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Sean McLellan edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 8 revisions

barista-sharepoint comes packaged with built-in bundles that facilitate common tasks.

To use a particular bundle, use the following syntax:

var foo = require('bundle name');

Some bundles return an object while others add global objects.

Note: require(...) has similar, but not the same, semantics as NodeJS, so be warned.

These are the bundles included with barista-sharepoint:

  • Active Directory - Active Directory Bundle. Provides a mechanism to query Active Directory.
  • Barista Search Index - Barista Search Index Bundle. Provides Information Retrieval functionality via Lucene within SharePoint.
  • Deferred - Deferred Bundle. Contains functionality to perform multi-threaded, async tasks.
  • Diagnostics - Diagnostics Bundle. Provides a mechanism to interact with system performance counters and other diagnostic tools
  • Document - Document Bundle. Provides a mechanism to interact with various document formats: CSV, Excel, Zip.
  • Document Store - Document Store Bundle. Enables document database capabilities on top of SharePoint
  • iCal - iCal Bundle. Provides a mechanism to parse and generate calendars in iCal format
  • Json Data - Json Data Bundle. Provides behavior to assist with manipulating json.
  • K2 - K2 Bundle. Provides a mechanism to query K2.
  • Linq - Linq Bundle. Adds objects to allow javascript arrays to be queried via linq-like syntax. (See
  • Lo-Dash - LoDash Bundle. A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras. Based off of Underscore.js. (See
  • Moment - Moment Bundle. Includes a library that provides extra date/time methods.
  • Mustache - Mustache Bundle. Includes the Mustache templating engine.
  • SharePoint - SharePoint Bundle. Provides top-level objects to interact with SharePoint.
  • SharePoint Content Migration - SharePoint Content Migration Bundle. Provides functionality to perform selective content migration.
  • SharePoint Publishing - SharePoint Publishing Bundle. Provides top-level objects to interact with the SharePoint Publishing Infrastructure
  • SharePoint Search - SharePoint Search Bundle. Provides top-level objects to interact with SharePoint Search
  • SharePoint Taxonomy - SharePoint Taxonomy Bundle. Includes basic functionality for enterprise metadata management. Examples include types for managing terms, term sets, groups, keywords, term stores, and metadata service applications.
  • SharePoint Workflow - SharePoint Workflow Bundle. Provides top-level objects to interact with SharePoint Workflows and Workflow Tasks.
  • Simple Inheritance - Includes functionality for simple inheritance.
  • Smtp - Includes functionality to interact with Smtp severs.
  • Sql Data - Provides access to SQL Server Databases.
  • State Machine - State Machine Bundle. Provides a mechanism to create finite state machines. (See
  • String - String Bundle. Includes a library that provides extra string methods. (See
  • Sucralose - Sucralose Bundle. Includes a library that extends native objects with helpful methods similar to Sugar, however this bundle is implemented with native code.
  • Sugar - SugarJS Bundle. Includes a library that extends native objects with helpful methods.
  • Unified Logging Service - Unified Logging Service Bundle. Provides a mechanism to query the SharePoint ULS Logs.
  • Utility - Utility Bundle. Provides utility functions.
  • Web - Web Bundle. Provides a mechanism to make Ajax calls and query the request and manipulate response of the current context.
  • Web Administration - Web Administration Bundle. Allows administration of IIS Configuration.
  • Web Optimization - Web Optimization Bundle. Provides functionality to help optimize web content. Bundling, minification, sprites, image resizing and so forth.
  • WkHtmlToPdf - Provides Html to Pdf capability via the WkHtmlToPdf library.
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