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Project Meeting 2021.04.08

Ben Stabler edited this page Apr 13, 2021 · 8 revisions

Task 1 Project Management (milestone)

  • Working on documentation/examples/tidying-up for upcoming release v0.99
    • Examples all downloadable, including SANDAG
    • Getting started, examples, notebooks, submodels sections updated, still working on core, test system, estimation
    • PopulationSim documentation updated

Task 2 Complete Estimation Mode (milestone)

  • See task 1

Task 3 Telecommute Model in Cooperation with SEMCOG (milestone)

  • Discussed Telecommute google doc here
  • I'll address the comments, which are all straightforward except for the what-if analysis need
  • We discussed the what-if analysis in detail and agreed to build an iterative procedure into the model that compares the work from home share to a target and iterates by adjusting a coefficient until the target is met (or max iterations is met)
  • This doesn't need to be a systematic generic auto-calibration routine for everything activitysim; rather it can be just for this model
  • It's similar to shadow pricing but it works at the global level instead of zone level
  • Let's not let the perfect get in the way of good enough
  • I'll work on a little mockup/design for further discussion and update the memo
  • Need to discuss (but not implement) the DaySim in/out commuters feature here as well since it relates to telecommuters

Task 4 Transit Pass Ownership Model in Cooperation with SEMCOG (milestone)

  • Joel to report back on data analysis on Tuesday

Task 5 Performance Enhancements (milestone)

  • See task 1

Task 6 Prototype multiple models test system (milestone)

  • See task 1

Task 7 Input checking and error handling and pipeline improvements (milestone)

  • Discussed potential improvements list
  • Votes below
  • Since the chunking improvement is a big lift and we've heard a lot of feedback related to it, we're going to do that
  • We can also do the most popular one - print info on no alt found - since it's small
  • We're tentatively going to do 407, 406, 405, and 411
  • Let's think it through a bit more and discuss next week
  • Let's create an issue to improve logging when users get high trip fail rate for trip destination, like PSRC is experiencing. This is new issue #416.
feature issue votes LOE estimate
when no alt found print expressions turned off #404 7 easy
chunking #406 6 modest to involved
input checking #401 5 wide open
parsing configs #402 4 wide open
turn off restart #405 2 easy
expression timing #412 2
long trace file names #409 1
better inheritance file documentation #411 I'll do as part of the documentation updates

Task 8 Maintenance and Support (milestone)

  • See task 1
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