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Releases: Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure


27 Feb 08:13
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v1.34.0-B0022 Pre-release

What's changed since v1.33.2:

  • New rules:
    • Azure Kubernetes Service:
      • Check that user mode pools have a minimum number of nodes by @BernieWhite.
        • Added configuration to support changing the minimum number of node and to exclude node pools.
        • Set AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_USER_POOL_MINIMUM_NODES to set the minimum number of user nodes.
        • Set AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_USER_POOL_EXCLUDED_FROM_MINIMUM_NODES to exclude a specific node pool by name.
  • Updated rules:
    • Azure Kubernetes Service:
      • Updated Azure.AKS.MinNodeCount the count nodes system node pools by @BernieWhite.
        • Improved guidance and examples specifically for system node pools.
        • Added configuration to support changing the minimum number of node.
        • Set AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_SYSTEM_NODES to set the minimum number of system nodes.
    • Front Door:
      • Updated Azure.FrontDoor.Logs to cover premium and standard profiles instead of just classic by @BernieWhite.
        • Added a selector for premium and standard profiles Azure.FrontDoor.IsStandardOrPremium.
        • Added a selector for classic profiles Azure.FrontDoor.IsClassic.
        • Updated rule set to 2024_03.
  • General improvements:
    • Moved .bicepparam file support to stable by @BernieWhite.
      • Bicep param files are now automatically expanded when found.
      • To disable expansion, set the configuration option AZURE_BICEP_PARAMS_FILE_EXPANSION to false.
    • Documentation and metadata improvements by @BernieWhite.
  • Engineering:
    • Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to v17.9.0.
    • Bump xunit to v2.7.0.
    • Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.7.
    • Bump coverlet.collector to v6.0.1.
  • Bug fixes:

See change log.


17 Feb 16:01
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What's changed since v1.33.1:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed false positive of Azure.Resource.AllowedRegions raised during assertion call by @BernieWhite.

See change log.


13 Feb 17:34
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What's changed since v1.33.0:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed Azure.AKS.AuthorizedIPs is not valid for a private cluster by @BernieWhite.
    • Fixed generating rule for VM extensions from policy is incorrect by @BernieWhite.

See change log.


05 Feb 15:05
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What's changed since v1.32.1:

  • New features:
    • Exporting policy as rules also generates a baseline by @BernieWhite.
      • A baseline is automatically generated that includes for all rules exported.
        If a policy rule has been replaced by a built-in rule, the baseline will include the built-in rule instead.
      • The baseline is named <Prefix>.PolicyBaseline.All. i.e. Azure.PolicyBaseline.All by default.
      • For details see Policy as rules.
  • New rules:
    • Databricks:
    • Dev Box:
  • Updated rules:
    • Application Gateway:
      • Updated Azure.AppGwWAF.RuleGroups to use the rule sets by @BenjaminEngeset.
        • The latest Bot Manager rule set is now 1.0.
        • The latest OWASP rule set is now 3.2.
    • Cognitive Services:
      • Relaxed Azure.Cognitive.ManagedIdentity to configurations that require managed identities by @BernieWhite.
    • Virtual Machine:
      • Checks for Azure Hybrid Benefit Azure.VM.UseHybridUseBenefit are not enabled by default by @BernieWhite.
        • To enable, set the AZURE_VM_USE_HYBRID_USE_BENEFIT option to true.
    • Virtual Network:
      • Added option for excluding subnets to Azure.VNET.UseNSGs by @BernieWhite.
        • To add a subnet exclusion, set the AZURE_VNET_SUBNET_EXCLUDED_FROM_NSG option.
  • General improvements:
    • Rules that are ignored during exporting policy as rules are now generate a verbose logs by @BernieWhite.
      • This is to improve transparency of why rules are not exported.
      • To see details on why a rule is ignored, enable verbose logging with -Verbose.
    • Policies that duplicate built-in rules can now be exported by using the -KeepDuplicates parameter by @BernieWhite.
    • Quality updates to rules and documentation by @BernieWhite.
  • Engineering:
    • Bump xunit to v2.6.6.
    • Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.6.
    • Bump BenchmarkDotNet to v0.13.12.
    • Bump BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows to v0.13.12.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed dateTimeAdd may fail with different localization by @BernieWhite.
    • Fixed inconclusive result reported for Azure.ACR.Usage by @BernieWhite.
    • Fixed export of Front Door resource data is incomplete by @BernieWhite.
    • Fixed Azure.Template.TemplateFile to support with languageVersion 2.0 template properties by @MrRoundRobin.
    • Fixed Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment does not handle smaller sizes and ultra disks by @BernieWhite.

What's changed since pre-release v1.33.0-B0169:

  • No additional changes.

See change log.


04 Feb 04:20
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v1.33.0-B0169 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.33.0-B0126:

  • New features:
    • Exporting policy as rules also generates a baseline by @BernieWhite.
      • A baseline is automatically generated that includes for all rules exported.
        If a policy rule has been replaced by a built-in rule, the baseline will include the built-in rule instead.
      • The baseline is named <Prefix>.PolicyBaseline.All. i.e. Azure.PolicyBaseline.All by default.
      • For details see Policy as rules.
  • General improvements:
    • Rules that are ignored during exporting policy as rules are now generate a verbose logs by @BernieWhite.
      • This is to improve transparency of why rules are not exported.
      • To see details on why a rule is ignored, enable verbose logging with -Verbose.
    • Policies that duplicate built-in rules can now be exported by using the -KeepDuplicates parameter by @BernieWhite.
  • Bug fixes:

See change log.


27 Jan 10:22
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v1.33.0-B0126 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.33.0-B0088:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed Azure.Template.TemplateFile to support with languageVersion 2.0 template properties by @MrRoundRobin.

See change log.


26 Jan 02:48
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v1.33.0-B0088 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.33.0-B0053:

  • New rules:
    • Dev Box:
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment does not handle smaller sizes and ultra disks by @BernieWhite.

See change log.


17 Jan 01:45
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v1.33.0-B0053 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.33.0-B0023:

  • New rules:
    • Databricks:
  • Engineering:
    • Bump xunit to v2.6.6.
    • Bump BenchmarkDotNet to v0.13.12.
    • Bump BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows to v0.13.12.

See change log.


11 Jan 17:15
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v1.33.0-B0023 Pre-release

What's changed since v1.32.1:

  • Updated rules:
    • Application Gateway:
      • Updated Azure.AppGwWAF.RuleGroups to use the rule sets by @BenjaminEngeset.
        • The latest Bot Manager rule set is now 1.0.
        • The latest OWASP rule set is now 3.2.
    • Cognitive Services:
      • Relaxed Azure.Cognitive.ManagedIdentity to configurations that require managed identities by @BernieWhite.
    • Virtual Machine:
      • Checks for Azure Hybrid Benefit Azure.VM.UseHybridUseBenefit are not enabled by default by @BernieWhite.
        • To enable, set the AZURE_VM_USE_HYBRID_USE_BENEFIT option to true.
    • Virtual Network:
      • Added option for excluding subnets to Azure.VNET.UseNSGs by @BernieWhite.
        • To add a subnet exclusion, set the AZURE_VNET_SUBNET_EXCLUDED_FROM_NSG option.
  • General improvements:
  • Engineering:
    • Bump xunit to v2.6.4.
    • Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.6.
  • Bug fixes:

See change log.


18 Dec 08:06
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What's changed since v1.32.0:

See change log.