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Releases: Abdalrahman-Alhamod/Numeric-Calc

Numerical Analysis Calculator v3.1.0

30 Aug 18:07
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New features :

  • Add Arabic language support

  • Fix some bugs and issues

Screenshots :

Screenshot 2023-08-31 000240

Screenshot 2023-08-31 000430

Screenshot 2023-08-31 000611

Numerical Analysis Calculator v3.0.0

26 Jul 02:40
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Main Changes

  • Replcae double with BigDecimal

  • Add Accuracy frrom 1 to 30

  • Fix wrong asnwers bugs

  • Add settings to set Accuaracy and Light Theme and Dark Theme

  • Add settings saving

  • Enhance GUI Look

New Added Themes

Light Themes :

  • Light Flat

  • Arc Light

  • Arc Orange

  • Cyan Light

  • Solarized Light

  • Gray

  • Atom One Light

Datk Themes :

  • One Dark

  • Arc Dark

  • Arc Dark Orange

  • Carbon

  • Dark Flat

  • Dark Purple

  • Dracula

  • Atom One Dark

Numerical Analysis Calculator 2.3.0

20 Jul 18:50
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New features :

  • Enhance GUI Lunch

  • Add Dark Theme

  • Change Main Theme

Screenshots :

Screenshot 2023-07-20 211206

Screenshot 2023-07-20 211443

Numerical Analysis Calculator v2.0.0

17 Jul 14:25
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Main Changes :

  • Create a complete GUI with comments and Java DOC

  • Fix Horner wrong asnwer bug and floating error

  • Fix Integral wrong answer bug

  • Fix Points Function exceptions

Screenshots :

Screenshot 2023-07-17 163527

Screenshot 2023-07-17 163601

Screenshot 2023-07-17 163634

Screenshot 2023-07-17 163723

Numerical Analysis Calculator v1.4.1

11 Jul 11:01
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Main Changes :

  • Make Exception more detailed

  • Fix main print

  • Add contact info

Numerical Analysis Calculator v1.4.0

10 Jul 13:57
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Added Features :

  • Create DifferentialEquation class with the follwing classes for solving differential equations :
  1. Euler
  2. Taylor -
  3. MidPoint ( Modified Eulaer - Heun - Ralston )
  4. Runge-Kutta
  • Add JAVA DOC for DifferentialEquation class

  • Add NonLinearEquation class with the following inner classes to solve a non-linear equation :

  1. Bisection
  2. False Position
  3. Secant
  4. Newton-Raphson
  5. Halley
  6. Fixed Point Iteration
  • Testing the previouse methods with adding java doc to NonLinearEquation

  • Create inner Horner class in Polynomial with the method :

  1. getValueAt(x) ,

get the polynomial value at given x

  1. getDivideOn(a)

Divide on ( x-a )

  1. getDiffAt(x,degree)

get the derivative at the given x value

  • Create SystemOfNonLinearEquations with the following inner class :
  1. Newton Raphson
  • Add a complete switch for all Numeric methods and classes with complete test

Fixed Bugs

  • Fix Central Subtraction bug

  • Fix EvaluateString bug

  • Fix Polynomial print bug

Numerical Analysis Calculator v1.2.0

08 Jul 22:41
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Main Changes :

  • Fix Central Subtraction bug

  • Create DifferentialEquation class with constructor and getValueAt(x,y)

  • Add the follwing classes for solving differential equations :

  1. Euler

  2. Taylor

  3. MidPoint ( Inner class : Modified Eulaer - Heun - Ralston )

  4. Runge-Kutta .

  • Add JAVA DOC for DifferentialEquation class

Numerical Analysis Calculator v1.1.0

07 Jul 15:14
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Main Changes :

  • Add Expression Function and Points Function

  • Add EvaluateString class

  • Now it can support the following functions :

  1. exp
  2. log
  3. sqrt
  4. sin
  5. cos
  6. tan
  7. asin
  8. acos
  9. atan
  10. sinh
  11. cosh
  12. tanh
  • Restructuring the whole project

  • Fix all bugs and issues