskVulnerabilityInsights)).vulnerableToPrivilegeEscalation),
    MdeExpsoureScore = tostring(parse_json(NodeProperties).rawData.exposureScore),
    MdeRiskScore = tostring(parse_json(NodeProperties).rawData.riskScore),
    MdeSensorHealth = tostring(parse_json(NodeProperties).rawData.sensorHealthState),
    MdeMachineGroup = tostring(parse_json(NodeProperties).rawData.machineGroup)

Resources with access or authentication to classified privileges in EntraOps

let SensitiveRelation = dynamic(["can authenticate as","has credentials of","affecting", "can authenticate as", "frequently logged in by"]);
let ClassifiedTier0Assets = PrivilegedEAM
                | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by tostring(ObjectId);
let Tier0Nodes = ExposureGraphNodes
                | mv-expand parse_json(EntityIds)
                | where parse_json(EntityIds).type == "AadObjectId"
                | extend NodeId = tostring(NodeId)
                | extend AadObjectId = tostring(parse_json(EntityIds).id)
                | extend TenantId = extract("tenantid=([\\w-]+)", 1, AadObjectId)
                | extend ObjectId = extract("objectid=([\\w-]+)", 1, AadObjectId)
                | where ObjectId in (ClassifiedTier0Assets);
let ExposedEdges = ExposureGraphEdges
            | where EdgeLabel in (SensitiveRelation)
            | extend TargetNodeId = tostring(TargetNodeId)
            | join kind=inner ( Tier0Nodes ) on $left.TargetNodeId == $right.NodeId;
| join kind=inner ( ExposedEdges ) on ObjectId
| project Type2, SourceNodeName, SourceNodeLabel, SourceNodeCategories, EdgeLabel, TargetNodeId, TargetNodeLabel, TargetNodeCategories, Classification, RoleAssignments, Categories

Workbook for visualization of EntraOps classification data

The following Workbook can be used to check users, workload identities, groups, and their classified role assignments by EntraOps. It allows you also to filter for hybrid/cloud users and/or specific tiered administration level from by the classification of object or role assignments.

Pre-requisite: EntraOps data has been ingested to WatchList or Custom Table and the associated Parser has been deployed.

EntraOps Privileged EAM - Overview

Deploy to Azure

EntraOps Privileged EAM - Workload Identities

Deploy to Azure

Classify privileged objects by Custom Security Attributes

You might want to classify privileged users on the target Enterprise Access Level and relation to user/device. By default, the following custom security attributes will be used to identify what is the purposed tiered level of the user or workload identity.

  • privilegedUser
  • privilegedWorkloadIdentitiy

These attributes should be already set by the provisioning process. Check out the following blog posts to learn more about the integration:

The purpsoed tiered level of a user or workload identity will be visible as attribute ObjectAdminTierLevel and ObjectAdminTierLevelName in the EntraOps data of the user principal.

In addition, custom security attributes will be also used to build a correlation between the privileged user and the associated PAW device and regular work account.

  • associatedSecureAdminWorkstation
  • associatedWorkAccount

Permissions to read the custom security attributes needs to be granted manually to the service principal which will be used by EntraOps.

Classification of Identity Governance delegation and roles

Microsoft Entra Identity Governance allows to delegate and grant roles on catalog-level. There are two methods of classification of those delegations in EntraOps.

  • TaggedBy "JSONwithAction": Define the classification by scope and role in the classification template file "Classification_IdentityGovernance.json" manually. The schema is like the other classification templates and offers flexible tagging for your classification of Tiered Administration Level and Service.
  • TaggedBy "AssignedCatalogObjects": EntraOps is collecting the classification data of assigned resources in a catalog and applies the classification to the scope of the delegated role. This needs no further manual tagging and ensures that privileged or role-assignable groups will be identified in access packages and catalogs. Any delegation to this scope will get the TierLevelDefinition of the assigned resource.

