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Predictive Analytics for Concrete Compressive Strength - A project from Dicoding's Machine Learning Expert Class, focused on predicting the compressive strength of concrete using machine learning algorithms.

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Machine Learning Project Report - Axel Sean Cahyono Putra

image of concrete compressive strength

Concrete Compressive Strength

Project Domain

Based on [1] in Ghana, building collapse incidents are frequent and often result in casualties. From 2000 to 2020, around 60 people died and 140 were injured in 20 cases of building collapse. Even in some major cities in Ghana, the phenomenon of building collapse still occurs, believed to be due to the use of low-quality building materials, especially concrete. In Ghana, concrete production for building materials is done directly at the construction site, as purchasing ready-to-use concrete is expensive. The quality of pre-prepared concrete is certainly better because it meets predetermined quality parameters.

Building materials, especially low-quality concrete, are believed to be a source of building collapses. One way to determine the quality of concrete is by testing its compressive strength, also known as Concrete Compressive Strength. The compressive strength of concrete depends on the components used in the mixing process. The amount of cement, water, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, etc., are factors that determine the compressive strength of concrete, but there are other factors such as temperature, air humidity, and exposure that can also affect the strength of concrete. Therefore, the composition and exposure conditions make the prediction process complex. [2].

Therefore, the use of machine learning models can predict the compressive strength of concrete based on the data of components used in the concrete mix. Since the unit of concrete strength is a constant value, the suitable machine learning model is Regression. The regression model can find patterns within the data related to the compressive strength of concrete (output variable) by analyzing the amount of components used in each concrete mix and determining which component mix and quantity can affect the compressive strength of concrete.

The Regression model can be applied in several stages: Data Collection, Data Preparation, Data Splitting, Model Training, Model Evaluation. After completing these stages, the model with the best evaluation metric will be selected as the model for prediction.

Business Understanding

As previously explained, sometimes concrete mixing is done on-site with minimal equipment to test the concrete. The use of a regression machine learning model can help predict the compressive strength of concrete before it is used in the construction process. This way, the construction process can reduce excessive spending and also ensure the safety of the building being constructed.

Problem Statement

  • How to predict the compressive strength of concrete based on the data of components used in a concrete mix to increase efficiency and safety
  • How to obtain a machine learning model with an error rate below 5%


  • Successfully predict the compressive strength of concrete using a machine learning model
  • Successfully obtain a model with an error rate of less than 5%

Solution Statement

  • Use EDA to understand the nature of the data and identify features that affect Concrete Compressive Strength
  • Use multiple machine learning models to predict the compressive strength of concrete based on the given component data. The model to be used is the regression model. Then choose the model with the smallest error, some of the models to be used are:
    1. K-Nearest Neighbors
    2. Support Vector Regressor
    3. Random Forest
    4. XGBoost Regressor
  • Choose the model with the lowest error to be used in predicting the compressive strength of concrete

Data Understanding

The Concrete Compressive Strength dataset can be downloaded through this link. The dataset contains 9 variables with 8 features and 1 target. Description of variables:

The features in this dataset are components used in concrete mixtures

  • Cement (component 1): amount of cement in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Blast Furnace Slag (component 2): amount of slag from blast furnaces in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Fly Ash (component 3): amount of fly ash in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Water (component 4): amount of water in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Superplasticizer (component 5): amount of superplasticizer in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Coarse Aggregate (component 6): amount of coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Fine Aggregate (component 7): amount of fine aggregate in the concrete mixture measured in kg in a cubic meter
  • Age: age of the concrete in days (1-365)
  • Concrete compressive strength: compressive strength of concrete measured in MPa (megapascals), is the target variable in the dataset

Data Information

The dataset contains 1030 samples

idx column non-null count dtype
0 Cement 1030 non-null float64
1 Blast Furnace Slag 1030 non-null float64
2 Fly Ash 1030 non-null float64
3 Water 1030 non-null float64
4 Superplasticizer 1030 non-null float64
5 Coarse Aggregate 1030 non-null float64
6 Fine Aggregate 1030 non-null float64
7 Age 1030 non-null int64
8 Concrete Compressive Strength 1030 non-null float64

