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An open-source library supporting simulation and cryptanalysis of stream ciphers based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs).


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LSCK: LFSR Stream Cipher Kit

An open-source library supporting simulation and cryptanalysis of stream ciphers based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs).

Installation and Build Instructions

Build and dependency management are provided via Gradle. The project can be built by running one of the following commands in the source directory:

On Windows:

$ gradlew.bat build

On Linux:

$ ./gradlew build

The resulting JAR is placed in the build/libs subdirectory.

Note For the remainder of this document, the command gradle will be substituted for the appropriate gradlew invocation shown above.

To build without running unit tests, execute

$ gradle build -x test

Generating IDE Files

If you wish to view or develop the LSCK source code in an IDE, you may find it convenient to have Gradle generate the project files for you. To generate Eclipse project files, run

$ gradle eclipse

To generate IntelliJ IDEA project files, run

$ gradle idea

In both cases, it should then be possible to import the source directory into the IDE as a project.



The data type for representing fixed-width, immutable bit vectors in LSCK is provided by the BitVector interface and its implementations. Bit vectors can be conveniently created via the static methods in the BitVector interface, which will select the appropriate backing implementation based on the length of the vector:

BitVector a = BitVector.fromBits(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0); // Creates an 8-bit vector representing 10010110
BitVector b = BitVector.fromInteger(8, 150); // Creates a bit vector from the lowest 8 bits of the int 150

A number of useful operations can be performed on bit vectors, including access to individual bits, conversion to integer types, and standard bitwise operations:

BitVector a = BitVector.fromBits(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0);
BitVector b = BitVector.fromBits(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0);

// Indexed from least-significant bit - returns 0
int x = a.get(4);

a.toInt(); // Returns 150

a.not(); // Returns the bit vector 01101001
a.and(b); // Returns the bit vector 00010010
a.or(b); // Returns the bit vector 11110110
a.xor(b); // Returns the bit vector 11100100

In many cases, such as testing every possible fill for a given register, it is desirable to iterate over all possible bit vectors of a given length. Calling the iterate() method on a BitVector object produces the next "largest" bit vector of the same size (the vector that would be produced by an unsigned addition of 1). For syntactic convenience, BitVector and its implementations provide a static allBitVectors() method that returns an Iterable over all bit vectors of the specified size. This allows for code like the following:

// Do something to all bit vectors of length 8
for (BitVector v : BitVector.allVectors(8)) {


The BitList class provides a mutable, arbitrary-length list of bits. In particular, BitLists are used to store the output streams of LFSRs and generators. A BitList implements List<Integer>, so standard iteration and streaming methods can be used to process data:

BitList bits = getSomeBits();

int numOnes = -> bit == 1).count(); // Counts the number of 1 bits in 'bits'


Perhaps the most important components of LSCK are the LFSRs represented by the Lfsr interface and its implementations. As with BitVector, LFSRs can be created from static methods in the Lfsr interface, which will automatically select an appropriate implementation based on the size of the register:

// Creates an Lfsr with taps specified by the first bit vector and initial fill specified by the second
Lfsr register = Lfsr.create(BitVector.fromBits(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0), BitVector.fromBits(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0));

An LFSR can be shifted to produce output, with the option to save or discard the resulting state:

BitList output1 = register.shift(100); // Register is shifted 100 times and retains the resulting state
BitList output2 = register.peek(100); // Register is shifted 100 more times, but then returns to its previous state

int x = register.shift(); // Performs a single shift
int y = register.peek();

If the register specified above is shifted 25 times, the following output is produced:


[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]

Maximal-period taps

Each register can only take on a finite number of states. Since each state completely determines the next, this output must eventually become periodic. In general, we desire registers to have the maximum possible period in order to reduce the exploitability of patterns in our keystream. Whether or not a register produces maximal-period output is dependent on its tap configuration. The mathematics behind choosing a maximal-period tap configuration are nontrivial and can be found here.

