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Simple Telegram Bot API

Designed to be simple, zero dependency, one file python telegram bot api wrapper

Codacy Badge license pip version python version

telegram chat


This library implements telegram bot API in python. With no dependencies.

All fields and methods of API use typing.

Bot API 5.0 (November 4, 2020) is fully supported.


This library and its author neither associated, nor affiliated with Telegram in any way.


pip install py-telegram-bot-api

Or you can just download file and do whatever you want.

Quick start


All documentation you need can be found here.


  • Library methods use "snake_case_style" instead of "camelCaseStyle" in telegram docs.

  • Message structure use from_user instead of from (from is a reserved word in Python)

Lib Structure module represents all telegram bot API methods and structures. This is the only file you really want to work with telegram bot API. calls getUpdates() method in a loop. Can be used instead of webhook. More info about pooling and webhooks are here. module contains useful code.


Development done. Tests in progress.

Progress status
  • All classes added
  • All methods added

Tested methods

  • get_updates
  • set_webhook
  • delete_webhook
  • get_webhook_info
  • get_me
  • log_out
  • close
  • send_message
  • forward_message
  • copy_message
  • send_photo
  • send_audio
  • send_document
  • send_video
  • send_animation
  • send_voice
  • send_video_note
  • send_media_group
  • send_location
  • edit_message_live_location
  • stop_message_live_location
  • send_venue
  • send_contact
  • send_poll

Not tested methods

  • send_dice
  • send_chat_action
  • get_user_profile_photos
  • get_file
  • kick_chat_member
  • unban_chat_member
  • restrict_chat_member
  • promote_chat_member
  • set_chat_administrator_custom_title
  • set_chat_permissions
  • export_chat_invite_link
  • set_chat_photo
  • delete_chat_photo
  • set_chat_title
  • set_chat_description
  • pin_chat_message
  • unpin_chat_message
  • unpin_all_chat_messages
  • leave_chat
  • get_chat
  • get_chat_administrators
  • get_chat_members_count
  • get_chat_member
  • set_chat_sticker_set
  • delete_chat_sticker_set
  • answer_callback_query
  • set_my_commands
  • get_my_commands
  • edit_message_text
  • edit_message_caption
  • edit_message_media
  • edit_message_reply_markup
  • stop_poll
  • delete_message
  • send_sticker
  • get_sticker_set
  • upload_sticker_file
  • create_new_sticker_set
  • add_sticker_to_set
  • set_sticker_position_in_set
  • delete_sticker_from_set
  • set_sticker_set_thumb
  • answer_inline_query
  • send_invoice
  • answer_shipping_query
  • answer_pre_checkout_query
  • set_passport_data_errors
  • send_game
  • get_game_high_scores

Known issues

  • No issues yet