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An additive dynamic model for correcting raw numerical model outputs using data from other sources, including readings collected at ground monitoring networks and weather outputs from other numerical models.

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Additive Dynamic Models for Correcting Numerical Model Outputs

Data and Code for the paper: Y. Chen, X. Chang, F. Luo, and H. Huang (2023). Additive Dynamic Models for Correcting Numerical Model Outputs, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 187: 107799.


Daily $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations of China's Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region are from two sources, namely the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) system and national monitoring stations. The datasets contain the winter of 2015 described in Section 2 of the manuscript. Besides $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations, these datasets contain many necessary covariates, such as longitude, latitude, air pressure, temperature, cumulative wind power, and other variables.

There are several ``.RData'' files:

  • SiteData.RData is for $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations from 68 monitoring stations, which had been fused with outputs from numerical models by downscaler methods; see the manuscript for more details on data fusion;
  • China_BTH_GeoMap.RData is for the related geographic data that can be used to plot maps of the BTH region;
  • CMAQ_NAQPMS_Grid_Cell.RData is for the grid cell coordinates of two numerical models;
  • Other data files, such as Simu_data.RData, are used to test models, which were generated from a model with a nonseparable spatio-temporal covariance of the Gneiting class (Gneiting, 2002).

We have developed an R package - ADCM for this work. Using our ADCM package, these data files can be loaded by using the ``data'' function.

  • Spatial distributions for the monitoring stations and two numerical model grid cells in the BTH region

Figure 1: Maps of the BTH region under different gridding systems with the locations of 68 monitoring stations marked by the red dots. (a) Map with the centroids of 5,587 9-km CMAQ grids (gray dots). (b) Map with the centroids of 2,141 15-km NAQPMS grids (gray dots).

Software packages

There are two parts to our codes:

  1. The MEnKS-EM algorithm was written into the ADCM package in the R statistical environment;
  2. A project entitled ``ADCMs.Rproj'' in the RStudio environment was built to reproduce all the results (e.g., figures and tables) in this work.
# Require core package
1. R >= 4.2.1
2. Rcpp >= 1.0.7
3. mgcv >= 1.8-41

Installing and loading dependent packages

  • Open the project file, ``ADCMs.Rproj'', based on the RStudio tool.

  • Install all the dependent packages via the following command:


Moreover, the ADCM package can be installed by running:

 install.packages("./LoadPackages/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")

An example for the ADCM

# remove.packages("ADCM")
# install.packages("./LoadPackages/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
rm(list = ls())
data("SiteData", package = "ADCM")
data("China_BTH_GeoMap", package = "ADCM")
#                  Set tuning parameters
Ch <- .3; Cs <- .1; Ct <- 1; Ne <- 100

#-- Provide a name for a list of all objects that will be saved
tab.1 <- strsplit(as.character(Ch), ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
tab.2 <- strsplit(as.character(Cs), ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
# tab <- paste0(tab.1, "_", tab.2, "_", Ct)
tab <- paste0("_", tab.1, "_", tab.2)
adcm.table <- paste0( "ADCM", tab)

# Combine other variables with the time variable
DATE_TIME <- unique(obs_PM25_2015w$DATE_TIME) %>% sort()
Nt <- length(DATE_TIME)
date.time <- data.frame(time.index = 1:Nt,
                        time.scale = seq(0, 1, , Nt),
                        DATE_TIME = DATE_TIME)
Model_Base_Table <- obs_PM25_2015w  %>% left_join(date.time, by = c("DATE_TIME"))

