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Quick config and usage summary ‐ version 3.0.0

Benny Thadikaran edited this page May 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Quick Usage

Assuming you followed the install instructions and setup user.json

py - Will scan for patterns on daily timeframe by default.

py --tf weekly - Scan on weekly timeframe

py --tf monthly - Scan on monthly timeframe

For intraday

py --tf 60 - Scan hourly

py --tf 4h - Scan 4 hour charts

Custom config

py -c custom.json -p all - Scan all patterns and use custom.json as config file.

Quick Configuration

For daily timeframes, the default config should work out of the box.

  "DATA_PATH": "~/Documents/python/eod2/src/eod2_data/daily",
  "SYM_LIST": "~/Documents/python/stock-pattern/src/data.csv",
  "POST_SCAN_PLOT": true

CSV Data is loaded using loaders/EODFileLoader. Daily is the default timeframe used.

Config for intraday scans

For intraday data, edit user.json and add the below values.

  "LOADER": "IEODFileLoader",
  "DEFAULT_TF": "15"

LOADER can be either EODFileLoader for daily and higher timeframes or IEODFileLoader for intraday timeframes.

IEODFileLoader uses 1min as the default timeframe. If your data is stored in different timeframe, set the DEFAULT_TF accordingly.

For IEODFileLoader, valid values for DEFAULT_TF are 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 60, 75, 125, 2h, 4h.

For EODFileLoader, valid values for DEFAULT_TF are daily, weekly and monthly.