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AppsFlyer Native Extension for the Defold Game Engine.

At the moment it is a very basic implementation of install tracking and custom event tracking. If you need some more functions feel free to contribute or open an issue.

SDK initialized automatically when the application starts assuming you complete the following setup steps.


You can use the DefAppsFlyer extension in your own project by adding this project as a Defold library dependency. Open your game.project file and in the dependencies field under project add:

Or point to the ZIP file of a specific release.

Open your game.project in a text editor and paste next section:

key = your_appsflyer_key
apple_app_id = your_app_apple_id
android_channel = amazon
is_debug = 1

key is AppsFlyer dev key
apple_app_id is id of your application in App Store (not used now)
android_channel is custom channel (if needed)
is_debug 1 if you wanna use debug logs of the SDK and 0 for release mode

Minimum SDK version in game.project->Android should be 21 or above.

android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE is optional for AppsFlyer. Please add it into your AndroidManifest.xml if it's important for you.

<!-- Optional : -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />



Starts the SDK.

Typical usage of deferred SDK start is when an app would like to request consent from the user to collect data.


is_enabled boolean value

Enables Debug logs for the AppsFlyer SDK. Should only be set to true in development environments.



Sets the callback function to receive conversion data events.

local function appsflyer_callback(self, message_id, message)
    if message_id == appsflyer.CONVERSION_DATA_SUCCESS then
        print("Conversion data loaded:");
    elseif message_id == appsflyer.CONVERSION_DATA_FAIL then
        print("Conversion data loading failed:", message.error);


appsflyer.log_event(event, event_data)

event is an event name that maybe your custom or one of predefined by Appsflyer
event_data is a table with data for the event

Log an in-app event.

More information about predefined AppsFlyer methods here.

appsflyer.log_event("af_level_achieved", {
  af_level = 2,
  af_score = 100

  af_currency = "USD",
  af_content_id = "item_id",
  af_revenue = 100


Setting your own Customer User ID in the AppsFlyer SDK enables you to cross-reference your own unique ID with the AppsFlyer ID and other identifiers.

More information about this method is available here


Issues and suggestions

If you have any issues, questions or suggestions please create an issue or contact me: