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Tiny IPC

This is an IPC library tailored for establishing a simple and fast communication between two linux processes using unix domain sockets. It does use boost asio types for easy integration, but uses posix sendmsg and posix recvmsg to perform IO.

Out of the box it supports fd passing and user credentials via specific signature types. As stated below credentials are directly supported via the linux c library structure ucred. Meanwhile file descriptor shall be passed as tiny_ipc::fd instances, because the underlying type int is not distinguishable from other integers.

Basic concepts and Protocol definition

The communication model is multiple clients and single server. The server provides interfaces with versions, that may offer methods to invoke, and optionally send back reply values. The clients can invoke those methods. The server can send unsolicited messages to the client

  • so called signals - not to be confused with process signals.
// throughout this documentation we use the short form namespace:
namespace ti = tiny_ipc;

Interface and version

All methods and signals are grouped via interfaces. Every interface has a name and version. Name and version combined have to be unique within one protocol.

constexpr ti::protocol example_protocol( 
    ti::interface("calculator"_i, "1.0"_v,
      ti::method<int(std::string, int, std::vector<float>)>("calculate"_m),
      ti::signal<void(std::string, std::string)>("important_news"_s))


A Method can have arbitrary c++ types as parameters and must have a unique name. A method is declared like this:

constexpr ti::protocol example_protocol( 
    /* ... */
    ti::interface("calculator"_i, "1.0"_v,
      tiny_ipc::method<int(std::string, int, std::vector<float>)>("calculate"_m)
    /* ... */
using calc_server = decltype(example_protocol);

The method declaration uses a compile time user defined literal with the suffix _m and needs a c++ function signature for encoding and decoding to work. So in the given exampe calculate needs three parameters to work:

// declare the interface and version to use
constexpr ti::interface_id calc("calculator"_i, "1.0"_v);

ti::execute_method<calc_server>(calc, "calculate"_m, connection, "example string", 4, std::vector<float>(1.0f,14.0f,123.0f), 
  [](int reply_value){
    std::cout << "The result is: " << reply_value << "\n";

Please note, that in the example above, the literal string does not exactly match the signature in the first parameter. So the caller passes (char const*, int, std::vector<float> &&), while the signature stated (std::string, int, std::vector<float>). But this does not affect the operation nor cause an unncessary conversions nor copies even when the signature states parameters as values instead of i.e references.

More details on convenience type promotions and user defined types in the types section.

Besides passing the parameter the caller also has to provide a callback to handle the result value. The execution of the callback happens within the asio::io_context thread, and will only happen when the server replied. So yes the callback is copied and the copy will outlive this call.


Just like methods a Signal can have arbitrary c++ types as parameters and must have a unique name within the interface, but there is no return value transported. A signal is declared like this:

constexpr auto example_protocol = ti::protocol( 
  /* ... */
  ti::interface("calculator"_i, "1.0"_v,
  ti::signal<void(std::string, std::string)>("important_news"_s),
  /* ... */

The signal declaration uses a compile time user defined literal with the suffix _s and needs a c++ function signature for encoding and decoding to work.

Parameters and Return Values

The library will encode all trivial parameters directly, by just copying the parameter into the message. This can be easily expanded to user defined types by specializing the type trait tiny_ipc::is_trivially_serializable. By default it is implemented like this:

namespace tiny_ipc
template <typename T>
struct is_trivially_serializable : std::is_trivially_copyable<T>

To disable the plain copy of a type a specialization is needed:

namespace tiny_ipc
template <>
struct is_trivially_serializable<YourType> : std::false_type {};

Any unknown type that is not trivially copyable will require a custom overload of encode_item and decode_item:

namespace tiny_ipc
void encode_item(packet& encoded_msg, type<YourType>, YourType const& param)

YourType decode_item(packet& encoded_msg, type<YourType>);

Note that for encoding the type to be encoded is passed separately from the value, using the type<> wrapper. This allows adding convenience conversions For strings for example there is a convenience code path that directly transfers character arrays and the new std::string_view without going through a std::string instance.

This is achieved via multiple overloads of encode:

namespace tiny_ipc
void encode_item(packet& encoded_msg, type<std::string>, std::string const& param)

void encode_item(packet& encoded_msg, type<std::string>, std::string_view const& param)

void encode_item(packet& encoded_msg, type<std::string>, char const* param)

Special Unix types

File descriptors and user credentials. User credentials have to be verified by the kernel or even converted if the sending process is in a different user namespace than the receiving process. Hence user credentials are not transfered as normal payload of the message. Instead they are transfered in the so called control data of the message.

This is a detail handled by the library, so users do not have to take this into account, simply use ucred as a type in the signature. Necessary headers are also included by the library.

For file descriptors it is slightly different, because they are handled as integers in the linux kernel and posix API. So it is necessary to use a distinct type in the signature. Therefor the library provides the structure tiny_ipc::fd:

struct weak_ref
  int file_descriptor;

struct fd
  explicit fd(int file_handle); // will take ownership and close
  explicit fd(weak_ref do_not_close) // will not take ownership
  fd(fd const&)l
  fd&                  operator=(fd const&);
  inline               operator int() const;
  std::shared_ptr<int> file_descriptor;

A user may use different user defined types, but then has to provide a custom encode_item and decode_item overload that treats the type as file descriptor:

inline CustomFD decode_item(detail::message_parser& msg, type<CustomFD>) { return CustomFD{msg.consume_fd()}; }

But note that the file descriptor needs to be duplicated with dup then, because fd::~fd would close it.

