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react-native-easy-chat-ui react-native-easy-chat-ui react-native-easy-chat-ui react-native-easy-chat-ui react-native-easy-chat-ui react-native-easy-chat-ui


  • yarn add @react-native-community/viewpager
  • react-native link @react-native-community/viewpager
  • npm: npm install react-native-easy-chat-ui --save
  • Yarn: yarn add react-native-easy-chat-ui


  • Use version 0.2.x for RN >= 0.44.0
  • Use version 0.1.x for RN < 0.44.0


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { Header, NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation'
import {AudioRecorder, AudioUtils} from 'react-native-audio'
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'
import Sound from 'react-native-sound'
import { ChatScreen } from 'react-native-easy-chat-ui'

class Example extends React.Component {
  state = {
     messages: [
              id: `1`,
              type: 'text',
              content: 'hello world',
              targetId: '12345678',
              chatInfo: {
                avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
                id: '12345678',
                nickName: 'Test'
              renderTime: true,
              sendStatus: 0,
              time: '1542006036549'
              id: `2`,
              type: 'text',
              content: 'hi/{se}',
              targetId: '12345678',
              chatInfo: {
                avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
                id: '12345678',
                nickName: 'Test'
              renderTime: true,
              sendStatus: 0,
              time: '1542106036549'
              id: `3`,
              type: 'image',
              content: {
                uri: '|imageView2/1/w/300/h/240',
                width: 100,
                height: 80,
              } ,
              targetId: '12345678',
              chatInfo: {
                avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
                id: '12345678',
                nickName: 'Test'
              renderTime: false,
              sendStatus: 0,
              time: '1542106037000'
              id: `4`,
              type: 'text',
              content: '你好/{weixiao}',
              targetId: '88886666',
              chatInfo: {
                avatar: require('../../source/avatar.png'),
                id: '12345678'
              renderTime: true,
              sendStatus: -2,
              time: '1542177036549'
              id: `5`,
              type: 'voice',
              content: {
                uri: '',
                length: 10
              targetId: '12345678',
              chatInfo: {
                avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
                id: '12345678',
                nickName: 'Test'
              renderTime: true,
              sendStatus: 1,
              time: '1542260667161'
              id: `6`,
              type: 'voice',
              content: {
                uri: '',
                length: 30
              targetId: '88886666',
              chatInfo: {
                avatar: require('../../source/avatar.png'),
                id: '12345678'
              renderTime: true,
              sendStatus: 0,
              time: '1542264667161'
          // chatBg: require('../../source/bg.jpg'),
          inverted: false,  // require
          voiceHandle: true,
          currentTime: 0,
          recording: false,
          paused: false,
          stoppedRecording: false,
          finished: false,
          audioPath: '',
          voicePlaying: false,
          voiceLoading: false

  sendMessage = (type, content, isInverted) => {
      console.log(type, content, isInverted, 'msg')

  render() {
    return (
        ref={(e) => = e}

Advanced example (How to record voice)

cd Demo
react-native run-ios or react-native run-android

About Message

    messages: [
        id: `${new Date().getTime()}`,
        type: 'text',
        content: 'hello world',
        targetId: '12345678',
        chatInfo: {
          avatar: require('./app/source/image/avatar.png'),
          id: '12345678',
          nickName: 'Test'   // not require
        renderTime: true,
        sendStatus: 0,
        time: new Date().getTime()
  • id: message id
  • about message type: 'text', 'image', 'voice', 'video', 'location', 'share', 'videoCall', 'voiceCall', 'redEnvelope', 'file', 'system'
  • targetId: The id of the person who sent the message
  • content: see example
  • chatInfo: The profile of the person you're chatting with
  • renderTime: Whether to render time above message
  • sendStatus: 0 ---> sending, 1 ---> sendSuccess, -1 ---> You are deleted or on the blacklist, -2 ---> error
  • time: moment,messageList sorted by time


