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Mohan edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 23 revisions


Appirio’s SOQL utility is a browser based query analyzer that provides a set of niche features compared to SFDC workbench. This is one of the most popular asset & default tool used by Appirian’s in mostly in every project.

Appirio’s SOQL Wave tool is built on top of above tool that enables user to upload Salesforce data to Analytics Cloud with few button clicks. This tool is very handy when you want to demo SFDC Wave while the data is in the same org as Wave. This tool supports up to 50 million records.

These are the high level features provided by SOQL Wave

  • Enhanced SOQL tool.
  • Create JSON Metadata.
  • Data upload to Wave

Demo video


New features:

Enhanced SOQL tool

These are the list of niche features provided by SOQL wave compared to workbench.

  • It lives right inside your org - so it's really quick & easy to get to.
  • The results appear in an HTML table, where you can easily cut & paste them.
  • ID fields show up as clickable links.
  • Joins are handled in a relational-type style - joined fields simply show up as additional columns, instead of as related/embedded objects.
  • You can see the raw query result if you want it (the result of the sforce.connection.query() call).
  • It supports SELECT * syntax.
  • It supports the DESC command.
  • It supports LIST OBJECTS to see a list of all sobjects.
  • You can get output in CSV format.

Create JSON Metadata

Wave uses the JSON metadata uploaded to InsightExternalData to format/classify the raw data. SOQL Wave tool provides a gUI based configuration to create these complex JSON.

These are the highlights:

Auto classify:

Metadata field are auto classified to wave field types based on the actual Salesforce field definition.

  • DATE/DATETIME --> Date.
  • All others --> Text Auto

Update field type format:

When the metadata gets generated it sets default format based on the actual Salesforce field definition.

  • INTEGER --> #
  • DOUBLE --> #.00
  • Date --> yyyy-MM-dd
  • DATETIME --> yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ
  • CURRENCY --> $#,###.00 Auto

Change facts to dimension:

By default metadata detection classifies INTEGER/DOUBLE/CURRENCY dataTypes to Numeric. If the use case requires a specific field to be classified as dimension, you can change data type from Numeric to Text. The same applies for the datatype "Date". Auto

Multi New/Edit:

The tool provides user-friendly option to create/update multiple metadata at the same time Auto

Upload Data to Wave

These are the features available in this category.

Upload data to Wave:

When you are satisfied with the SOQL analysis, click the “Create Dataset” button. It initiates a background process to split the result set to small batches and upload them to InsightExtenalDataPart. Auto

Data upload status:

This tool also displays the upload status when a huge dataset is uploaded to Wave. Auto


Login to SFDC wave org. Copy the unmanaged url for this tool in the browser and hit enter. Follow the installation instruction.

Accessing the tool

Open the Datasets tab from All Tabs menu. Auto

Common Installation error

These are the common problems while installing this un-managed package.

Tab limit:

The tool create Dataset tab by default. If your org has more tabs than the allowed limit. Delete few custom tabs to install this tool.

Orphan Trigger:

Few SFDC org template have orphaned trigger which might throw the below error. Auto Delete the following triggers & try the install process.

  • adduserskillgroup
  • deleteuserstoskillgroup
  • completefirstresponsemail
  • onpsucreationbeforeinsert
  • completefirstresponsecasecomment
  • defaultentitlement
  • attachscreenspopcontacttransacrtipt.


Follow these steps to uninstall this unmanaged package.

  • Navigate to setup menu.
  • Search for “Installed Packages”.
  • Click “uninstall” link against DatasetManager. Auto


Clink on this link to install this unmanaged package.

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