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API protocol

The API is based on HTTP protocol JSON RPC, whose request method must be POST. Its URL is:/ and the Content-Type is:application/json


  • method: method,String
  • params: parameters,Array
  • id: Request id, Integer


  • result: Json object,null for failure
  • error: Json object,null for success,non-null for failure
  1. code: error code
  2. message: error message
  • id: Request id, Integer

General error code:

  • 1: invalid argument
  • 2: internal error
  • 3: service unavailable
  • 4: method not found
  • 5: service timeout

access: All accesshttp json rpc method doesn't start with "market." or "asset." need three more params "signature", "appkey", "timestamp" to check the client access. "market.user_deals" need access too.

example: {"method":"balance.update","params":["put signature here", "put appkey here", put timestamp here, ..., any other params],id:123456987}

timestamp: seconds since 1970-01-01 appkey: which should match the appkey used in accesshttp config.json appsecret: which should match the appsecret used in accesshttp config.json and keep it private

preSignParams: = ["put appkey here", put timestamp here, ..., any other params] signature: = base64(sha1(appsecret+preSignParams.toJsonString()))

Asset API

Asset inquiry

  • method: balance.query
  • params: unfixed parameters, first parameter is user ID, followed by list of asset names. Return to user's overall asset if the list is blank.
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer
  • result: {"asset": {"available": "amount", "freeze": "amount"}}
  • example:
"params": [1, "BTC"]
"result": {"BTC": {"available": "1.10000000","freeze": "9.90000000"}}

Asset change

  • method: balance.update
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer

  2. asset: asset name,String

  3. business: business type,String, this string can be arbitrary except for 2 conditions: 1) length of string can not be longer than 31. 2)four specific business type are used when user withdrawing from system. "setFreeze", "setUnfreeze", "setAddFreeze", "setSubFreeze". the change amount should not be negative. "setFreeze" will freeze amount "change" of user avaliable blance, "setUnfreeze" will unfreeze amount "change" of user balance, "setAddFreeze" will add amount "change" of user freezed blance, "setSubFreeze" will sub amount "change" of user freezed blance.

  4. business_id: business ID,Integer, but it will only succeed once with multiple operations of the same user_id, asset, business or business_id

  5. change: balance change,String, negative numbers for deduction (shoule never be negative when withdrawing).

  6. detail: Json object,attached information

  • result: "success"
  • error code:
  1. repeat update
  2. balance not enough
  • example:
"params": [1, "BTC", "deposit", 100, "1.2345"]
"result": "success"

Asset history

  • method: balance.history
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID, Integer
  2. asset: asset name,which can be null
  3. business: business,which can be null,use ',' to separate types
  4. start_time: start time,0 for unlimited,Integer
  5. end_time: end time,0 for unlimited, Integer
  6. offset: offset position,Integer
  7. limit: count limit,Integer
  • result:
    "records": [
            "time": timestamp,
            "asset": asset,
            "business": business,
            "change": change,
            "detail": detail

Asset list

  • method: asset.list
  • params: none

Asset summary

  • method:asset.summary
  • params: asset list,return to overall asset if null

Trade API

Place limit order

  • method: order.put_limit
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer
  2. market: market name,String
  3. side: 1: sell, 2: buy,Integer
  4. amount: count,String
  5. pride: price,String
  6. taker_fee_rate: String, taker fee
  7. maker_fee_rate: String, maker fee
  8. source: String, source,up to 30 bytes
  • result: order detail
  • error:
  1. balance not enough
  • example:
params: [1, "BTCCNY", 1, "10", "8000", "0.002", "0.001"]

Place market order

  • method: order.put_market
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer
  2. market: market name,String
  3. side: 1: sell, 2: buy,Integer
  4. amount: count or amount,String
  5. taker_fee_rate: taker fee
  6. source: String, source,up to 30 bytes
  • result: order detail
  • error:
  1. balance not enough
  • example:
params: '[1, "BTCCNY", 1, "10","0.002"]'

Cancel order

  • method: order.cancel
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID
  2. market:market
  3. order_id: order ID
  • result: order detail
  • error:
  1. order not found
  2. user not match

