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A self-hosted cyber attack and network flow visualization on a 3D globe with support for anonymization and NetFlow. Written in Go and TypeScript


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A self-hosted network visualization on a 3D globe with support for IPFIX, NetFlow, sFlow and more

⚠️ PewView is currently being actively developed. Until it reaches v1.0.0 breaking changes may occur in minor versions.

PewView is a self-hosted network visualization tool. It listens for incoming network traffic flow in the commonly used IPFix (NetFlow v9), NetFlow v5 and sFlow formats, as well as a simple HTTP-based API endpoint. The traffic data is condensed, anonymized and enriched by adding location data to the observed network connections. The network traffic is then exported in a simple API. A web-based frontend then uses the API to visualize the network traffic in realtime on a 3D globe, shown in the picture above.


The service comes in two parts, an optional frontend and a high-throughput server based on Cloudflare's goflow.

Whilst the two are intended to be used together, one may chose to deactivate the frontend in order to use PewView as a high-throughput consumer of IPFIX, NetFlow, sFlow and more.

First, download the latest release for your architecture.

You'll also need a GeoIP service to enable PewView to resolve IP addresses to locations. For instructions on setting some of them up, see IP Geolocation configuration. A free service without config values is used in the example below.

The service can now be started like so:

pewview --consumer=netflow --location-provider=ipapi

PewView is incredibly configurable, please refer to the documentation below for instructions on how to use other conumers and location providers.

Table of contents



  • Intuitive web interface with a 3D visualization
  • High performance and scalable consumer
  • Supports NetFlow v5, Netflow v9 / IPFIX, sFlow and more
  • Stateless and usable via a single Docker container
  • Supports many location providers, offline, online, free and paid


Using Homebrew

brew install alexgustafsson/tap/pewview

Downloading a pre-built release

Download the latest release from here.

Build from source

Clone the repository.

git clone && cd pewview

Optionally check out a specific version.

git checkout v0.2.0

Build the application and frontend.

make build


Note: This project is still actively being developed. The documentation is an ongoing progress.

# Run PewView, listening for incoming IPFix (Netflow v9) data, getting location data from
pewview --consumer ipfix --location-provider ipapi

# Lookup some addresses using the configured location provider(s)
pewview --location-provider ipapi --lookup-address <ip>
  pewview [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --lookup-address=                               Print the location of the address and exit. May be used more than once
      --consumer=[ipfix|netflow|sflow|webhook|random] Enable a consumer. May be used more than once
      --geo=[geolite|ipgeolocation|ipapi|file]        Enable a location provider. May be used more than once

      --log.level=[debug|info|warn|error]             Log level (default: info)

IPFix Consumer:
      --consumer.ipfix.address=                       Listening address (default: <unset>)
      --consumer.ipfix.port=                          Listening port (default: 2055)
      --consumer.ipfix.workers=                       Worker count (default: 1)

Netflow Consumer:
      --consumer.netflow.address=                     Listening address (default: <unset>)
      --consumer.netflow.port=                        Listening port (default: 2056)
      --consumer.netflow.workers=                     Worker count (default: 1)

SFlow Consumer:
      --consumer.sflow.address=                       Listening address (default: <unset>)
      --consumer.sflow.port=                          Listening port (default: 6343)
      --consumer.sflow.workers=                       Worker count (default: 1)

WebHook Consumer:
      --consumer.webhook.address=                     Listening address (default: <unset>)
      --consumer.webhook.port=                        Listening port (default: 8081)

GeoLite Location Provider:
      --geo.geolite.path=                             Path to GeoLite2-City.mmdb Location Provider:
      --geo.ipgeolocation.key=                        API key [$PEWVIEW_IPGEOLOCATION_KEY]

File-based Location Provider:
      --geo.file.path=                                Path to JSON file containing patterns and locations

      --web.disable                                   Disable the built-in web interface
      --web.address=                                  Listening address (default: <unset>)
      --web.port=                                     Listening port (default: 8080)
      --web.origin=                                   Origin to allow (default: *)

      --pipeline.queue=                               Length of the pipeline's message queue (default: 1024)

Metrics Tuning:
      --metrics.window=                               Duration of a window (default: 1m)

Metrics to Expose:
      --metrics.expose.bytes                          Expose number of bytes sent in a connection
      --metrics.expose.source-address                 Expose source address of a connection
      --metrics.expose.source-port                    Expose source port of a connection
      --metrics.expose.destination-address            Expose destination address of a connection
      --metrics.expose.destination-port               Expose destination port of a connection

      --prometheus.enable                             Enable /metrics endpoint

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                          Show this help message

IP Geolocation configuration

MaxMind's GeoLite2 (free, paid, offline)

MaxMind's database is available offline, either free or paid. The paid version comes with more and newer data.

  1. Create a free account on
  2. Log in and go to the Download Files page under GeoIP2 / GeoLite 2
  3. Right click on Download GZIP of the GeoLite2 City row and copy the link
  4. Download the file using wget --output-document geoip.gzip "<copied path>"
  5. Untar the file using mkdir -p data/GeoLite && tar --strip=1 --directory data/GeoLite -xzvf geoip.gzip

For evaluation, you can download test data from maxmind/MaxMind-DB and follow the same procedures as above.

Specify --location-provider=geolite --geolite.path=./data/GeoLite/GeoLite2-City.mmdb when starting PewView. (free, paid, online)

The service has a free tier offering 1K requests a day, 30K a month. There are alternatives for up to 20M requests a month.

  1. Create an account on
  2. Log in to get your API key

Specify --location-provider=ipgeolocation --ipgeolocation.key=<key> when starting PewView. The key can also be set in the PEWVIEW_IPGEOLOCATION_KEY environment variable. (free, online)

The service is free, but it is served over HTTP and limited to 40 requests per minute. The paid alternative is currently not supported.

Specify --location-provider=ipapi when starting PewView.


Any help with the project is more than welcome. The project is still in its infancy and not recommended for production.


# Clone the repository && cd pewview

# Show available commands
make help

# Build the project for the native target
make build

Note: due to a bug (,,, clang is required when building for macOS. GCC cannot be used. Build the server like so: CC=clang make server.


This project was made possible by Cloudflare's goflow which is used for consuming network traffic.