For convenience, we provide bit vectors containing all such configurations for registers of lengths 2 up to 32. These BitVector instances are static members of MaximalTaps with names of the form TAPS_X_Y, where X is the length of the bit vector / corresponding register and Y is the index of that tap configuration among all those of length X. These can be easily passed to LFSRs at construction time:

Lfsr register = Lfsr.create(MaximalTaps.TAPS_10_0);

They can also be accessed programmatically as follows:

Lfsr register = Lfsr.create(MaximalTaps.getMaximalTaps(10, 0));

For each register length, the number of different, maximal-period tap configurations available can be found via MaximalTaps.maximalTapsCount(length).


In order to combine output from multiple LFSRs, Boolean functions are made available via the BooleanFunction interface and the SimpleBooleanFunction implementation. Boolean functions can be created directly from symbolic string representations:

BooleanFunction f = BooleanFunction.fromString(3, "x1 x2 + x3"); // Three-variable Boolean function

int y =, 1, 0); // Computes f(x1 = 1, x2 = 1, x3 = 0)

String representations can include constants and nested expressions:

BooleanFunction g = BooleanFunction.fromString(4, "x1 + x2 (1 + x1) + (x2 + x3) (x4 + x1 + 1) + 1");

Behind the scenes, each BooleanFunction contains both a TruthTable object and a TermTable object (a list of all expanded terms present in the function definition). These can be retrieved and manipulated directly:

TruthTable truthTable = f.getTruthTable();
TermTable termTable = f.getTermTable();

int weight = truthTable.getWeight(); // Returns the number of 1 values in the truth table

// Returns the number of terms in the algebraic expansion of the function
// For the f shown above, this would be 2 ("x1 x2" and "x3")
int terms = termTable.getTermCount(); 


The Generator class can be used to easily pipe the output of multiple LFSRs into a Boolean "combiner" function:

Lfsr lfsr1 = Lfsr.create(5);
Lfsr lfsr2 = Lfsr.create(6);
Lfsr lfsr3 = Lfsr.create(7);

lfsr1.setTaps(1, 1, 0, 1, 0);
lfsr2.setTaps(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
lfsr3.setTaps(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1);
lfsr1.setFill(0, 1, 0, 1, 0);
lfsr2.setFill(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0);
lfsr3.setFill(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0);
BooleanFunction f = BooleanFunction.fromString(3, "x1 x2 + x3");
Generator generator = new Generator(f, lfsr1, lfsr2, lfsr3);

// Shifts all three registers 100 times, each time feeding their inputs into f and returning the result
BitList output = generator.shift(100);

Performing correlation attacks

A central feature of LSCK is the ability to perform correlation attacks on LFSR-based cryptosystems. The currently supported attacks require prior knowledge of a generator's combiner function, the taps of its LFSRs, and an excerpt of its keystream. The attacks then seek to recover the initial fills of the registers used to generate the keystream excerpt.

It is often useful to perform a Walsh transform on a combiner function in order to detect susceptibility to correlation attacks. Along with the combiner function, each Walsh transform computation requires a bit vector indicating which registers/variables of the function are intended for attack:

BooleanFunction f = BooleanFunction.fromString(4, "x1 x2 + x3 + x4");

// Determine if x2 and x3 are jointly susceptible to a correlation attack
int walshValue = Attack.walshTransform(f, BitVector.fromBits(0, 1, 1, 0));

Each attack operation requires a test statistic by which to "score" groups of fills. As each combination of fills is tested for the specified registers, a corresponding segment of keystream is generated and compared to the given keystream excerpt using the statistic. The resulting groups of fills can then be sorted by score (the computed statistic) to find the most viable candidates for the original fills. The default statistic in LSCK is Attack.SIEGENTHALER_STATISTIC, although others can be created by implementing the Attack.TestStatistic interface.

