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Releases: Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure


28 Mar 15:01
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v1.35.0-B0116 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.35.0-B0084:

  • New features:
    • Added March 2024 baselines Azure.GA_2024_03 and Azure.Preview_2024_03 by @BernieWhite.
      • Includes rules released before or during March 2024.
      • Marked Azure.GA_2023_12 and Azure.Preview_2023_12 baselines as obsolete.
  • General improvements:
    • Renamed Cognitive Services rules to Azure AI by @BernieWhite.
      • Rules that were previously named Azure.Cognitive.* have been renamed to Azure.AI.*.
      • For each rule that has been renamed, an alias has been added to reference the old name.

See change log.


26 Mar 05:15
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v1.35.0-B0084 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.35.0-B0055:

  • General improvements:
    • Improved export of in-flight data for Event Grid and Azure Firewall Policies by @BernieWhite.

See change log.


24 Mar 23:14
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v1.35.0-B0055 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.35.0-B0030:

  • Updated rules:
    • Updated Azure.AppService.NETVersion to detect out of date .NET versions including .NET 5/6/7 by @BernieWhite.
      • Bumped rule set to 2024_03.
    • Updated Azure.AppService.PHPVersion to detect out of date PHP versions before 8.2 by @BernieWhite.
      • Fixed Azure.AppService.PHPVersion check fails when phpVersion is null.
      • Bumped rule set to 2024_03.
    • Updated Azure.AKS.Version to use 1.27.9 as the minimum version by @BernieWhite.
  • General improvements:
  • Bug fixes:

See change log.


16 Mar 09:46
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v1.35.0-B0030 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.35.0-B0012:

  • General improvements:
  • Engineering:
    • Bump coverlet.collector to v6.0.2.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed false negative from Azure.LB.AvailabilityZone when zone list is empty or null by @jtracey93.

See change log.


14 Mar 13:10
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v1.35.0-B0012 Pre-release

What's changed since v1.34.2:

  • New features:
    • Added WAF pillar specific baselines by @BernieWhite.
      • Use pillar specific baselines to target a specific area of the Azure Well-Architected Framework.
      • The following baselines have been added:
        • Azure.Pillar.CostOptimization
        • Azure.Pillar.OperationalExcellence
        • Azure.Pillar.PerformanceEfficiency
        • Azure.Pillar.Reliability
        • Azure.Pillar.Security
  • General improvements:

See change log.


08 Mar 16:09
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What's changed since v1.34.1:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed export of in-flight data for flexible PostgreSQL servers by @BernieWhite.

See change log.


06 Mar 16:20
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What's changed since v1.34.0:

See change log.


04 Mar 23:12
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What's changed since v1.33.2:

  • New rules:
    • Azure Kubernetes Service:
      • Check that user mode pools have a minimum number of nodes by @BernieWhite.
        • Added configuration to support changing the minimum number of node and to exclude node pools.
        • Set AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_USER_POOL_MINIMUM_NODES to set the minimum number of user nodes.
        • Set AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_USER_POOL_EXCLUDED_FROM_MINIMUM_NODES to exclude a specific node pool by name.
  • Updated rules:
    • Azure Kubernetes Service:
      • Updated Azure.AKS.MinNodeCount the count nodes system node pools by @BernieWhite.
        • Improved guidance and examples specifically for system node pools.
        • Added configuration to support changing the minimum number of node.
        • Set AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_SYSTEM_NODES to set the minimum number of system nodes.
    • Front Door:
      • Updated Azure.FrontDoor.Logs to cover premium and standard profiles instead of just classic by @BernieWhite.
        • Added a selector for premium and standard profiles Azure.FrontDoor.IsStandardOrPremium.
        • Added a selector for classic profiles Azure.FrontDoor.IsClassic.
        • Updated rule set to 2024_03.
    • Microsoft Defender for Cloud:
      • Renamed rules to align with recommended naming length by @BernieWhite.
        • Renamed Azure.Defender.Storage.SensitiveData to Azure.Defender.Storage.DataScan.
      • Promoted Azure.Defender.Storage.MalwareScan to GA rule set by @BernieWhite.
    • Storage Account:
      • Renamed rules to align with recommended naming length by @BernieWhite.
        • Renamed Azure.Storage.DefenderCloud.MalwareScan to Azure.Storage.Defender.MalwareScan.
        • Renamed Azure.Storage.DefenderCloud.SensitiveData to Azure.Storage.Defender.DataScan.
      • Promoted Azure.Storage.Defender.MalwareScan to GA rule set by @BernieWhite.
  • General improvements:
    • Moved .bicepparam file support to stable by @BernieWhite.
      • Bicep param files are now automatically expanded when found.
      • To disable expansion, set the configuration option AZURE_BICEP_PARAMS_FILE_EXPANSION to false.
    • Added support for type/ variable/ and function imports from Bicep files by @BernieWhite.
    • Added duplicate policies to default ignore list by @BernieWhite.
    • Documentation and metadata improvements by @BernieWhite.
  • Engineering:
    • Updated resource providers and policy aliases.
    • Improved debugging experience by providing symbols for .NET code by @BernieWhite.
    • Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to v17.9.0.
    • Bump xunit to v2.7.0.
    • Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.7.
    • Bump coverlet.collector to v6.0.1.
  • Bug fixes:

What's changed since pre-release v1.34.0-B0077:

  • No additional changes.

See change log.


03 Mar 18:34
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v1.34.0-B0077 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.34.0-B0047:

  • Updated rules:
    • Microsoft Defender for Cloud:
      • Renamed rules to align with recommended naming length by @BernieWhite.
        • Renamed Azure.Defender.Storage.SensitiveData to Azure.Defender.Storage.DataScan.
      • Promoted Azure.Defender.Storage.MalwareScan to GA rule set by @BernieWhite.
    • Storage Account:
      • Renamed rules to align with recommended naming length by @BernieWhite.
        • Renamed Azure.Storage.DefenderCloud.MalwareScan to Azure.Storage.Defender.MalwareScan.
        • Renamed Azure.Storage.DefenderCloud.SensitiveData to Azure.Storage.Defender.DataScan.
      • Promoted Azure.Storage.Defender.MalwareScan to GA rule set by @BernieWhite.
  • General improvements:
  • Engineering:
    • Updated resource providers and policy aliases.
  • Bug fixes:

See change log.


28 Feb 18:04
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v1.34.0-B0047 Pre-release

What's changed since pre-release v1.34.0-B0022:

  • General improvements:
    • Added support for type/ variable/ and function imports from Bicep files by @BernieWhite.
  • Engineering:
    • Improved debugging experience by providing symbols for .NET code by @BernieWhite.

See change log.