Checking for missing values

Cement Blast Furnace Slag Fly Ash Water Superplasticizer Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate Age Concrete compressive strength
count 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000 1030.000000
mean 281.167864 73.895825 54.188350 181.567282 6.204660 972.918932 773.580485 45.662136 35.817961
std 104.506364 86.279342 63.997004 21.354219 5.973841 77.753954 80.175980 63.169912 16.705742
min 102.000000 0.000000 0.000000 121.800000 0.000000 801.000000 594.000000 1.000000 2.330000
25% 192.375000 0.000000 0.000000 164.900000 0.000000 932.000000 730.950000 7.000000 23.710000
50% 272.900000 22.000000 0.000000 185.000000 6.400000 968.000000 779.500000 28.000000 34.445000
75% 350.000000 142.950000 118.300000 192.000000 10.200000 1029.400000 824.000000 56.000000 46.135000
max 540.000000 359.400000 200.100000 247.000000 32.200000 1145.000000 992.600000 365.000000 82.600000

In some components such as Blast Furnace Slag, Fly Ash, Superplasticizer, the min value (minimum value in that column) contains a value of 0. Usually, the value 0 will be considered as missing values, however in this project the value 0 will be assumed that the component was not used in the mixing process

Data Visualization

  • Univariate Analysis

univar_analysis Figure 1. Univariate Analysis

It shows the amount of each component used in the mixing process. It can be seen that there are many values of 0 in the Blast Furnace Slag, Fly Ash, and Superplasticizer components. It can be concluded that these three components are rarely used in the concrete mixing process.

  • Multivariate Analysis

corr_matrix Figure 2. Multivariate Analysis

Look at the bottom row of the correlation matrix, components such as cement and age have a high correlation with concrete compressive strength, while components such as water do not have much influence on concrete compressive strength. However, the Water feature is not dropped because it is believed that water is also an important component in the concrete mixing process.

It can also be seen that many features are not correlated with the target variable, but with this, it can be concluded that the dataset is non-linear.

Data Preparation

The steps taken in Data Preparation:

  • Handling outliers: outliers are handled using the IQR method, by removing outliers 1.5 IQR below Q1 and 1.5 IQR above Q3.
  • Splitting features and target variables, so that the machine can distinguish which variables need to be used in training.
  • Splitting the data into train and test with an 80:20 ratio because the dataset is relatively small, used so that the model can evaluate on new data and prevent overfitting.
  • Standardization: the process of transforming data so that it has the same scale, namely mean = 0 and variance = 1, this is necessary for machine learning algorithms to perform better when the data has the same scale.

    It should be noted that in standardizing the dataset with all numerical features, there is a change from a dataframe to an np array. This can be prevented by converting it back to a dataframe as stated in the code.


The steps in the modeling process for each model:

  1. Data Collection
  2. Data Preparation
  3. Data Splitting into training and testing data
  4. Model Training
  5. Model Evaluation

Algorithms used:

  1. K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN): KNN is an algorithm for classifying objects based on data that is closest to the object. This algorithm is used because it is easy to use.

    • Pros: Easy to understand and implement, does not require complex learning or training.
    • Cons: Performance is slow for large datasets, sensitive to non-standardized data, and requires choosing the right parameter K.
    • Parameter:
      • n_neighbors: '6', the number of nearest neighbors to be used for predicting the target value.
  2. Support Vector Regressor (SVM): SVM is an algorithm to find the best hyperplane that separates 2 classes from the feature space. In the case of regression, this algorithm looks for the hyperplane with the largest margin between the data. This algorithm is used because it is suitable for handling non-linear datasets through the "kernel" parameter.

    • Pros: Effective in datasets with many features, can handle non-linear data through kernels, and tends to be more tolerant to overfitting.
    • Cons: Requires tuning the right parameters, such as kernel and C, and is not efficient for very large datasets.
    • Parameter:
      • kernel: 'rbf', used to transform input data into higher dimensions.
      • 'rbf' = kernel function useful for non-linear data (argument of the kernel parameter).
  3. Random Forest: RF is an algorithm that consists of many decision trees generated randomly, then the average of the final results of each tree will be used for prediction. This algorithm is used because of its ability to handle non-linear data and can provide stable results.

    • Pros: Can handle unstructured data and non-standardized features, robust to outliers and noise, and easy to use.
    • Cons: Potential for overfitting on small datasets with highly diverse features, and difficult to interpret.
    • Parameter:
      • n_estimators: '16', the number of decision trees in the random forest, the more trees, the more complex and computationally expensive.
      • max_depth: '8', the maximum depth of each decision tree.
      • random_state: '69', controls randomness in the model, if given a value, it will be randomly consistent.
      • n_jobs: '-1', the number of jobs to be used in parallel for processing. The default value is None, if filled with -1 then it will use all available cpu cores.
  4. Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBRegressor): XGBRegressor is an implementation of the gradient boosting algorithm that combines several weak learner models and adds a new learner at each iteration with the goal of improving the previous prediction results. This algorithm is used because it can provide good performance in predicting target values.

