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Eki Lib

A minecraft library provides modern station system.


  • Station System -
    Don't have a proper way to maintain your railway system?
    Try this one! This system will define a working station to handle several service in you real block stsation.

  • Ticket System -
    Having trouble to keep up railway without fine income?
    Don't worry! Now you can have sell ticket and force them to pass the ticket gate!

Adding Eki Lib to your project

Firstly, Eki Lib doesn't have a maven repo. Instead, you can use JitPack to include the library in your mod.

Step 1: Add the following code to your build.gradle without modified any other setting from ForgeGradle

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Step 2: Add target version of Eki Lib, see Releases in Eki Lib for versions.

dependencies {
    compile fg.deobf('com.github.ChAoSUnItY:EkiLib:EKI_LIB_VERSION_HERE')

Step 3: Refresh your gradle, after it's done, you can now code with Eki Lib!