Maintaining compatibility with Interfaces and Versions

The encoding scheme is done for each interface individually. Each method and signal is enumerated. To allow making changes to an interface another interface version can be added. Within the new version different new and different method and signals can be defined.


See chat client and server for reference in examples folder.

How to write a server

Some asio boilerplate is needed:

#include <tiny_ipc/server_session.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/local/stream_protocol.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/local/basic_endpoint.hpp>

  path_to_uds = "/run/service/admin";
  boost::asio::io_context                                                 io_ctx;
  boost::asio::local::basic_endpoint<boost::asio::local::stream_protocol> end_point(path_to_uds);
  boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::acceptor                           acceptor(io_ctx, end_point);

This creates removes a potential stale unix domain socket file and creates a new one. The acceptor has the reponsibility to handle incoming connection attempts.

For each successfull connection attempt we will need a way to store the sockets and the library structure server_session to communicate with the client.

  struct session_handler
    boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::socket socket;
    tiny_ipc::server_session                    session;
    optional<ucred>                             creds;
    template<typename tiny_ipc::concepts::session_error_handler H>
    explicit session_handler(boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::socket&& s, H && error)
      : socket{std::move(s)}, session(socket, std::forward<H>(error)) {}
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<session_handler>> sessions;

Next up we need to configure the accept handling, the accept signal on the end point will trigger asynchronously once for every call to async_accept, after handling the connection attempt by adding the session structure and triggering the read we need to continue waiting for further clients to conenct. This looks recursive but isn't since the second parameter of async_accept is a continuation lambda that will only be executed within the io_context thread after a connect happened.

Oh and we are using shared_ptr in this example becaue we want the references to session_handler remain stable even after vector resize operations. Additionally we have to ensure that the objects referred to by continuation functions outlive those functions. Consider that the connection is terminated either from the client or within an message handler, meanwhile an async_wait with a reference to our session object still resides in the boost::asio::io_context. To avoid dangling references or simply use after free we use shared_ptr here, and store a shared_ptr inside the continuations. close or cancel operations on the socket will eventually remove outstanding continuaions but untill then the session object needs to stay alive.

void accept_connection()
    [this](boost::system::error_code ec, boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::socket other)
        // this branch is usually hit when the acceptor is disabled during shutdown.
          std::make_shared<session_handler>(std::move(other), //
          [](boost::system::error_code ec, tiny_ipc::servier_session &)
            sessions.erase(                                     //
              std::remove_if(begin(sessions), end(sessions),  //
                [&s](auto const& item) { return (&s == &item->session); }),


The library requires the user to provide a callback to be executed on errors. Errors in this case are most commonly disconnect events. So in the error handler above we use the reference to the session object to remove any pending references within the server. Still after this code executes the session_handler might still be alive after the next execution of the io_context, when all outstanding async operations have been cleared.

Now finally the interesting part the actual communication with the client. The code below registers method handlers in relation to the versioend interfaces. Those could of course be declared as std::function objects or mapped to real C++ interfaces.

void async_read(std::shared_ptr<session_handler> const& c) 
  tiny_ipc::async_dispatch_messages<your_protocol>(  //
    c->session,                                     //

    tiny_ipc::methods_of("your_main_interface"_i, "1.0"_v,

      "connect"_m = [this, c](::ucred cred, std::string const& client_name) -> bool
        if (this->user_manager.test_user(cred))
          user_manager.register_user(cred, client_name);
          c->creds = cred;
          return true;
          return false;

      "some_other_method"_m = [this, c](std::string const& data)
        if(!c->creds) return;
    tiny_ipc::methods_of("your_main_interface"_i, "1.2"_v,
      "extension_method"_m = [this](int flags, std::string const& data)
        service_manager->extended_action(flags, data);

How to write a client

Similar boilerplate code is needed for the client

#include <tiny_ipc/client.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/posix/stream_descriptor.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/local/stream_protocol.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/local/basic_endpoint.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/completion_condition.hpp>

// ...
  boost::asio::io_context                       io_ctx;
  boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::endpoint ep("/run/service/admin");
  boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::socket   socket(io_ctx);

The socket needs to be connected first


A client structure to keep track then can be constructed. It need a reference to the socket and an error handler. Usually errors are caused by disconnects from the server.

  tiny_ipc::client my_client(socket,
     [&io_ctx](boost::system::error_code ec, tiny_ipc::client&)

At some point signal handlers for all known or necessary interfaces have to be declared. This is similar to the method handlers on the server side.

  async_dispatch_messages<your_protocol>(                       //
    my_client,                                                  //
    tiny_ipc::signals_of(                                       //
      "your_main_interface"_i, "1.0"_v,                         //
      "server_signal"_s = [](std::vector<char> const&) { ... }  //

At some point the io context can be started.;

Exposing the protocol to other languages

Expose via C Interface and type mapping

Expose encoding scheme by generating stubs


  • CMake CPM
  • Kvasir MPL
  • Boot Asio
  • tiny_tuple


Tiny IPC over unix domain socket library







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