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Project Create with React and RailsAPI

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About The Project

Based on the PROJECT: HCIE App UI/UX Design as a part of the Final Capstone in Microverse curriculum.

This App is designed for mobile, but it's possible to use in Desktop.

The purpose is to get:

  • A real-world-like project, built with business specifications.
  • Get feedback about the achievement of technical and soft skills.

Main Features

The following are actions that can be done on the application.

  1. Create an Account and Login in to the App.
  2. See all the upcoming events such a common user.
  3. Update your Account with different username and password.
  4. Join in Events and filter them.
  5. Ask for an upgrade of the Account.
  6. As a SuperUser. It's posible to create events and edit them.
  7. There is an Admin User who can Delete Users and Events.
  8. Logout from the App.

Built With


  1. npm version 6.13.4 or lastest
  2. node version 8.17.0 or more
  3. ruby version 2.6.5 or more
  4. rails version or more


  1. clone the repository react-rails-events
  2. cd in to the folder and run bundle install
  3. run rails db:create && rails db:migrate && rails db:seed * (If there are problems with the service of postgresql check DB Section)
  4. cd in to /client folder and run npm install
  5. return to root folder and run rails start
  6. wait until both servers will be initialized
  7. go to localhost:3000

DataBase Setup

  1. Run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install postgresql
  2. Run: sudo service postgresql start
  3. Run: sudo -i -u postgres
  4. Run: psql
  5. Run: CREATE USER rails with encrypted password 'rails'; (with semicolon)
  6. Run: ALTER USER rails createdb;


  1. For the Back-End (RailsAPI): In the root folder run rails spec
  2. For the Front-End (ReactJS): In the client folder run: npm test

Future Features

  1. Use AWS Store to include Images in events.
  2. Notifications on dashboard.
  3. Create a feedback screen.
  4. Improve styling.



Final capstone project






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