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Hex sticker for ethnobotanyR

Cory Whitney CWWhitney

Here is a brief walk-through on how to use a version of the sticker function from hexSticker (Yu 2021) to generate the hex sticker for the ethnobotanyR package (Whitney 2021).

Quick Links
Generate a sticker
Bordeless sticker
Small sticker

Create a version of the sticker function from hexSticker. The new function is, quite originally, named hex_sticker.

hex_sticker <-function (subplot, s_x = 0.8, s_y = 0.75, s_width = 0.4, s_height = 0.5, 
    package, p_x = 1, p_y = 1.4, p_color = "#FFFFFF", p_family = "Aller_Rg", 
    p_size = 8, h_size = 1.2, h_fill = "#1881C2", h_color = "#87B13F", 
    spotlight = FALSE, l_x = 1, l_y = 0.5, l_width = 3, l_height = 3, 
    l_alpha = 0.4, url = "", u_x = 1, u_y = 0.08, u_color = "black", 
    u_family = "Aller_Rg", u_size = 1.5, u_angle = 30, white_around_sticker = FALSE, 
    ..., filename = paste0(package, ".png"), asp = 1, dpi = 2000) 
    hex <- ggplot() + geom_hexagon(size = h_size, fill = h_fill, 
        color = NA)
    if (inherits(subplot, "character")) {
        d <- data.frame(x = s_x, y = s_y, image = subplot)
        sticker <- hex + geom_image(aes_(x = ~x, y = ~y, image = ~image), 
            d, size = s_width, asp = asp)
    else {
        sticker <- hex + geom_subview(subview = subplot, x = s_x, 
            y = s_y, width = s_width, height = s_height)
    sticker <- sticker + geom_hexagon(size = h_size, fill = NA, 
        color = h_color)
    if (spotlight) 
        sticker <- sticker + geom_subview(subview = spotlight(l_alpha), 
            x = l_x, y = l_y, width = l_width, height = l_height)
    sticker <- sticker + geom_pkgname(package, p_x, p_y, p_color, 
        p_family, p_size, ...)
    sticker <- sticker + geom_url(url, x = u_x, y = u_y, color = u_color, 
        family = u_family, size = u_size, angle = u_angle)
    if (white_around_sticker) 
        sticker <- sticker + white_around_hex(size = h_size)
    sticker <- sticker + theme_sticker(size = h_size)
    save_sticker(filename, sticker, dpi = dpi)

Create a small data set for the plot in the middle of the sticker.

eth_data <- data.frame(variable = as.factor(1:10),
                 value = sample(10, replace = TRUE))

Use the coord_polar function from ggplot2 to make the central chord bar plot (Wickham et al. 2020). Different each time this is run.

ethnobotanyR_sticker <- ggplot(eth_data, 
  aes(variable, value, fill = variable)) +
  geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0:nlevels(eth_data$variable)) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme_void() + 
  theme_transparent() + 

Generate a sticker

Generate a png file of the hex sticker using the new hex_sticker function.

hex_sticker(ethnobotanyR_sticker, p_size=6, s_x=1, s_y=.75, s_width=1.5, s_height=1.2, h_fill = "lightgreen", h_color = "forestgreen", p_family = "serif", p_color = "forestgreen", package="ethnobotanyR", url = "CRAN: ethnobotanyR", u_size = 2)

Bordeless sticker

Securely bordeless

Small sticker

Chord diagrams for future stickers

Create a simple chord plot in R (R Core Team 2021) and use colors from RColorBrewer to fill the connections (Neuwirth 2014).

The ethnobotanyR package also has options for producing chord diagrams with (Gu 2021) that may be part of future stickers (Whitney 2021). Here is an example with the built-in data set ethnobotanydata.

ethno_chord_plot_sticker_mid <- ethnoChord(ethnobotanydata, by = "sp_name")


Gu, Zuguang. 2021. Circlize: Circular Visualization.

Neuwirth, Erich. 2014. RColorBrewer: ColorBrewer Palettes.

R Core Team. 2021. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

Whitney, Cory. 2021. EthnobotanyR: Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices.

Wickham, Hadley, Winston Chang, Lionel Henry, Thomas Lin Pedersen, Kohske Takahashi, Claus Wilke, Kara Woo, Hiroaki Yutani, and Dewey Dunnington. 2020. Ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics.

Yu, Guangchuang. 2021. HexSticker: Create Hexagon Sticker in R.


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