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Chatbot-Taiwan bot

A chatbot from the Chatbot Taiwan community❤️


If you want to use the LINE chatbot, Please go to LINE Developers to register an account, and get Channel secret and Channel access token, and fill in .env (LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET and LINE_ACCESS_TOKEN)


The chatbot is built with Bottender.

First, run npm install to install the dependency package.

Then, run tsc -w to compile typescript files to /disc folder.

At last run npm start in production mode or npm run dev in development mode

Finally, you are ready to interact with your bot :)

Rembmer, you have to manually copy your webhook url (default: /webhooks/line) to LINE@ account's setting page

Running the tests



  • function list
  • Ask questions in meetup
  • Facebook link
  • Chatbot Taiwan introduction
  • OCF link

Built With

Bottender - A framework for building conversational user interfaces.

TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.


NiJia, Eric


Chatbot Taiwan Community❤️