Example of Identity Governance role which has been classified by tagging of classification template file (JSON) and assigned objects:

"RoleAssignments": [
        "RoleAssignmentId": "58c673ff-dc05-4038-9a59-826e777289c2",
        "RoleAssignmentScopeId": "/AccessPackageCatalog/5279fb65-7ccf-460b-8893-75087b855588",
        "RoleAssignmentScopeName": "Privileged Access - Helpdesk Delegation to change passwords of admins",
        "RoleAssignmentType": "Direct",
        "RoleAssignmentSubType": "",
        "PIMManagedRole": false,
        "PIMAssignmentType": "Permanent",
        "RoleDefinitionName": "Catalog owner",
        "RoleDefinitionId": "ae79f266-94d4-4dab-b730-feca7e132178",
        "RoleType": "BuiltIn",
        "RoleIsPrivileged": null,
        "ObjectId": "f742b7a6-d2b6-497d-9443-215505d5998a",
        "ObjectType": "user",
        "TransitiveByObjectId": "",
        "TransitiveByObjectDisplayName": "",
        "Classification": [
            "AdminTierLevel": "0",
            "AdminTierLevelName": "ControlPlane",
            "Service": "Entitlement Management",
            "TaggedBy": "JSONwithAction"
            "AdminTierLevel": "0",
            "AdminTierLevelName": "ControlPlane",
            "Service": "Privileged User Management",
            "TaggedBy": "AssignedCatalogObjects"

Identify delegated management with different classifications

The following PowerShell query helps to identify delegated roles on catalogs to an user which owns not the same classification as the assigned resources. For example, regular user has access as "Catalog owner" which includes resources of role-assignable groups with Entra ID role assignments.

$ElmCatalogAssignments = $EntraOpsData | where-object {$_.RoleSystem -eq "IdentityGovernance"} `
                            | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RoleAssignments `
                            | Where-Object {$_.Classification.TaggedBy -contains "AssignedCatalogObjects"}
foreach($ElmCatalogAssignment in $ElmCatalogAssignments){
    $PrincipalClassification = $EntraOpsData | Where-Object {$_.ObjectId -eq $ElmCatalogAssignment.ObjectId} `
                                | Where-Object {$_.RoleSystem -ne "IdentityGovernance"} `
                                | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RoleAssignments `
                                | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Classification `
                                | Select-Object -Unique AdminTierLevelName, Service `
                                | Sort-Object -Property AdminTierLevelName, Service
    if ($null -eq $PrincipalClassification) {
        Write-Warning "No Principal Classification found for $($ElmCatalogAssignment.ObjectId)"
        $PrincipalClassification = @(
                AdminTierLevelName = "User Access"
                Service = "No Classification"
    $ElmCatalogClassification = $ElmCatalogAssignment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Classification `
                                | Where-Object {$_.TaggedBy -eq "AssignedCatalogObjects"} `
                                | Select-Object -Unique AdminTierLevelName, Service `
                                | Sort-Object -Property AdminTierLevelName, Service                              

    $Differences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($ElmCatalogClassification) `
    -DifferenceObject ($PrincipalClassification) -Property AdminTierLevelName, Service `
    | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty SideIndicator
    if ($null -ne $Differences) {
        try {
            $Principal = Get-EntraOpsEntraObject -AadObjectId $ElmCatalogAssignment.ObjectId    
        catch {
            $Principal = [PSCustomObject]@{
                ObjectDisplayName = "Unknown"
                ObjectType = "Unknown"
    if ($Differences) {
        $Differences | ForEach-Object {
                    "PrincipalName" = $Principal.ObjectDisplayName
                    "PrincipalType" = $Principal.ObjectType
                    "RoleAssignmentId" = $ElmCatalogAssignment.RoleAssignmentId
                    "RoleAssignmentScopeId"  = $ElmCatalogAssignment.RoleAssignmentScopeId
                    "RoleAssignmentScopeName"  = $ElmCatalogAssignment.RoleAssignmentScopeName
                    "AdminTierLevelName" = $_.AdminTierLevelName
                    "Service" = $_.Service

Automatic updated Control Plane Scope by EntraOps and other data sources

EntraOps offers an optional feature (ApplyAutomatedControlPlaneScopeUpdate) to identify high-sensitive privileged assignments by other sources and adjustment of Control Plane scope based on using restricted management.

