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A tool to visualize experiment results.


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In every experimentation process we need to be able to quickly visualize the results in order to make progress faster.


The main features of Kaleidoscope are:

  • Visualizing Runner output files.
  • Establishes output JSON standard formats called KD types. It includes support for several common types (see KD Types).
  • Visualizing experiment results in a table where output attributes can be selected independently and a search box let you filter results in an easy way.
  • Zooming in an experiment result on an instance to see more details and graphics about that specific execution.

Getting Started

The following instructions will guide you through the steps to use Kaleidoscope to visualize your Runner output files.


Visualizing your first output file

Next we show you the steps to visualize an example output file included in the repository examples folder.

  1. Open the index.html file on a web browser.
  2. Click on the Choose Files button and select the blb.json file on the examples directory. This file is an example output of a bidirectional labeling algorithm.
  3. Select the experiment named Exact in the Experiments section.
  4. Now a row with the experiment will appear. Select some attributes to show in the table.
  5. Click the Refresh button.
  6. Now a table with the information requested is shown. Click on the + button on an instance row to see more details about that instance. The Detail View will show more information. That's it. Now you can try to open all different example files to see the supported formats.

Supported KD Types

Input files

The experiment files format accepted is the one defined by the Runner Framework. It is a JSON file with the following attributes:

  • date: date when the experiment was started.
  • time: total time (secs) spent running the experiments from the experimentation file.
  • experiment_file: name of the experiment file executed.
  • outputs: JSON array of Object with the following attributes for each experiment execution on an instance
    • dataset_name: name of the dataset used.
    • instance_name: name of the instance used.
    • experiment_name: name of the experiment executed.
    • stderr: string of the STDERR log of the execution.
    • stdout: JSON object result from the STDOUT of the execution.
    • exit_code: the execution exit_code (0 means successful, -6 means OUTOFMEMORY). Example:
  "date": "10-05-2019",
  "experiment_file": "experiment_easy",
  "outputs": [
    { "experiment_name": "preprocessing", "dataset_name": "dataset1", "instance_name": "easy_instance", exit_code: 0, stderr: "PREPROCESSING\nRUNNING\nFINISHED", stdout:{"solution": {"kd_type": "vrp_solution", "routes":[{"path":[0, 1, 3, 5], "t0":0, "duration":500}], "value": 500}}},
    { "experiment_name": "preprocessing", "dataset_name": "dataset2", "instance_name": "hard_instance", exit_code: 6, stderr: "PREPROCESSING\nRUNNING", stdout:""}

stdout attribute

The stdout of each execution may contain several keys and values. We parse a value if it has the "kd_type" attribute set. Depending on the value of that attribute we select the corresponding parser.

Note: Not all attributes need to be present. The ones that exist will be parsed.

Following, we enumerate the supported types and their format:

KD Types


The LP parser recognizes the "kd_type" == "lp". It represents the execution of an LP solver. The format of the object to be parseable is the following:

  • kd_type: "lp"
  • screen_output: string // The output of the LP solver.
  • time: number // Execution time.
  • status: string // Status at the end of the execution.
  • simplex_iterations: number // If using a Simplex solver include de iterations.
  • incumbent: json // Object that represents the best solution.
  • incumbent_value: number // Value of the best solution.
  • constraint_count: number // Number of constraints in the LP.
  • variable_count: number // Number of variables in the LP.
  • duals: array(number) // Dual values of the rows in the dual LP.


  "kd_type": "lp",
  "screen_output": "SOLVING LP\nITERATIONS 1500\nFINISHED",
  "time": 250.1234,
  "status": "TimeLimitReached",
  "simplex_iterations": 1500,
  "incumbent": {"x":1.0, "y":2.123, "z":3.56},
  "incumbent_value": 100.123,
  "variable_count": 3,
  "constraint_count": 5,
  "duals": [50.0, 60.123, 23.24, 56.0, 43.4]


The Branch and Cut parser recognizes the "kd_type" == "bc". It represents the execution of a Branch and Cut solver. The format of the object to be parseable is the following:

  • kd_type: "bc"
  • screen_output: string // The output of the BC solver.
  • time: number // Execution time.
  • status: string // Status at the end of the execution.
  • constraint_count: number // Number of constraints in the formulation.
  • variable_count: number // Number of variables in the formulation.
  • nodes_open: number // Number of nodes open at the end of execution.
  • nodes_closed: number // Number of nodes closed at the end of execution.
  • root_lp_value: number // Bound of the LP after closing the root node (after cuts).
  • root_int_solution: json // Object that represents the best int solution found at the root node.
  • root_int_value: number // Value of the best int solution found at the root node.
  • best_bound: number // Best bound found for the problem.
  • best_int_solution: json // Object that represents the best int solution found.
  • best_int_value: number // Value of the best int solution found.
  • cut_count: number _// Total number of cuts added.
  • cut_time: number _// Total time spent on separation algorithms.
  • cut_families: array(family) // Cut family detailed information.

