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Baseline for PHP CS Fixer

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It's simple baseline for PHP CS Fixer.


  • It helps to start using of PHP CS Fixer without preparing of all project. Case you don't need to fix them all at the beginning. Only new & changed on each iteration.
  • It may speed up pipelines on CI for big projects.

Base project has requires for it but not implemented yet: PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer#6451

So, it's some work around till baseline will be implemented in the PHP CS Fixer.


There are few ways of installation:

  1. Phive
  2. Composer
  3. Downloading of PHAR directly


You can install this package with Phive. It permits you to install package by one console command without extending dependencies in your composer-files.

phive install php-cs-fixer-baseline

Sometimes you may need to update database of package-aliases of PHIVE. See issue #3 So, just call console command for it:

phive update-repository-list

To upgrade this package use the following command:

phive update php-cs-fixer-baseline


You can install this package with Composer:

composer require --dev aeliot/php-cs-fixer-baseline

Downloading of PHAR directly

Download PHAR directly to root directory of the project or in another place as you wish.

# Do adjust the URL if you need a release other than the latest
wget -O pcsf-baseline.phar ""
wget -O pcsf-baseline.phar.asc ""

# Check that the signature matches
gpg --verify pcsf-baseline.phar.asc pcsf-baseline.phar

# Check the issuer (the ID can also be found from the previous command)
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 83F9945BC33EC39E9710206C8B4927076BA50A83

rm pcsf-baseline.phar.asc
chmod +x pcsf-baseline.phar


  1. Extract Finder from the config of PHP CS Fixer to the separate file. It expects .php-cs-fixer-finder.php at the root of the project.
  2. Add filtering of files detected by Finder.
    use Aeliot\PhpCsFixerBaseline\Service\FilterFactory;
    $finder->filter((new FilterFactory())->createFilter(__DIR__ . '/.php-cs-fixer-baseline.json', $config));
  3. Autoload classes from PHAR (optional). If you use this project as PHAR file, you need to require autoloader of it to use provided filter. Do it in the main config file of PHP CS Fixer (.php-cs-fixer.dist.php)
    Phar::loadPhar('/path/to/pcsf-baseline.phar', 'pcsf-baseline.phar');
    require_once 'phar://pcsf-baseline.phar/vendor/autoload.php';


  1. Generate baseline. Just call script without options when all config files uses default names.
    • Call PHAR
      php pcsf-baseline.phar
    • Or call script installed via Composer:
    See options of it below. You can see how it is configured in this project.
  2. Use PHP CS Fixer as usual. All files mentioned in the baseline will be scip till they are not changed.

This script store relative paths to files in baseline file by default. It is useful when baseline used in different environments.

Options of baseline generator

Short name Long name Description Default value
a absolute Store absolute paths in baseline file. It does not expect any value.
b baseline Pathname of baseline file. .php-cs-fixer-baseline.json
c config Pathname of config file. .php-cs-fixer.dist.php
f finder Pathname of file with definition of Finder. .php-cs-fixer-finder.php
w workdir Working directory.

Options baseline, config, finder can be absolute or related or omitted at all. In the last case it expects that files are in the root directory of project.

You can use option workdir to customize path to working directory. Otherwise, directory where the script called is used. The same with the filter for PHP CS Fixer. You may customize working directory by third option for filter factory.

Pass option absolute when you want to force saving of absolute paths to files of your project in baseline. It cannot be used with option workdir.

Restrictions for using of relative paths

  1. Option workdir MUST be absolute. You cannot use "double dots" in it.
  2. Used function realpath() for normalisation of paths of files returned by Finder. For proper cutting of workdir out of file path to make it relative. It may return unexpected result based on current user permissions. Look for restrictions of this function in official documentation of PHP.
  3. When the function realpath() returns an empty result or path of file returned by Finder is not from working directory then path stored "as is".