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SequenceLab is a benchmark suite for evaluating computational methods for comparing genomic sequences, such as pre-alignment filters and pairwise sequence alignment algorithms. SequenceLab is described by Rumpf et al. at

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SequenceLab enables comprehensive benchmarks of computational methods for comparing genomic sequences. SequenceLab is written in C, but compiled in using g++ to increase compatibility with filters written in C++. It was designed to be incredibly lightweight and only add minimal overhead to running the filters themselves.

SequenceLab includes implementations and comparisons of the following pre-alignment filtering and alignment algorithms, and new algorithms can be added easily if a C/C++ implementation is available:

  1. Adjacency
  2. Base Counting
  3. Shouji
  4. Q-Gram
  6. Hamming Distance
  7. GateKeeper
  8. SneakySnake
  9. GRIM
  10. KSW2
  11. Edlib


Download SequenceLab and compile it using g++:

git clone && cd SequenceLab

Obtaining Test Data

We provide .tss files, containing sequence pairs derived from real sequencing data. They can be downloaded from Zenodo using the following commands:



At a high level, SequenceLab accepts a .tss file containing genomic sequence pairs as input and runs each filter on each pair. It then outputs a binary value for each filter and pair, indicating whether the filter accepted or rejected the pair. Acceptance or rejection depends on the edit distance threshold, specified as a parameter sweep.

For example, the following code runs all filters on the Illumina dataset, using the default parameters:

./main --file testdata/illumina/Illumina_chained_10M.tss

This will generate a results directory with three types of output files:

  • results/grid_X.csv: A CSV file containing a line for each sequence pair. Each evaluated filter has a column, and entries are boolean values indicating if a given filter accepted or rejected a given sequence pair for the edit distance threshold X (in percent).
  • results/histogram.csv: A histogram of the evaluated read error rates (in percent).
  • results/runtime.csv: A CSV file containing the runtime of each filter for each edit distance threshold (average). These files can be used to e.g. calculate the accuracy of each individual filter, combinations of filters, or their sensitivity to the edit distance threshold using simply pandas-based python scripts.

By default, SequenceLab runs each filter on only the first 100 sequence pairs. This value can (and for full experiment runs should) be overridden. E.g., to use all sequence pairs in Illumina_chained_10M.tss, use the following commands:

NUM_LINES=$(wc -l < testdata/illumina/Illumina_chained_10M.tss)
./main --file testdata/illumina/Illumina_chained_10M.tss --read-count $NUM_LINES

You can find a full list of parameters, their descriptions, and default values by running ./main --help.

Output Formats

The suite outputs three types of .csv files.


The histogram describes the edit distance distribution over the supplied sequence pairs. Suppose a pair has an edit distance $e$, with sequence lengths $s_1$ and $s_2$. Then the bucket with index $\lfloor\frac{e}{min(s_1, ; s_2)}\rfloor$ is incremented by one. In lay-terms, we count how often pairs of a given edit distance percentage occur.

If full-edlib is not set, the histogram only measures edit distances up to the max-edit-distance specified. Pairs with a higher edit distance are reported as having an edit distance of 100%.

The prefix – without the .csv ending – can be specified using the --histogram-file-prefix argument. The default file name is histogram.csv.


For each edit distance threshold, we output a grid .csv that records the accept/reject decision for each filter and sequence pair. Additionally, we record the length of the read, the absolute threshold & Edlib's edit distance estimate.

An example grid file for a handful of sequences and filters is shown below. An entry is $1$, if the filter accepts the pair and $0$ if it rejects the pair. The edlib_estimate is either a positive number if the actual edit distance is below the error_threshold or $-1$ if it is above it.

Shouji Q-Gram SneakySnake GRIM edlib edlib_estimate error_threshold read_length
0 0 0 1 0 -1 10 151
1 0 0 0 0 -1 10 151
0 0 0 0 0 -1 10 151
0 0 0 0 0 -1 10 151
1 0 0 0 0 -1 10 151
1 0 0 0 0 -1 10 151
1 0 0 1 0 -1 10 151
0 0 0 0 0 -1 10 151

This grid can then be used to determine false accepts, sensitivity, or any other binary metric. Furthermore, it can be used to understand which filters do similar work – i.e. discard the same sequence pairs.

The prefix – without the .csv ending – can be specified using the --grid-prefix argument. The default grid names are grid_X.csv, where X corresponds to the edit distance threshold in percent.

Execution Time

This .csv records the execution time for each of the filters. The first column shows the edit distance in percent. The next set of columns show the total execution time for each filter in seconds. This can then be used to calculate the execution time per sequence pair for each filter.

The filename – with the .csv ending – can be specified using the --runtime-filename argument. The default file name is runtime.csv.

TSS Format

The TSS (Tab Separated Sequences) format contains a pair of genomic sequences on each line, separated by tabs. This simplified format enables evaluating genomic tools little overhead on real datasets.


  • Each line consists of a pair of genomic basepair sequences, separated by a tab character.
  • Each line is terminated by a single newline character, i.e. in UNIX style. Windows style linebreaks (carriage return + newline) are not permitted.
  • Basepair sequences may consist of uppercase and lowercase nucleic or amino acid codes, as allowed in the FASTA format.
  • If the dataset is for a readmapping usecase, the first sequence is the read or query, the second is the reference or target.

Below is an example file in TSS format:


ONT Parameters

There are a few fast filters on ONT reads and a few very slow ones (mostly because of their quadratic space complexity):

Fast filters:

  • Base counting
  • Q-gram
  • Hamming Distance
  • GRIM

Slow filters:

  • Adjacency
  • Shouji
  • GateKeeper
  • SneakySnake
  • KSW2
  • Edlib

To run only the fast filters, use the following flag:

./main --activate-individually 0101010010001 [...]

The slow filters can be run individually by activating their corresponding index.

Reproducible Evaluation

All results presented in our paper are fully reproducible.
We provide a script to generate all results by executing a single command line:

Citing SequenceLab

If you use SequenceLab in your work, please cite:

Maximilian-David Rumpf, Mohammed Alser, Arvid E. Gollwitzer, Joel Lindegger, Nour Almadhoun, Can Firtina, Serghei Mangul, Onur Mutlu. "SequenceLab: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Computational Methods for Comparing Genomic Sequences" (2023).

You may use the following BibTeX:

      title={SequenceLab: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Computational Methods for Comparing Genomic Sequences}, 
      author={Maximilian-David Rumpf and Mohammed Alser and Arvid E. Gollwitzer and Joel Lindegger and Nour Almadhoun and Can Firtina and Serghei Mangul and Onur Mutlu},


SequenceLab is a benchmark suite for evaluating computational methods for comparing genomic sequences, such as pre-alignment filters and pairwise sequence alignment algorithms. SequenceLab is described by Rumpf et al. at







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