  • message
props default Info
messageList [] Messages to display
inverted false When messageList exceeds the screen height, set it to true otherwise false (You can change this value when componentWillUnmount or delete message)
isIPhoneX false Is it full screen
chatBackgroundImage null Custom BackgroundImage
onScroll () => {} ListView Props
onEndReachedThreshold 0.1 ListView Props
chatWindowStyle undefined Container style
sendMessage (type, content, isInverted) => {} Callback when sending a message
reSendMessage (message) => {} Callback when you want send again
delMessage (indexs, isInverted) => {} Callback when delete message
renderAvatar (message) => {} Custom avatar view
avatarStyle undefined Style of avatar
chatId '123455678' The id of the person you're chatting with
chatType 'friend' Your relationship with the person you're chatting with
onMessagePress (type, index, content) => {} Callback when press a message
onMessageLongPress (type, index, content) => {} Callback when longPress a message and usePopView is false
pressAvatar (isSelf, targetId) => {} Callback when press avatar
headerHeight 66 navigation bar height + statusBar height
userProfile {id: '88888888', avatar: 'default.png'} Your own profile
showUserName false Whether show userName
loadHistory () => {} Callback when loading earlier messages
renderMessageTime (time) => {} Custom time inside above message
renderChatBg (bg) => {} Custom chat background image
renderErrorMessage (messageStatus) => {} Custom a message when the friend relationship is abnormal
panelSource [] Custom panel source
renderPanelRow () => {} Custom a tab icon
allPanelHeight 200 emojiPanel and plusPanel height
messageErrorIcon icon element Custom a icon when message failed to be sent
leftMessageBackground '#fffff' Custom background color on left
rightMessageBackground '#a0e75a' Custom background color on right
leftMessageTextStyle undefined Custom text message style on left
rightMessageTextStyle undefined Custom text message style on right
  • inputBarProps
props default Info
emojiIcon icon element Custom emoticons
placeholder '请输入...' Placeholder when text is empty
keyboardIcon icon Custom keyboard icon
plusIcon icon element Custom plus icon
sendIcon icon element Custom send icon
  • popViewProps
props default Info
usePopView true Display a popView when longPress a message
popoverStyle {backgroundColor: '#333'} popView style
renderDelPanel undefined Custom any what you want, (isSelect)=> {}
changeHeaderLeft () => {} Custom headerLeft
setPopItems (type, index, text) => {let items = [{title: '删除',onPress: () => {that.props.delMessage([index])}},{title: '多选',onPress: () => {that.multipleSelect(index)}}]if (type === 'text') {items = [{title: '复制',onPress: () => Clipboard.setString(text)},{title: '删除',onPress: () => {that.props.delMessage([index])}},{title: '多选', onPress: () => {that.multipleSelect(index)}}]}return items} Custom PopView
messageDelIcon icon element Custom delete icon
messageSelectIcon icon element Custom selected icon
renderMessageCheck undefined Custom selected icon, (isSelect)=> {}
  • voiceProps
props default Info
useVoice true send voice message
pressInText '按住 说话' Custom pressIn text
pressOutText '松开 发送' Custom pressOut text
voiceIcon icon element Custom voice icon
voiceLeftIcon undefined Custom icon of the message on the left
voiceRightIcon undefined Custom icon of the message on the right
voiceErrorIcon icon element Custom icon when record error
voiceErrorText '说话时间太短' Custom text when record error
voiceCancelIcon icon element Custom icon when cancel record
voiceCancelText '松开手指取消发送' Custom text when cancel record
voiceNoteText '手指上划,取消发送' Custom text when pressIn record button
voiceSpeakIcon [] Custom icon when pressIn record button
audioPath '' File path to store voice
audioOnProgress () => {} Callback when recording
audioOnFinish () => {} Callback when finish record
audioInitPath () => {} Callback when init file path
audioRecord () => {} Callback when start record
audioStopRecord () => {} Callback when stop record
audioPauseRecord () => {} Callback when pause record
audioResumeRecord () => {} Callback when resume record
audioCurrentTime 0 audio length
audioHandle true Whether to get a recording handle
setAudioHandle (status) => {} Callback when get handle or not
audioHasPermission false Whether has permission
requestAndroidPermission () => {} Callback when check permission on android
checkPermission () => {} Callback whether has permission
voiceLoading false Loading voice or not
voicePlaying false Playing voice or not
voiceLeftLoadingColor '#cccccc' Custom background color on left when load voice
voiceVolume 0 Volume (0~10)
voiceRightLoadingColor '#628b42' Custom background color on right when load voice
  • bubbleProps
props default Info
renderTextMessage undefined Custom message text, (data) => {}
renderImageMessage undefined Custom message image, (data) => {}
renderVoiceMessage undefined Custom message voice, (data) => {}
renderVoiceView undefined Custom voice container, (data) => {}
renderVideoMessage undefined Custom message video, (data) => {}
renderLocationMessage undefined Custom message location, (data) => {}
renderShareMessage undefined Custom message share, (data) => {}
renderVideoCallMessage undefined Custom message video call, (data) => {}
renderVoiceCallMessage undefined Custom message voice call, (data) => {}
renderRedEnvelopeMessage undefined Custom message red-envelope, (data) => {}
renderFileMessage undefined Custom message file, (data) => {}
renderPatMessage undefined Custom message pat, (data) => {}
renderCustomMessage undefined Custom message custom, (data) => {}
renderSystemMessage undefined Custom message system, (data) => {}

