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LINO : Large Input, Narrow Output

LINO is a simple ETL (Extract Transform Load) tools to manage tests datas. The lino command line tool pull test data from a relational database to create a smallest production-like database.



lino command line work in relative project's directory, like git or docker

The following flags can be used:

  • --verbosity <level> or -v<level> This flag increase verbosity on the stderr output, possible values: none (0), error (1), warn (2), info (3), debug (4), trace (5).
  • --debug This flag complete the logs with debug information.
  • --log-json Set this flag to produce JSON formatted logs goes deeper into logging and structured logging)
  • color This flag allows to add color to console logs
  • --stats <filename | url> This flag either outputs run statistics to the specified file or send them to specified url (has to start with http or https).
  • --statsTemplate <string> This flag will have LINO use the value as a template to generate statistics. Please use go templating format to include statistics. To include them you have to specify them as {{ .Stats }}. (i.e. {"software":"LINO","stats":{{ .Stats }}}

Databases support


Lino support db2 familly databases using this driver :

Mariadb / MySql

Lino support mariaDB / MySql databases using this driver :

Oracle DB

Lino support Oracle Database using this driver :


Lino support Postgres databases using this driver :

SQL Server

Lino provides comprehensive support for SQL Server, with extended compatibility for platforms such as SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Instance Management. The management features are also fully compatible with these environments.

The possibility of establishing compatibility has been made achievable through Microsoft's adaptation of the ms-mssqldb driver, specifically designed to facilitate integration between SQL Server and the Go programming language. You can find the link to this driver on GitHub: This initiative now enables a more seamless and efficient interaction between Go and SQL Server environments, providing developers with a technically optimized solution for their data management and manipulation needs.

However, given that the TRUNCATE function is not available on SQL Server, it has been replaced with the DELETE statement. Consequently, a slight performance loss should be expected.

Create a new LINO project

$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject

Add DataConnector

A DataConnector is a database connection shortcut.

$ lino dataconnector add source postgresql://postgres:sakila@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
successfully added dataconnector {source postgresql://postgres:sakila@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable}

Connection string

Lino use a connection string following an URL Schema.


Currently supported vendors are :

  • postgresql
  • oracle
  • oracle-raw (for full TNS support oracle-raw://user:pwd@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(
  • mysql / mariadb
  • db2 (alpha feature) : the DB2 driver is currently in development, contact us for a compilation of a LINO binary with DB2 support with your target os/arch
  • http : use an HTTP endpoint to push and pull data (for databases with no native driver supported by golang)


The content of dataconnector.yml generated is

version: v1
  - name: source
    url: postgresql://postgres:sakila@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable

Create relationships

LINO create a consistent sample database. To perform extraction that respect foreign keys constraints LINO have to extract relationships between tables.

Use the relation sub-command or its short name rel to extract relations from foreign key constraints.

$ lino relation extract source
lino finds 40 relations from constraints

The content of relations.yml generated is

version: v1
  - name: film_original_language_id_fkey
          - original_language_id
        name: public.language
          - language_id
  - name: film_language_id_fkey

At least user can edit the relations.yml manually to add relations that are not part of the database model.

Extract Tables

The table action extract informations about tables.

$ lino table extract source
lino finds 15 table(s)

lino store the table description with columns informations in table.yml file, Columns and keys are arranged according to the database order:

version: v1
  - name: actor
      - actor_id
      - name: actor_id
      - name: first_name
        export: string
      - name: last_name
        export: string
      - name: last_update
        export: timestamp
  - name: address

export: field is utilized for columns containing data types that require transformation for correct display.

In case some unusual types cannot be automatically detected, appending the -v2 flag enables logging information. For instance, you will receive a notification similar to the following example, indicating which columns of a table lack types:

Table film contains some columns with unusual characteristics: [rating] .It may be necessary to manually specify the export type if the data does not display correctly.


Including the only-tables flag allows LINO to solely extract table information, excluding columns, and store it in the table.yml file :

version: v1
  - name: actor
      - actor_id
  - name: address
      - address_id
  - name: category
      - category_id
  - name: city


Including the with-db-infos flag allows LINO to enables the extraction of more informations regarding columns, like column type, length, size and precision if the columns has been configured with these specifications. All will be stored in the table.yml file :

version: v1
  - name: actor
      - actor_id
      - name: actor_id
          type: INT4
      - name: first_name
        export: string
          type: VARCHAR
          length: 45
      - name: rental_rate
        export: numeric
          type: NUMERIC
          size: 2
          precision: 4

Ingress descriptor

Ingress descriptor object describe how lino has to go through the relations to extract data test.