Note: family is a JSON object {name:string, cut_count:number, cut_iterations:number, cut_time:number}.


  "kd_type": "bc",
  "screen_output": "SOLVING BC\nNODES 1500\nFINISHED",
  "time": 250.1234,
  "status": "TimeLimitReached",
  "constraint_count": 100,
  "variable_count": 250,
  "nodes_open": 1200,
  "nodes_closed": 200050,
  "root_lp_value": 123.456,
  "root_int_solution": {"x":1, "y":2, "z":3},
  "root_int_value": 100.123,
  "best_bound": 450.678,
  "best_int_solution": {"x":2, "y":1, "z":5},
  "best_int_value": 500.00,
  "cut_count": 15,
  "cut_time": 50.123,
  "cut_families": [
    {"name": "clique", "cut_count":5, "cut_iterations":6, "cut_time":40.123},
    {"name": "subtour", "cut_count":10, "cut_iterations":3, "cut_time":10.00}


The Column Generation parser recognizes the "kd_type" == "cg". It represents the execution of a Column generation algorithm. The attributes are the following:

  • kd_type: "cg"
  • screen_output: string // The output of the CG solver.
  • time: number // Execution time.
  • status: string // Status at the end of the execution.
  • incumbent: json // Object that represents the best solution.
  • incumbent_value: number // Value of the best solution.
  • columns_added: number // Number of columns added to the LP during the CG.
  • iteration_count: number _// Number of pricing iterations solved.
  • pricing_time: number // Time spent the pricing problems.
  • lp_time: number // Time spent solving the LP relaxation.
  • iterations: array(object) // Pricing algorithm outputs.

Note: the objects in the iterations attribute may have an additional "iteration_name" attribute that gets displayed in the UI.


  "kd_type": "cg",
  "screen_output": "SOLVING CG\n#iter 1\n#iter 2\n#iter 3\nFINISHED",
  "time": 250.1234,
  "status": "Optimum",
  "incumbent": {"x":1, "y":2, "z":3},
  "incumbent_value": 123.456,
  "columns_added": 550,
  "iteration_count": 5,
  "pricing_time": 120.00,
  "lp_time": 12.345,
  "iterations": [
      "kd_type": "lp",
      "iteration_name": "Heuristic",
      "time": 250.1234,
      "status": "Optimum"
      "kd_type": "bc",
      "iteration_name": "Exact",
      "time": 2050.1234,
      "status": "Optimum"


The Branch and Cut and Price parser recognizes the "kd_type" == "bcp". It represents the execution of a Branch and Cut and Price solver. This log type is an extension of the bc log type, so it contains all its attributes and also the following:

  • kd_type: "bcp"
  • root_time: number // Time spent solving the root node.
  • root_log: json // Object of kd_type cg with the column generation information of the root node.
  • root_constraint_count: number // Number of consatraints after closing the root node.
  • root_variable_count: number // Number of variables after closing the root node.
  • final_constraint_count: number // Number of consatraints after finishing the algorithm.
  • final_variable_count: number // Number of variables after finishing the algorithm.
  • lp_time: number // Time spent solving LP relaxations.
  • pricing_time: number // Time spent solving pricing instances.
  • branching_time: number // Time spent on branching.


