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Contributing to yolort

We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible.


We appreciate all contributions. If you are interested in contributing to yolort, there are many ways to help out. Your contributions may fall into the following categories:

  • It helps the project if you could

    • Report issues you're facing
    • Give a 👍 on issues that others reported and that are relevant to you
  • Answering queries on the issue tracker, investigating bugs are very valuable contributions to the project.

  • You would like to improve the documentation. This is no less important than improving the library itself! If you find a typo in the documentation, do not hesitate to submit a GitHub pull request.

  • If you would like to fix a bug

  • If you plan to contribute new features, utility functions or extensions, please first open an issue and discuss the feature with us.


We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.

Development installation

Install PyTorch and TorchVision

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
# or with pip (see
# pip install numpy
# pip install torch torchvision

Install yolort

git clone
cd yolort
pip install -e .

Development Process

If you plan to modify the code or documentation, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from main.
  2. If you have modified the code (new feature or bug-fix), please add unit tests.
  3. If you have changed APIs, update the documentation. Make sure the documentation builds.
  4. Ensure the test suite passes.
  5. Make sure your code passes the formatting checks.

Code formatting

Contributions should be compatible with Python 3.X versions and be compliant with PEP8. We have already installed the pre-commit service to auto fix the pull requests. If you want to check the codebase locally, please either run

pre-commit run --all-files

or run

pre-commit install

once to perform these checks automatically before every git commit. If pre-commit is not available you can install it with

pip install pre-commit

Unit tests

If you have modified the code by adding a new feature or a bug-fix, please add unit tests for that. To run a specific test:

pytest test/<> -vvv -k <test_myfunc>
# e.g. pytest test/ -vvv -k test_load_from_yolov5

If you would like to run all tests:

pytest test -vvv



Pull Request Recommendations

If all previous checks (flake8, mypy, unit tests) are passing, please send a PR. Submitted PR will pass other tests on different operation systems, python versions and hardwares. To allow your work to be integrated as seamlessly as possible, we advise you to:

  • ✅ Verify your PR is up-to-date with upstream/main. You could update your PR to upstream/main by running the following code, don't forget replacing 'feature' with the name of your local branch:

    git remote add upstream
    git fetch upstream
    git rebase upstream/main
    git checkout -b feature  # <--- REPLACE 'feature' WITH YOUR LOCAL BRANCH NAME
    git add .
    git commit -m "YOUR REVISION MESSAGE"
    git push origin feature
  • ✅ Verify all Continuous Integration (CI) checks are passing.

  • ✅ Reduce changes to the absolute minimum required for your bug fix or feature addition. "It is not daily increase but daily decrease, hack away the unessential. The closer to the source, the less wastage there is." — Bruce Lee

For more details about pull requests workflow, please read GitHub's guides.


By contributing to yolort, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.