Create Ingress descriptor

To create ingress descriptor use the id sub-command with the start table of the extraction.

$ lino id create public.customer
successfully created ingress descriptor

lino store the new ingress descriptor in ingress-descriptor.yml file :

version: v1
    startTable: public.customer
      - name: film_original_language_id_fkey
            lookup: false
            name: public.language
            lookup: true

Customize the extraction plan of the ingress descriptor by editing the ingress-descriptor.yml file or by using the dedicated commands.

For example, this version of the ingress-descriptor.yml will filter out language objects created before 01/01/2023 :

version: v1
    startTable: public.customer
      - name: film_original_language_id_fkey
            lookup: false
            name: public.language
            lookup: true
            where: "creation_date >= '01/01/2023'"

The where property can be set on the child or the parent object. When used on the parent object, extracted data will contains a null parent object if the parent is filtered by the where clause. When used on chlid object, the resulting child list will be filtered (if all children are filtered, the list will be empty).

To modify the ingress-descriptor.yml, some commands can be used instead of editing directly the file :

  • lino id set-child-lookup <relation name> <true or false> : modify the lookup property of the child object
  • lino id set-parent-lookup <relation name> <true or false> : modify the lookup property of the parent object
  • lino id set-child-where <relation name> <where clause> : modify the where property of the child object
  • lino id set-parent-where <relation name> <where clause> : modify the where property of the parent object
  • lino id set-start-table <table name> : modify the startTable property of the ingress descriptor


$ lino id set-child-where film_original_language_id_fkey "creation_date >= '01/01/2023'"
successfully update relation film_original_language_id_fkey in ingress descriptor

--ingress-descriptor argument

Ingress descriptor filename is parameterized with the --ingress-descriptor argument or its short alias -i. this argument is present for all commands below.

Display plan

The display-plan utilities explain the lino's plan to extract data from database.

$ lino id display-plan
step 1 - extract rows from public.customer
step 2 - extract rows from following →customer_store_id_fkey relationship for rows extracted at step 1, then follow →store_manager_staff_id_fkey →staff_store_id_fkey relationships (loop until data exhaustion)
step 3 - extract rows from public.address following →staff_address_id_fkey relationship for rows extracted at step 2
step 4 - extract rows from following →address_city_id_fkey relationship for rows extracted at step 3

Show graph

The show-graph create a graph of tables as node and relation as edge.

$ lino id customer show-graph

lino open your browser to visualize graph generated.

Test Image 1


The pull sub-command create a json object for each line (jsonline format of the first table.

$ lino pull source
{"active":1,"activebool":true,"address_id":5,"create_date":"2006-02-14T00:00:00Z","customer_address_id_fkey":{"address":"1913 Hanoi Way","address2":"","address_city_id_fkey":{"city":"Sasebo","city_country_id_fkey":{"country":"Japan","country_id":50,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:44:00Z"},"city_id":463,"country_id":50,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:25Z"},"address_id":5,"city_id":463,"district":"Nagasaki","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:30Z","phone":"28303384290","postal_code":"35200"},"customer_id":1,"customer_store_id_fkey":{"address_id":1,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:57:12Z","manager_staff_id":1,"store_address_id_fkey":{"address":"47 MySakila Drive","address2":null,"address_city_id_fkey":{"city":"Lethbridge","city_country_id_fkey":{"country":"Canada","country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:44:00Z"},"city_id":300,"country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:25Z"},"address_id":1,"city_id":300,"district":"Alberta","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:30Z","phone":"","postal_code":""},"store_id":1,"store_manager_staff_id_fkey":{"active":true,"address_id":3,"email":"","first_name":"Mike","last_name":"Hillyer","last_update":"2006-05-16T16:13:11.79328Z","password":"8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964","picture":"iVBORw0KWgo=","staff_address_id_fkey":{"address":"23 Workhaven Lane","address2":null,"address_city_id_fkey":{"city":"Lethbridge","city_country_id_fkey":{"country":"Canada","country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:44:00Z"},"city_id":300,"country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:25Z"},"address_id":3,"city_id":300,"district":"Alberta","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:30Z","phone":"14033335568","postal_code":""},"staff_id":1,"store_id":1,"username":"Mike"}},"email":"","first_name":"MARY","last_name":"SMITH","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:57:20Z","store_id":1}

--filter-from-file argument

To sample a database from a given id list or ohter criteria LINO can read filters from a JSON Line file with the argument --filter-from-file.

Each line is a filter and lino apply it to the start table to extract data.


--filter argument overide filter's criteria from file.


--limit is applied for each line in filters file. With a filters's file of N lines and a limit of L lino could extract a maximum of N x L lines.


