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League of Legends

Anton Grigoryev edited this page Jul 14, 2022 · 6 revisions


This source contains information about news and server status for League of Legends.

A pair of RSS files are generated for each server (news - with news and status - server-status)
In total, we support 12 regions and 20 locales:

  • Brazil (br - pt-BR)
  • EU Nordic & East (eune - cs-CZ, el-GR, en-PL, hu-HU, pl-PL and ro-RO)
  • EU West (euw - de-DE, en-GB, es-ES, fr-FR and it-IT)
  • Japan (jp - ja-JP)
  • Korea (kr - ko-KR)
  • Latin America North (lan - es-MX)
  • Latin America South (las - es-AR)
  • North America (na - en-US)
  • Oceania (oce - en-AU)
  • Russia (ru - ru-RU)
  • Turkey (tr - tr-TR)
  • PBE (server status only - see below)

An RSS link is formed as{region}/{type}.{locale}.xml

Instead of region, you substitute your region, instead of locale - desired locale and instead of type - news or status
For example, for an NA server with locale en-US:

News and Updates

League of Legends news and updates

Records Example

Records Example - League of Legends News

Server status

Be the first to know about maintenance and server issues

Records Example

Records Example - Server Status of League of Legends


For the PBE server, only server status is available.
Supported locales: cs-CZ, de-DE, el-GR, en-US, es-ES, es-MX, fr-FR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, pl-PL, pt-BR, ro-RO, ru-RU, tr-TR.
RSS link formed as{locale}.xml

ESports News (specific for RU-server)

ESports News from

Records Example

Records Example - ESports News on RU-server

English documentation

Документация на русском

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