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before 'dynamic_cast' Brick trouble #10

before 'dynamic_cast' Brick trouble

before 'dynamic_cast' Brick trouble #10

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and creating release
on: { workflow_dispatch, push: { paths-ignore: [ '**', '!_msvcStuff/*.vcxproj', '!src/**', '!.github/workflows/build-release.yml' ] } }
# Configuration
strOutName: BattleCityEos
strOutExt: exe
uriGistId: 5ade90f694f175f33ed253b5e8f213c8
strPatchVersionBase: 0
runs-on: windows-latest
contents: write # read for "actions/checkout@v3" when GITHUB_TOKEN, write for put in release
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set environment values (windows-latest)
run: |
$dirLib="${{ github.workspace }}\lib";
echo "dirLib=$dirLib" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
$uriVersion='${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ env.uriGistId }}/raw'
echo "uriVersion=$uriVersion" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Get version values
run: |
$strVersionMajor=$(curl.exe https://${{ env.uriVersion }}/VersionMajor.txt);
$strVersionMinor=$(curl.exe https://${{ env.uriVersion }}/VersionMinor.txt);
$strVersionPatch=$(curl.exe https://${{ env.uriVersion }}/VersionPatch.txt);
echo "strVersionMajor=$strVersionMajor" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
echo "strVersionMinor=$strVersionMinor" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
echo "strVersionPatch=$strVersionPatch" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
$strVersionBuild=( [int]${{ env.strPatchVersionBase }} + [int]${{ github.run_number }} )
echo "strVersionBuild=$strVersionBuild" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set version
run: |
$env:strText=[System.IO.File]::ReadAllText( $ffnVersion );
Function defineReplacer_ ( $name, $value ) {
$env:strText=[Regex]::Replace( $env:strText, "(#define\s+$name\s+)\d+", ( '${1}' + $value ) );
defineReplacer_ 'A0S_VERSION_MAJOR' ${{ env.strVersionMajor }}
defineReplacer_ 'A0S_VERSION_MINOR' ${{ env.strVersionMinor }}
defineReplacer_ 'A0S_VERSION_PATCH' ${{ env.strVersionPatch }}
defineReplacer_ 'A0S_VERSION_BUILD' ${{ env.strVersionBuild }}
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText( $ffnVersion, $env:strText )
$strMajorMinor='${{ env.strVersionMajor }}.${{ env.strVersionMinor }}';
echo "strTag=$strMajorMinor" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
echo "strVTag=v$strMajorMinor" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
$strSemver="$strMajorMinor.${{ env.strVersionPatch }}.${{ env.strVersionBuild }}";
echo "strSemver=$strSemver" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Add MSBuild to PATH
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1
- name: Build release
run: | # build from *.sln
MSBuild . -noLogo -verbosity:minimal -m -p:Platform=x86 -p:Configuration=Debug_vanilla
- name: Renaming to versioning names
run: |
mv -v ${{ github.workspace }}\bin\x86\Debug_vanilla\${{ env.strOutName }}.${{ env.strOutExt }} ${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strOutName }}-${{ env.strTag }}-x86-Debug_vanilla.${{ env.strOutExt }}
- name: Replace '\\' for softprops/action-gh-release
run: |
$strGlob="${{ runner.temp }}/${{ env.strOutName }}-${{ env.strTag }}-*.${{ env.strOutExt }}";
$strGlob = $strGlob -replace '\\','/';
echo "strGlob=$strGlob" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
# Warning: only this '/' slashes!
- name: Creating GitHub Release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
tag_name: ${{ env.strVTag }}
fail_on_unmatched_files: true
body: Version ${{ env.strSemver }}
files: ${{ env.strGlob }}