#-- Do transformation for some variables 
Model_Base_Table[, c("sim50_CMAQ_PM25")] <- sqrt(Model_Base_Table[, c("sim50_CMAQ_PM25")])
# Do grids and create a basis matrix H
colnames(Map_BTH)[1:2] <- c("LON", "LAT")
Boundary <-
names(Boundary) <- c("LON", "LAT")
model.Grid <- makeGrids(Boundary, nLayer = 2, NC = 15, nBuffer = 3.5) <- CreateHmatrix(grid_coords = model.Grid, 
                              Geo_Map_Coord =,
                              method = c("Wendland"), 
                              Site = Site, 
                              factor = 1, 
                              Ch = Ch, 
                              distance.scale = 1e3,
                              Knots.clip.ratio = .10,
                              hs.normal = FALSE) 
#                Constructing data lists used in the ADCM 
ADCM_Data <- Construct_ADCM_Data(data = Model_Base_Table,
                                 include = list(
                                   YEAR = c(2015, 2016),
                                   month_day = c("11-01", "1-31")
                                 Y = "REAL_PM25",
                                 X = c("sim50_CMAQ_PM25"
                                       , "time.scale"
                                       , "sim_TEMP"
                                       , "sim_SPRESS"
                                       , "sim_WIND_X"
                                       , "sim_WIND_Y"
                                 standard = T, 
                                 center = T, 
                                 start.index = 2)
#                               Model setting
  #--                        Initialize  parameters
  nx <- dim(ADCM_Data$X_ts)[1]
  zeta <- sqrt(50/(2*sqrt(2)))
  para <- list(beta = list(E_beta = c(3.5, 0.5, rep(0, nx - 2))), 
               rho = list(E_rho = 1e-1) 
               , zeta = list(E_zeta = zeta, lower = 1E-3, upper = 1e1)
               , zeta0 = list(E_zeta0 = zeta, lower = 1E-3, upper = 1e1)
               , phi = list(E_phi = 5e1, lower = 1e1, upper = 5e2) 
               , Obs.sigma.sq = list(E_sigma.sq = 1) 
               , Proc0.tau.sq = list(E_tau.sq = 1)
               , Proc.tau.sq = list(E_tau.sq = 1)
#                 The formula for additive models
# the list of parameters for the nonlinear part 
bs <- " 'cc' "; k <- 5
formula.exp <- paste0("REAL_PM25 ~ sim50_CMAQ_PM25  +
s(time.scale, k = ", k + 4, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_TEMP, k = ", k, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_SPRESS, k = ", k, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_WIND_X, k = ", k, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_WIND_Y, k = ", k + 4, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2)")
# formula.exp <- paste0("REAL_PM25 ~ sim50_CMAQ_PM25")
#                          Model fitting and prediction
star.time <- proc.time()
cv.ADCM <- ADCM(Mean.formula = formula.exp,
                Tab = adcm.table,
                ADCM.Data = ADCM_Data, 
                para = para, 
                Ensemble.size = Ne,
                CV = FALSE, 
                plot = TRUE,
                Database = NULL, #list(
                # DSN = odbcConnect(dsn = "DSN_01", 
                #                   uid = "myname",
                #                   pwd = "mypwd",
                #                   believeNRows = FALSE,
                #                   case = "toupper")),
                verbose.EM = TRUE,
                verbose = TRUE, 
                Object = "CITY",
                response.transf = c("sr"),
                itMin = 1e1,
                cs = Cs, 
                ct = Ct,
                tol.real = 1e-2, 
                itMax = 5e1)
end.time <- proc.time()
run_time <- (end.time - star.time)[3] 
save(Fit, file = "./2_Calibration/all_Fit.RData")

Estimated nonlinear functions

Based on the proposed ADCM, we obtained the nonlinear relationships between the observed $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations and other meteorological variables, and Figure 2 presents the estimated nonlinear functions $\hat{g}(\cdot)$ with conditionally simulated 95% confidence intervals (CI).

Figure 2: Figures (a)-(e) represent the estimates of functions for time, surface temperature, surface pressure, and eastern and northern cumulative wind powers, respectively.


An additive dynamic model for correcting raw numerical model outputs using data from other sources, including readings collected at ground monitoring networks and weather outputs from other numerical models.







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