All Props

  propTypes = {
      /* defaultProps */
      messageList: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
      inverted: PropTypes.bool,
      isIPhoneX: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
      lastReadAt: PropTypes.object,
      chatBackgroundImage: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),
      onScroll: PropTypes.func,
      onEndReachedThreshold: PropTypes.number,
      sendMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderAvatar: PropTypes.func,
      allPanelAnimateDuration: PropTypes.number,
      chatType: PropTypes.oneOf(['friend', 'group']),
      onMessagePress: PropTypes.func,
      onMessageLongPress: PropTypes.func,
      renderMessageTime: PropTypes.func,
      pressAvatar: PropTypes.func,
      renderErrorMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderChatBg: PropTypes.func,
      reSendMessage: PropTypes.func,
      headerHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
      iphoneXBottomPadding: PropTypes.number,
      showUserName: PropTypes.bool,
      showIsRead: PropTypes.bool,
      showInput: PropTypes.bool,
      isReadStyle: PropTypes.object,
      userProfile: PropTypes.shape({
        id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        avatar: PropTypes.isRequired,
        nickName: PropTypes.string
      panelSource: PropTypes.array,
      renderPanelRow: PropTypes.func,
      allPanelHeight: PropTypes.number,
      messageErrorIcon: PropTypes.element,
      loadHistory: PropTypes.func,
      leftMessageBackground: PropTypes.string,
      rightMessageBackground: PropTypes.string,
      leftMessageTextStyle: PropTypes.object,
      rightMessageTextStyle: PropTypes.object,
      renderLoadEarlier: PropTypes.func,
      extraData: PropTypes.any,
      containerBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,
      showsVerticalScrollIndicator: PropTypes.bool,
      userNameStyle: PropTypes.object,
      panelContainerBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,
      /* popProps */
      usePopView: PropTypes.bool,
      renderDelPanel: PropTypes.func,
      changeHeaderLeft: PropTypes.func,
      setPopItems: PropTypes.func,
      messageDelIcon: PropTypes.element,
      messageSelectIcon: PropTypes.element,
      delMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderMessageCheck: PropTypes.func,
      /* inputBarProps */
      emojiIcon: PropTypes.element,
      placeholder: PropTypes.string,
      keyboardIcon: PropTypes.element,
      plusIcon: PropTypes.element,
      sendIcon: PropTypes.element,
      sendUnableIcon: PropTypes.element,
      inputHeightFix: PropTypes.number,
      useEmoji: PropTypes.bool,
      usePlus: PropTypes.bool,
      /* voiceProps */
      useVoice: PropTypes.bool,
      pressInText: PropTypes.string,
      pressOutText: PropTypes.string,
      voiceIcon: PropTypes.element,
      voiceLeftIcon: PropTypes.element,
      voiceRightIcon: PropTypes.element,
      voiceErrorIcon: PropTypes.element,
      voiceCancelIcon: PropTypes.element,
      voiceSpeakIcon: PropTypes.array,
      audioPath: PropTypes.string,
      audioOnProgress: PropTypes.func,
      audioOnFinish: PropTypes.func,
      audioInitPath: PropTypes.func,
      audioRecord: PropTypes.func,
      audioStopRecord: PropTypes.func,
      audioPauseRecord: PropTypes.func,
      audioResumeRecord: PropTypes.func,
      audioCurrentTime: PropTypes.number,
      audioHandle: PropTypes.bool,
      setAudioHandle: PropTypes.func,
      audioHasPermission: PropTypes.bool,
      checkPermission: PropTypes.func,
      requestAndroidPermission: PropTypes.func,
      voiceErrorText: PropTypes.string,
      voiceCancelText: PropTypes.string,
      voiceNoteText: PropTypes.string,
      voiceLoading: PropTypes.bool,
      voicePlaying: PropTypes.bool,
      voiceLeftLoadingColor: PropTypes.string,
      voiceVolume: PropTypes.number,
      voiceRightLoadingColor: PropTypes.string,
      /* bubbleProps */
      renderTextMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderImageMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderVoiceMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderVoiceView: PropTypes.func,
      renderVideoMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderLocationMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderShareMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderVideoCallMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderVoiceCallMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderRedEnvelopeMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderFileMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderSystemMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderCustomMessage: PropTypes.func,
      renderPatMessage: PropTypes.func,
      /* delPanelProps */
      flatListProps: PropTypes.object

Notes for Android

  • Make sure you have android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" in your AndroidManifest.xml:



react-native-easy-chat-ui react-native-easy-chat-ui



chat UI for React Native







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