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Submit your homework assignments for WDI-51 to this repo.

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Web Development Immersive 51 Homework Repository

Office hours with GA's mentors:
Monday - Thursday 5-7pm, located in Concourse.

Sign up for 1 on 1 with instructional team.
Reference WDI-51 class resources for each assignment.

How To Use This Repo

This is the repository where you'll submit your homework.
Follow these directions closely to switch over to this repository.

Setup (do this only once):

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone your fork to your ~/code folder.
  3. Create a directory in the sf-wdi-51-assignments folder using your real name and github account name. Example: sf-wdi-51-homework/nicole-Borgaard. That will make it easier for us to remember everyone's GitHub username. :)

How to submit homework assignments:

  1. Create a folder for the current week in your personal directory.
  2. Add each assignment in the current week's folder. Example for homework in week 2: sf-wdi-51-assignments/nicole-Borgaard/week_2/slackBot/hubot.js
  3. $ cd to sf-wdi-51-assignments. To figure out where you are in terminal, $ pwd to find your present working directory.
  4. $ git add . to stage files you'd like to commit and push to GitHub.
  5. $ git commit -m "adding week 2 slackBot assignment" to add a descriptive comment about what you're doing. Comments are a requirement of the commit command.
  6. $ git push origin master to push your local code to your personal remote repository on GitHub.
  7. Your homework is now located on your personal repo (yourUsername/sf-wdi-51-assignments). Create a pull request to the homework repo (Borgaard/sf-wdi-51-assignments) to submit your assignment.

This is how your local directory should be structured:

|-- wdi/
    |-- sandbox/ 
    |-- exercises/ 
    |-- lessons/ 
    |-- projects/ 
    |-- sf-wdi-51-assignments/ (cloned from Github)
        |-- firstName-githubUsername/
            |-- week_1/
                |-- bottleApp/
                    |-- bottlesOfBeer.js
                    |-- index.html
                |-- spontaneousTravelApp/
                    |-- randomAddressGenerator.js
            |-- week_2/
                |-- hubot/
                    |-- hubot.js
            |-- week_3/
            |-- week_4/
            |-- week_5/

Weekly Homework

Homework assigned each week. If any files are in the pull request outside of your personal folder, we will send it back to you to fix!

Submit homework by pushing up to your sf-wdi-51-assignments fork, then submit a pull request

Troubleshooting Git:

Submodules != folders

Submodule problem:

Submodules are Git's way of treating a project within a project as a separate entity. Explanation from git-scm's documentation:

Submodules allow you to keep a Git repository as a subdirectory of another Git repository. This lets you clone another repository into your project and keep your commits separate.

...which is not a feature we want because instructors are unable to access Submodule folders, which prevents us from code reviewing your homework and giving you credit for your work.


When commits are made in sf-wdi-51-assignments (root directory) with a child .git folder nested within, a Submodule is created, so ensure you remove .git folders in projects you clone before committing in root.

Submodule Fix

The student's local personal folder needs to be uncached, which will remove the Submodule.

  1. Navigate to root homework directory sf-wdi-51-assignments in terminal.
  2. Open Finder and use hotkey cmd shift . to view hidden files. You're looking to see that the hidden .git shows up in root. If you can see that hidden file, you can see hidden .git folders in child folders.
  3. Open child folders to look for hidden .git folders; delete any you find that are not in root.

PROTIP: use triangle view structure to reveal a folder's contents without entering it: hamburger

  1. In terminal from the root sf-wdi-51-assignments directory, add and commit your assignment folder's current state. Saving your state at this point is important; do not skip this step.
  2. $ git rm --cached -r YOUR_FOLDER_HERE

Once you git add, commit, and push, your Submodule issue on Github will be resolved. Yay! 🎉

Help! I can't push!

Read the error.
What does it say? $ git status is your friend.

Here are some common issues:

  • Ensure you have added and committed your code from the root sf-wdi-51-assignments directory.
  • Where are you pushing? git remote --verbose to see your remote links and their nicknames. Are you pushing to git push origin master? Check the spelling.
  • Is the error related to a hidden .git folder? Follow steps 1-3.


Submit your homework assignments for WDI-51 to this repo.






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