The following is an example multi-stage attack in which we are provided with the LFSRs (minus fills), the combiner function, and a keystream excerpt from an adversary's generator. Console output is interspersed:

/* Establish knowns and generate keystream using secret fills */

int N = 10000;

BooleanFunction f = BooleanFunction.fromString(4, "x1 x2 + x3 + x4");

Lfsr lfsr1 = Lfsr.create(MaximalTaps.TAPS_9_0);
Lfsr lfsr2 = Lfsr.create(MaximalTaps.TAPS_8_0);
Lfsr lfsr3 = Lfsr.create(MaximalTaps.TAPS_8_1);
Lfsr lfsr4 = Lfsr.create(MaximalTaps.TAPS_7_0);

BitList knownKeystream = generateSecretKey(N, f, lfsr1, lfsr2, lfsr3, lfsr4);

/* Prepare for and perform attack */

// Walsh Transform - register groups with nonzero values are candidates for attack
for (BitVector v : BitVector.allVectors(f.getArity())) {
  System.out.println(v + " " + Attack.walshTransform(f, v));

0000 0
0001 0
0010 0
0011 8
0100 0
0101 0
0110 0
0111 8
1000 0
1001 0
1010 0
1011 8
1100 0
1101 0
1110 0
1111 -8

This output suggests that we can first jointly attack registers 3 and 4 (indicated by 0011) and then use their recovered fills to attack registers 1  (1011) and 2 (0111) separately.
AttackBuilder attack =
    new AttackBuilder(lfsr1, lfsr2, lfsr3, lfsr4) // The generator being attacked depends on these registers
        .setIndexFromOne() // For individual attacks, we will specify registers with one-based indexing
        .setCutoff(1000); // Groups of fills with scores less than 1000 in magnitude will be discarded

/* First, we attack x3 and x4 simultaneously */

// Using the linear function x3 + x4 is standard practice 
List<ScoredFills> potentialFills1 =
        .setCombiner(BooleanFunction.fromString(4, "x3 + x4"))
        .setRegistersToAttack(3, 4)
System.out.printf("Attack took %.3f seconds\n", attack.getPreviousAttackDuration() / 1e9);

Attack took 17.037 seconds

// Sort fills by magnitude of scores, since Siegenthaler statistic is centered at 0
Collections.sort(potentialFills1, new ScoredFills.AbsComparator());


4934.0: 11000010 0101101

// Set our registers' fills to the highest-scoring fills

/* Next, we attack x1 using the known fills for x3 and x4 */

List<ScoredFills> potentialFills2 =
        .setCombiner(BooleanFunction.fromString(4, "x1 + x3 + x4"))
System.out.printf("Attack took %.3f seconds\n", attack.getPreviousAttackDuration() / 1e9);

Attack took 0.292 seconds

Collections.sort(potentialFills2, new ScoredFills.AbsComparator());


5058.0: 100101101

// Set the fill of lfsr1 from the top-scoring fill

/* Finally, we attack x2 using the known fills for x1, x3, and x4 */

List<ScoredFills> potentialFills3 =
        .setCombiner(BooleanFunction.fromString(4, "x1 + x2 + x3 + x4"))
System.out.printf("Attack took %.3f seconds\n", attack.getPreviousAttackDuration() / 1e9);

Attack took 0.152 seconds

Collections.sort(potentialFills3, new ScoredFills.AbsComparator());


-4986.0: 01100111

// Set the fill of lfsr1 from the top-scoring fill

/* Test if we've gotten the correct fills by generating a new keystream and comparing it to the
 * given keystream.

BitList putativeKeystream = new Generator(f, lfsr1, lfsr2, lfsr3, lfsr4).peek(N);

int diffCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  diffCount += putativeKeystream.get(i) ^ knownKeystream.get(i);

System.out.println("Differences: " + diffCount);

Differences: 0

Since we matched the keystream completely, our choices of fills must have been correct.


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