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Admittance calculations for geophysics and gravity analyses.


Py_Admittance provides functions and example scripts for calculating global/localized admittances of gravity and topography. These can be used to invert for parameters such as the elastic thickness of the lithosphere and density of the crust and surface.

The provided admittance model is from Broquet & Wieczorek (2019).


The full documentation can be found at


Some functions rely heavily on the pyshtools package of Wieczorek & Meschede (2018) that is used to perform the spherical harmonic transforms, spatio-spectral localization, and finite-amplitude calculations.

An example script shows how one can use my DSP (Displacement_strain_planet) package to compute theoretical admittances. This package can be used to add more complexity to the load model (see this notebook) when compared to the simple transfer function described in Py_Admittance. DSP also considers tangential loads.


ForwardGravity Compute the theoretical gravity field given a set of input parameters.

TransferTGz Compute theoretical transfer functions for calculating the theoretical admittance and correlation given a set of input parameters.

LocalAdmitCorr Compute the localized admittance of two functions.

GlobalAdmitCorr Compute the global admittance of two functions.

Example scripts

Mars_AdmitGlob A script to compute the global theoretical and observed admittance and correlation on Mars given a set of input parameters. The theoretical admittance is computed following Broquet & Wieczorek (2019).

Mars_AdmitLoc A script to compute the localized theoretical and observed admittance and correlation on Mars given a set of input parameters. The theoretical admittance is computed following Broquet & Wieczorek (2019) and localized to Olympus Mons.

Mars_DSPGlob A script to compute the global theoretical and observed admittance and correlation on Mars given a set of input parameters. The theoretical admittance is computed using the DSP (Displacement_strain_planet) package (see Broquet & Andrews-Hanna, 2023).

Mars_DSPLoc A script to compute the localized theoretical and observed admittance and correlation on Mars given a set of input parameters. The theoretical admittance is computed using the DSP (Displacement_strain_planet) package (see Broquet & Andrews-Hanna, 2023) and localized to Olympus Mons.

How to install and run Py_Admittance

If you would like to modify the source code, download the Displacement_strain_planet repository and install using pip (or pip3 depending on your installation).

    git clone
    cd Py_Admittance/
    pip install .

To run the example scripts

    cd examples


Adrien Broquet (


You can cite the latest release of the package as: Adrien Broquet. AB-Ares/Py_Admittance: 0.1.0 (Version 0.1.0). Zenodo.