--where argument is a raw SQL clause criteria (without where keyword) applied to the start table only. It's combined with --filter or --filter-from-file with the and operator.


--distinct option (or -D) to return only distincts rows from the first table.


The push sub-command import a json line stream (jsonline format in each table, following the ingress descriptor defined in current directory.

Autotruncate values

Use the autotruncate flag to automatically truncate string values that overflows the maximum length accepted by the database.

$ lino push truncate dest --table actor --autotruncate < actors.jsonl

LINO will truncate each value based each dbinfo.length parameters set in the table.yaml file for each columns.

Additionnaly, if your database maximum value is not defined in number of characters but in number of bytes, set the dbinfo.bytes to true. LINO will truncate the value based on a maximum number of bytes and not characters (assuming utf-8 encoding for now).

version: v1
  - name: actor
      - actor_id
      - name: actor_id
          type: INT4
      - name: first_name
        export: string
          type: VARCHAR
          length: 45
          bytes: true

How to update primary key

Let's say you have this record in database :


And you want to change the primary key of this record to 998 :


LINO will need the current key 2 to find the record in database, and the new key 998 to update the value. This can be done with the special field __usingpk__ :


The push update command will used the pk value inside __usingpk__ to find the record, and the pk value from the actor object to update the record.

lino push update source --table actor <<<'{"actor_id":998,"last_name":"CHASE","__usingpk__":{"actor_id":2}}'

The __usingpk__ field can also be used with an ingress descriptor at any level in the data. The name of this field can be changed to another value with the --using-pk-field flag.

How to recover from error

Use options lino pull --exclude-from-file (shortcut -X) and lino push --savepoint combined to handle error recovery. The process will restart where it failed if an error has interrupted it in a previous run.


lino pull --table customers -X customers.jsonl source | lino push --table customers --savepoint customers.jsonl target

The customers.jsonl file will contain the list of customers id that have been transfererd to the target database.


Use the lino analyse <data_connector_alias> command to extract metrics from the database in YAML format.

Only tables and columns explicitly listed in the tables.yaml file will be analysed.

Example result :

database: source
    - name: first_name
        - name: actor
          type: string
          concept: ""
          constraint: []
          confidential: null
            count: 200
            empty: 0
            unique: 128
                - WALTER
                - MAE
                - LAURENCE
                - GREG
                - ALEC
                - length: 4
                  freq: 0.235
                    - GARY
                    - ALAN
                    - ADAM
                    - JEFF
                    - GINA
                - length: 5
                  freq: 0.215
                    - REESE
                    - MILLA
                    - SALMA
                    - RALPH
                    - SUSAN
                - length: 7
                  freq: 0.16
                    - OLYMPIA
                    - KIRSTEN
                    - MATTHEW
                    - RICHARD
                    - KIRSTEN
                - length: 6
                  freq: 0.14
                    - WHOOPI
                    - WALTER
                    - SANDRA
                    - WHOOPI
                    - JOHNNY
                - length: 3
                  freq: 0.12
                    - BOB
                    - BEN
                    - KIM
                    - BOB
                    - TOM
                - length: 11
                  freq: 0.01
                    - CHRISTOPHER
                - length: 9
                  freq: 0.02
                    - CHRISTIAN
                    - SYLVESTER
                - length: 2
                  freq: 0.02
                    - AL
                    - ED
                - length: 8
                  freq: 0.08
                    - JULIANNE
                    - LAURENCE
                    - JULIANNE
                    - SCARLETT
                    - LAURENCE

Interaction with other tools

LINO respect the UNIX philosophy and use standards input an output to share data with others tools.

MongoDB storage

Data set could be store in mongoDB easily with the mongoimport tool:

$ lino pull source --limit 100 | mongoimport --db myproject --collection customer

and reload later to a database :

$ mongoexport --db myproject --collection customer | lino push customer --jdbc jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@target:1721:xe

Miller mlr

mlr tool can be used to format json lines into another tabular format (csv, markdown table, ...).


jq tool can be piped with the LINO output to prettify it.

$ lino pull source | jq

Pull sub field from the JSON stream

$ lino pull source --limit 3 | jq ".email"

Project subfield to produce other JSON objects

$ lino pull source --limit 3 | jq '{ "manager": .customer_store_id_fkey.store_manager_staff_id_fkey.first_name , "customer_email" :  .email }'

  "manager": "Mike",
  "customer_email": ""
  "manager": "Mike",
  "customer_email": ""
  "manager": "Mike",
  "customer_email": ""


Download the last binary release in your path.



Copyright (C) 2021 CGI France

LINO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

LINO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LINO. If not, see