Let's have a few examples about use cases and benefits of using the feature in combination with the supported data sources:

Azure Resource Graph

Included "PrivilegedRolesFromAzGraph" in the property "PrivilegedObjectClassificationSource" of the EntraOps.config file allows to gather privileged role assignments from the Azure Resource Graph. The property "AzureHighPrivilegedRoles" and "AzureHighPrivilegedScopes" allows you to define which Azure RBAC Roles and Scope will be considered as Control Plane scope. Every delegation with a scoped role assignment in Entra ID to the principal (Azure RBAC role member) will be identified as Control Plane. For example, Group Administrator of the Entra ID security group which has been assigned to the "Owner" role on the Tenant Root Group. The following Resource Graph query will be used (parameter "%AzureHighPrivilegedRoles%" and the Scope will be replaced by the value in the EntraOps.config file)

| where type =~ "microsoft.authorization/roleassignments"
| extend principalType = tostring(properties["principalType"])
| extend principalId = tostring(properties["principalId"])
| extend roleDefinitionId = tolower(tostring(properties["roleDefinitionId"]))
| extend scope = tolower(tostring(properties["scope"]))
| where isnotempty(scope)
| join kind=inner ( AuthorizationResources
| where type =~ "microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions"
| extend roleDefinitionId = tolower(id)
| extend Scope = tolower(properties.assignableScopes)
| extend RoleName = (properties.roleName)
| where RoleName in (%AzureHighPrivilegedRoles%)
) on roleDefinitionId
| distinct principalId, principalType

Microsoft Security Exposure Management

Critical assets defined in Microsoft Security Exposure Management (XSPM) can be integrated by using the value "PrivilegedEdgesFromExposureManagement" in the property "PrivilegedObjectClassificationSource". You can also filter by using "ExposureCriticalityLevel" which "tier" classification in the XSPM critical asset management will be included. The following hunting query will be used to identify high-privileged nodes (parameter "%CriticalLevel%" will be replaced by the value in the EntraOps.config file):

let Tier0CloudResources = ExposureGraphNodes
    | where isnotnull(NodeProperties.rawData.criticalityLevel) and (NodeProperties.rawData.criticalityLevel.criticalityLevel %CriticalLevel%) and (NodeProperties.rawData.environmentName == "Azure");
let Tier0EntraObjects = ExposureGraphNodes
    | where isnotnull(NodeProperties.rawData.criticalityLevel) and (NodeProperties.rawData.criticalityLevel.criticalityLevel %CriticalLevel%) and (NodeProperties.rawData.primaryProvider == "AzureActiveDirectory");
let Tier0Devices = ExposureGraphNodes
    | where isnotnull(NodeProperties.rawData.criticalityLevel) and (NodeProperties.rawData.criticalityLevel.criticalityLevel %CriticalLevel%) and (NodeLabel == "device") and (NodeProperties.rawData.isAzureADJoined == true);
let Tier0Assets = union Tier0EntraObjects, Tier0Devices, Tier0CloudResources | project NodeId;
let SensitiveRelation = dynamic(["has permissions to","can authenticate as","has role on","has credentials of","affecting", "can authenticate as", "Member of", "frequently logged in by"]);
// Devices are not supported yet, no AadObject Id available in ExposureGraphNodes, DeviceInfo shows only AadDeviceId
let FilteredNodes = dynamic(["user","group","serviceprincipal","managedidentity","device"]);
| where EdgeLabel in (SensitiveRelation) and (TargetNodeId in (Tier0Assets) or SourceNodeId in (Tier0Assets)) and SourceNodeLabel in (FilteredNodes)
| join kind=leftouter ( ExposureGraphNodes
    | mv-expand parse_json(EntityIds)
    | where parse_json(EntityIds).type == "AadObjectId"
    | extend AadObjectId = tostring(parse_json(EntityIds).id)
    | extend TenantId = extract("tenantid=([\\w-]+)", 1, AadObjectId)
    | extend ObjectId = extract("objectid=([\\w-]+)", 1, AadObjectId)
    | project ObjectDisplayName = NodeName, ObjectType = NodeLabel, ObjectId, NodeId) on $left.SourceNodeId == $right.NodeId
| where isnotempty(ObjectId)
| summarize make_set(EdgeLabel), make_set(TargetNodeName) by ObjectDisplayName, SourceNodeName, ObjectType, ObjectId, NodeId