Order details

  • method:
  • params:
  1. order_id: order ID, Integer
  2. offset
  3. limit
  • result:
  • example:
"result": {
    "records": [
            "id": Executed ID
            "time": timestamp
            "user": user ID
            "role": role,1:Maker, 2: Taker
            "amount": count
            "price": price
            "deal": order amount
            "fee": fee
            "deal_order_id": Counterpart transaction ID

Order list

  • method:
  • params:
  1. market:
  2. side: side,1:sell,2:buy
  3. offset:
  4. limit:
  • result:

Order depth

  • method: order.depth
  • params:
  1. market:market name
  2. limit: count limit,Integer
  3. interval: interval,String, e.g. "1" for 1 unit interval, "0" for no interval
  • result:
"result": {
    "asks": [
    "bids": [

Inquire unexecuted orders

  • method: order.pending
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer
  2. market: market name,String
  3. offset: offset,Integer
  4. limit: limit,Integer
  • result:
  • example:
"params": [1, "BTCCNY", 0, 100]"
"result": {
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "total": 1,
    "records": [
            "id": 2,
            "ctime": 1492616173.355293,
            "mtime": 1492697636.238869,
            "market": "BTCCNY",
            "user": 2,
            "type": 1, // 1: limit order,2:market order
            "side": 2, // 1:sell,2:buy
            "amount": "1.0000".
            "price": "7000.00",
            "taker_fee": "0.0020",
            "maker_fee": "0.0010",
            "source": "web",
            "deal_money": "6300.0000000000",
            "deal_stock": "0.9000000000",
            "deal_fee": "0.0009000000"

Unexecuted order details

  • method: order.pending_detail
  • params:
  1. market:
  2. order_id: order ID,Integer
  • result:

Inquire executed orders

  • method: order.finished
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer
  2. market: market name,String
  3. start_time: start time,0 for unlimited,Integer
  4. end_time: end time,0 for unlimited, Integer
  5. offset: offset,Integer
  6. limit: limit,Integer
  7. side: side,0 for no limit,1 for sell,2 for buy
  • result:

Executed order details

  • method: order.finished_detail
  • params:
  1. order_id: order ID,Integer
  • result:

Market API

Market price

  • method: market.last
  • params:
  1. market
  • result: "price"

Executed history

  • method:
  • params:
  1. market:
  2. limit: count,no more than 10000
  3. last_id: id limit
  • result:
"result": [
        "id": 5,
        "time": 1492697636.238869,
        "type": "sell",
        "amount": "0.1000",
        "price": "7000.00"
        "id": 4,
        "time": 1492697467.1411841,
        "type": "sell",
        "amount": "0.1000"
        "price": "7000.00",

User Executed history

  • method: market.user_deals
  • params:
  1. user_id: user ID,Integer
  2. market: market name,String
  3. offset: offset,Integer
  4. limit: limit,Integer
  • result:
"result": [
    "records": [
            "id": Executed ID
            "time": timestamp
            "user": user ID
            "side": side,1:sell,2:buy
            "role": role,1:Maker, 2: Taker
            "amount": count
            "price": price
            "deal": amount
            "fee": fee
            "deal_order_id": Counterpart Transaction ID


  • method: market.kline
  • params:
  1. market: market
  2. start: start,Integer
  3. end: end, Integer
  4. interval: interval, Integer
  • result:
"result": [
        1492358400, time
        "7000.00",  open
        "8000.0",   close
        "8100.00",  highest
        "6800.00",  lowest
        "1000.00"   volume
        "123456.78" amount
        "BTCCNY"    market name

Market status

  • method: market.status
  • params:
  1. market: market name
  2. period: cycle period,Integer, e.g. 86400 for last 24 hours
  • result:
"result": {
    "period": 86400,
    "last": "7000.00",
    "open": "0",
    "close": "0",
    "high": "0",
    "low": "0",
    "volume": "0"

Market status today

  • method: market.status_today
  • params:
  1. market: market name
  • result:
    "open": Open today
    "last": Latest price
    "high": Highest price
    "low":  Lowest price
    "deal": 24H amount
    "volume": 24H volume

Market list

  • method: market.list
  • params: none

Market summary

  • method:market.summary
  • params: market list, return to market if null
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