  "kd_type": "bcp",
  "screen_output": "SOLVING BCP\nNODES 1500\nFINISHED",
  "time": 250.1234,
  "status": "TimeLimitReached",
  "constraint_count": 100,
  "variable_count": 250,
  "nodes_open": 1200,
  "nodes_closed": 200050,
  "root_time": 3230.30,
  "root_lp_value": 123.456,
  "root_log": {
    "kd_type": "cg",
  "root_int_solution": {"x":1, "y":2, "z":3},
  "root_int_value": 100.123,
  "best_bound": 450.678,
  "best_int_solution": {"x":2, "y":1, "z":5},
  "best_int_value": 500.00,
  "cut_count": 15,
  "cut_time": 50.123,
  "cut_families": [
    {"name": "clique", "cut_count":5, "cut_iterations":6, "cut_time":40.123},
    {"name": "subtour", "cut_count":10, "cut_iterations":3, "cut_time":10.00}
  "root_constraint_count": 120,
  "root_variable_count": 15023,
  "final_constraint_count": 125,
  "final_variable_count": 16058,
  "lp_time": 12.50,
  "pricing_time": 500.00,
  "branching_time": 23.123


The Monodirectional Labeling parser recognizes the "kd_type" == "mlb". It represents the execution of a monodirectional labeling algorithm. The attributes are the following:

  • kd_type: "mlb"
  • screen_output: string // The output of the MLB solver.
  • time: number // Execution time.
  • status: string // Status at the end of the execution.
  • enumerated_count: number // Number of labels enumerated.
  • extended_count: number // Number of feasible labels.
  • dominated_count: number // Number of labels dominated.
  • corrected_count: number _ // Number of labels corrected._
  • processed_count: number // Number of labels not dominated.
  • count_by_length: array(number) // count_by_length[i] = number of labels of length i processed.
  • queuing_time: number // Time spent in the push and pop operations of the queue.
  • enumeration_time: number // Time spent in the enumeration phase.
  • extension_time: number // Time spent in the extension phase.
  • domination_time: number // Time spent in the domination phase.
  • correction_time: number //Time spent in the correction phase.
  • process_time: number // Time spent in the processing phase.
  • positive_domination_time: number // Time spent in the domination phase when the result was "DOMINATED".
  • negative_domination_time: number // Time spent in the domination phase when the result was "NOT DOMINATED".


  "kd_type": "mlb",
  "screen_output": "SOLVING LB\nITERATIONS 1500\nFINISHED",
  "time": 250.1234,
  "status": "Optimum",
  "enumerated_count": 120000,
  "extended_count": 50000,
  "dominated_count": 40000,
  "processed_count": 10000,
  "count_by_length": [1, 1000, 5000, 4000, 999],
  "queuing_time": 10.123,
  "enumeration_time": 20.123,
  "extension_time": 30.123,
  "domination_time": 40.123,
  "process_time": 50.123,
  "positive_domination_time": 10.123,
  "negative_domination_time": 30.000


The Bidirectional Labeling parser recognizes the "kd_type" == "blb". It represents the execution of a bidirectional labeling algorithm. The attributes are the following:

  • kd_type: "blb"
  • screen_output: string // The output of the BLB solver.
  • time: number // Execution time.
  • status: string // Status at the end of the execution.
  • merge_time: number // Time spent in the merging phase.
  • forward: json // JSON object of kd_type mlb representing the forward phase.
  • backward: json // JSON object of kd_type mlb representing the backward phase.


  "kd_type": "blb",
  "screen_output": "SOLVING BLB\nITERATIONS 1500\nFINISHED",
  "time": 250.1234,
  "status": "Optimum",
  "merge_time": 100.123,
  "forward": {
    "kd_type": "mlb",
    "enumerated_count": 120000,
    "extended_count": 50000,
  "backward": {
    "kd_type": "mlb",
    "enumerated_count": 220000,
    "extended_count": 150000,
    "dominated_count": 140000,


The VRP solution parser recognizes the kd_type "vrp_solution". It represents a solution for a Vehicle Routing Problem which is composed of a value and a sequence of routes. A route is a path of vertices, a departing time t0, and a duration. The format is the following:

  • kd_type: "vrp_solution",
  • value: number, // Value of the solution.
  • routes: array(Route) // Routes of the solution.

A Route JSON object has the following format:

  • path: array(number), // Sequence of vertex indices.
  • t0: number, // Departing time.
  • duration: number, // Duration of the path if starting at t0.


  "kd_type": "vrp_solution",
  "value": 200,
  "routes": [
    {"path":[0,1,2,6], "t0":0.00, "duration":150.00},
    {"path":[0,4,3,5,6], "t0":14.20, "duration":50.00}

Built With


Gonzalo Lera-Romero


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


A tool to visualize experiment results.







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