As already described, any Entra ID role assignment on scope of the critical assets in XSPM will be classified as Control Plane.

Adjusted Control Plane Scope by using Restricted Management and Role Assignments

There are a couple of integrated protection capabilities for privileged assets in Entra ID to avoid management from lower privileged roles. For example, Restricted Management AUs to protect sensitive security groups from membership changes by Group Administrators or reset passwords of users with Entra ID roles by Helpdesk administrators. EntraOps identifies if the objects are protected by these features or only scoped delegations (excluding privileged assets) have been assigned. In this case, the scope of Control Plane will be automatically updated and customized on your environment. For example: Group Administrator on directory level are not classified as "Control Plane" if all privileged groups with assignments on Control Plane privileges are protected by RMAU or using role-assignable groups.

Why were this classification chosen for the role?

Do you like to know which role action is why "Global Reader" has been classified as "Control Plane"? What is the definition of Microsoft's isPrivileged classification on the related role action? AzEntraIdRoleActionsAdvertizer and AzEntraApiPermissionsAdvertizer allows to have a visualized view which role or API permission is assigned to a role and what is the specific Administration Tier Level in EntraOps.

Enter the role definition name in the "used by Roles" and choose the desired tier level in "EntraOps TierLevel" to filter for the associated role action. In this case, read BitLocker keys are classified as "Control Plane" in EntraOps and also flagged as "isPrivileged" by Microsoft.

Update EntraOps PowerShell Module and CI/CD (GitHub Actions)

EntraOps can be updated without losing classification definition and files by using the cmdlet Update-EntraOps. The cmdlet can be executed interactively, and changes must be pushed to your repository. This command updates the PowerShell module, workflow files, repository resources (incl. workbooks and parsers) and parameters in workflows based on "EntraOps.config" file.

Currently, there is also a workflow named "Update-EntraOps" which can be executed on demand or run on scheduled basis (defined in EntraOps.config) and updates the PowerShell module only. There are some restrictions to update workflows by another workflow which makes it hard to update the actions automatically.

Regardless of the way to update EntraOps files, it could be required to update the EntraOps.config file and service principals of EntraOps to take benefit of new features. Create a new EntraOps.config file or add manually the named properties in the description of the feature. Use New-EntraOpsWorkloadIdentity in combination of the parameter -ExistingSpObjectId and the object ID of the EntraOps service principal (Example: New-EntraOpsWorkloadIdentity -AppDisplayName "EntraOps-CloudLab" -ExistingSpObjectId eca9154b-0d2a-4609-aa41-064eb317bfb3). Ignore errors regarding existing API permissions or conflicts with existing roles.

Don't forget to update your workflow files by using the cmdlet Update-EntraOpsRequiredWorkflowParameters.

I recommend to remove and create a service principal but also re-create the EntraOps.config file if there should be any issues by updating EntraOps.


Added features, changes or bug fixes can be found in the GitHub issues of the repository or in the changelog.

Disclaimer and License

This tool is provided as-is, with no warranties. Code or documentation contributions, issue reports and feature requests are always welcome! Please use GitHub issue to review existing or create new issues. The EntraOps project is MIT licensed.


Community project to classify, identify and protect your privileges based on Enterprise Access Model (EAM)





