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ML4OPF is a Python package for developing machine learning proxy models for optimal power flow. It is built on top of PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning, and is designed to be modular and extensible. The main components are:

  • formulations: The main interface to the OPF formulations ACOPF, DCOPF, and Economic Dispatch.

    • Each OPF formulation has three main component classes: OPFProblem, OPFViolation, and OPFModel. The OPFProblem class loads and parses data from disk, the OPFViolation class calculates constraints residuals, incidence matrices, objective value, etc., and the OPFModel class is an abstract base class for proxy models.

Documentation based on docstrings is live here.


To install ml4opf on macOS (CPU/MPS) and Windows (CPU), run:

pip install git+ssh://

# or, to install with optional dependencies (options: "all", "dev", "viz"):
pip install "ml4opf[all] @ git+ssh://"

If you don't already have PyTorch on Linux (CPU/CUDA/ROCm) or Windows (CUDA), make sure to provide the correct --index-url which you can find here. For example, to install from scratch with CUDA 12.1 and all optional dependencies:

pip install "ml4opf[all] @ git+ssh://" \
     --index-url                \

For development, the recommended installation method is using Conda environment files provided at environment.yml and environment_cuda.yml. Using Mambaforge is recommended for super fast installation:

git clone # clone this repo
cd ML4OPF                                  # cd into the repo
mamba env create -f environment.yml        # create the environment
conda activate ml4opf                      # activate the environment
pip install -e ".[all]"                    # install ML4OPF
# git lfs pull                             # download data if running tests


Training a BasicNeuralNet for ACOPF

import torch

# load data
from ml4opf import ACPProblem

data_path = ...
network = "300_ieee"

problem = ACPProblem(data_path, network)

# make a basic neural network model
from ml4opf.models.acp.basic_nn import BasicNeuralNet # requires pytorch-lightning

config = {
    "optimizer": "adam",
    "init_lr": 1e-3,
    "loss": "mse",
    "hidden_sizes": [500,300,500], # encoder-decoder structure
    "activation": "sigmoid",
    "boundrepair": "none" # optionally clamp outputs to bounds (choices: "sigmoid", "relu", "clamp")

model = BasicNeuralNet(config, problem)

model.train(trainer_kwargs={'max_epochs': 100, 'accelerator': 'auto'}) # pass args to the PyTorch Lightning Trainer

evals = model.evaluate_model()

from ml4opf.viz import make_stats_df

model.save_checkpoint("./basic_300bus") # creates a folder called "basic_300bus" with two files in it, trainer.ckpt and config.json

Manually Loading Data

import torch

from ml4opf import ACPProblem

data_path = ...
network = "300_ieee"

# parse HDF5/JSON
problem = ACPProblem(data_path, network)

# get train/test set:
train_data = problem.train_data
test_data = problem.test_data

train_data['input/pd'].shape # torch.Size([52863, 201])
test_data['input/pd'].shape # torch.Size([5000, 201])

# if needed, convert the HDF5 data to a tree dictionary instead of a flat dictionary:
from ml4opf.parsers import H5Parser
h5_tree = H5Parser.make_tree(train_data) # this tree structure should
                                         # exactly mimic the
                                         # structure of the HDF5 file.
h5_tree['input']['pd'].shape # torch.Size([52863, 201])


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2112533 NSF AI Institute for Advances in Optimization (AI4OPT). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Machine Learning for Optimal Power Flow







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