    • Pros: Usually provides very good performance, tolerant to overfitting, and efficient in computational time.
    • Cons: Requires careful parameter tuning, and may require more computational processing than other models.
    • Parameter:
      • objective: 'reg:squarederror', the objective function for modeling. the goal is squared error regression loss which is suitable for loss function.
      • n_estimators: '16', the number of decision trees in the ensemble model.
      • max_depth: '8', the maximum depth of each decision tree.
      • learning_rate: '0.3', controls how big the learning step taken at each iteration.
      • subsample: '0.5', The fraction of the dataset to be used for training each tree.
      • colsample_bytree: '0.5', The fraction of features to be used in forming each tree.


The evaluation metric used is the root_mean_squared_error (RMSE) loss function, implemented using the mean_squared_error loss function from sklearn and then taking the square root using numpy.sqrt(). The result is the RMSE loss function.

RMSE or Root Mean Squared Error is a loss function obtained from the process of squaring the error (y_true - y_prediction) and dividing by the count, then taking the square root.

Using this metric, the models can be trained and the error can be measured using the formula:

RMSE = $\displaystyle \left(\frac{\sum (y_i - \hat{y}_i)}{n}\right)^{1/2}$

RMSE = root mean square error value
y = actual value
ŷ = predicted value
i = data index
n = number of data

The table below shows the loss for each model:

Model Train RMSE Test RMSE
KNN 6.356479 7.825455
SVR 8.290605 8.360327
RF 3.329867 5.268821
XGR 2.857279 4.971411

The plot below shows the loss for each model:

model loss
Figure 3. Model Loss Plot

It can be seen that the XGBRegressor model has the lowest loss among the four models. Thus, it is the best model among the others.

The table below shows the prediction results for each model:

id y_true KNN_prediction SVR_prediction RF_prediction XGR_prediction
418 11.98 18.5 17.6 14.1 14.500000
777 31.84 32.0 28.1 35.0 32.099998
176 56.50 60.8 45.8 58.5 58.099998
481 61.07 52.4 57.1 54.9 60.500000
435 41.20 35.6 31.0 40.2 36.500000
53 49.19 48.4 40.8 48.1 53.900002
904 23.79 34.6 29.8 25.6 33.700001
266 38.50 27.3 29.9 33.5 32.099998
999 15.57 21.6 27.7 15.8 16.900000
380 57.23 61.7 43.3 60.8 66.699997

Based on this data, it can be seen that the regression model can predict the compressive strength of concrete based on the given component data. The model with an error less than 5% is the XGBRegressor model. It can also be seen that the prediction results from the XGBRegressor model are close to the actual values, although sometimes slightly off.

This project still needs improvement, especially in the modeling part. For the XGBRegressor model, hyperparameter tuning can be done to obtain a smaller error in order to predict the compressive strength of concrete with as small an error as possible.


In the model evaluation, the evaluation metric results show that the XGBRegressor model provides the best results, with an RMSE error of 4.97 on the test data. This indicates that the XGBRegressor model can predict concrete compressive strength with a low error of less than 5% of the actual value.

The prediction results of other models such as Random Forest also provide relatively small errors compared to the KNN and Support Vector Regressor models, which have slightly larger errors than the others. Nevertheless, all models are capable of providing good predictions for concrete compressive strength.

This project has successfully achieved its goal of predicting concrete compressive strength using machine learning models. However, hyperparameter tuning is needed for the XGBRegressor model to achieve even lower error values for more reliable predictions.


[1] Kenneth A. Tutu, David A. Odei, Philip Baniba, Michael Owusu, "Concrete quality issues in multistory building construction in Ghana: Cases from Kumasi metropolis," Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol 17, December 2022, e01425
[2] Gaoyang Liu, Bochau Sun, "Concrete compressive strength prediction using an explainable boosting machine model," Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol 18, July 2023, e01845


Predictive Analytics for Concrete Compressive Strength - A project from Dicoding's Machine Learning Expert Class, focused on predicting the compressive strength of concrete using machine learning algorithms.







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