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Developer Community Meeting August 8, 2024

Kyle M Hall edited this page Aug 9, 2024 · 3 revisions


  • The purpose of this meeting is to talk about the developer guidelines in an open forum.
  • There was a lot of discussion regarding whether or not we should go through the document to propose what we want to propose to the larger group. In the end it was decided to move forward knowing nothing is going to be set in stone
  • The rules that were proposed to be proposed are all listed here:
  • Discussion went back and forth regarding commit messages. Mark wanted to discuss the content of the commit messages further.
  • Main Branch Discussion: Mark has argued that using a main branch is not the way to go. He advocates for smaller dedicated branches because it makes it easy to submit smaller commits. This requires further discussion on a larger stage within the community.
  • Everyone agreed that the coding guidelines should be published on a public website
  • There was further argument over the usage of git/markdown as part of the guidelines. The arguments centered around accessibility for developers with less experience using Git
  • GDPR: Guidelines around privacy and confidentiality were proposed to be proposed.
  • Code of Conduct was suggested, no one argued against it but the community needs to come up with the specifics
  • It was proposed to propose that we do more documentation as a goal.
  • It was proposed to propose that all database fields should be commented with the field purpose