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201 lines (156 loc) · 6.23 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (156 loc) · 6.23 KB

Getting started


From package

Using Centreon standard yum repositories, execute the following command to install Gorgone:

yum install centreon-gorgone

From sources centos 7

Using Github project, execute the following command to retrieve Gorgone source code:

git clone

The daemon uses the following Perl modules:

  • Repository 'centreon-stable':
    • ZMQ::LibZMQ4
    • UUID
    • Digest::MD5::File
  • Repository 'centos base':
    • JSON::PP
    • JSON::XS
    • YAML
    • DBD::SQLite
    • DBD::mysql
    • Crypt::CBC
    • HTTP::Daemon
    • HTTP::Status
    • MIME::Base64
    • NetAddr::IP
  • Repository 'epel':
    • HTTP::Daemon::SSL
    • Schedule::Cron
  • From offline packages:
    • Hash::Merge
    • YAML::XS
    • Crypt::Cipher::AES (module CryptX)
    • Crypt::PK::RSA (module CryptX)
    • Crypt::PRNG (module CryptX)

Execute the following commands to install them all:

yum install 'perl(JSON::PP)' 'perl(Digest::MD5::File)' 'perl(NetAddr::IP)' 'perl(Schedule::Cron)' 'perl(Crypt::CBC)' 'perl(ZMQ::LibZMQ4)' 'perl(JSON::XS)' 'perl(YAML)' 'perl(DBD::SQLite)' 'perl(DBD::mysql)' 'perl(UUID)' 'perl(HTTP::Daemon)' 'perl(HTTP::Daemon::SSL)' 'perl(HTTP::Status)' 'perl(MIME::Base64)'
yum install packaging/packages/perl-CryptX-0.064-1.el7.x86_64.rpm packaging/packages/perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.80-1.el7.x86_64.rpm packaging/packages/perl-Hash-Merge-0.300-1.el7.noarch.rpm packaging/packages/perl-Clone-Choose-0.010-1.el7.noarch.rpm

From sources centos 8

Using Github project, execute the following command to retrieve Gorgone source code:

git clone

The daemon uses the following Perl modules:

  • Repository 'centos base':
    • JSON::PP
    • YAML
    • DBD::SQLite
    • DBD::mysql
    • HTTP::Status
    • MIME::Base64
    • NetAddr::IP
  • Repository 'epel':
    • Crypt::CBC
    • HTTP::Daemon::SSL
    • Schedule::Cron
    • Hash::Merge
  • From offline packages:
    • ZMQ::LibZMQ4
    • UUID
    • Digest::MD5::File
    • JSON::XS
    • HTTP::Daemon
    • YAML::XS
    • Crypt::Cipher::AES (module CryptX)
    • Crypt::PK::RSA (module CryptX)
    • Crypt::PRNG (module CryptX)

Execute the following commands to install them all:

dnf install packaging/packages/*.el8*.rpm
dnf install 'perl(Hash::Merge)' 'perl(JSON::PP)' 'perl(NetAddr::IP)' 'perl(Schedule::Cron)' 'perl(Crypt::CBC)' 'perl(YAML)' 'perl(DBD::SQLite)' 'perl(DBD::mysql)' 'perl(HTTP::Daemon::SSL)' 'perl(HTTP::Status)' 'perl(MIME::Base64)'


You can retrieve centcore configuration, i.e. database hostname and credentials in /etc/centreon/, and build a minimal configuration by applying the migration procedure.

All directives are available here.

Create the database

Gorgone uses a SQLite database to store all events messages.

If it does not exist, the daemon will automatically create it in the path set by the gorgone_db_name configuration directive.

However, you can manualy create it with the database schema:

sqlite3 -init schema/gorgone_database.sql /var/lib/centreon-gorgone/history.sdb

Database schema:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gorgone_identity` (
    `ctime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `identity` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL,
    `key` varchar(4096) DEFAULT NULL,
    `parent` int(11) DEFAULT '0'

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_identity ON gorgone_identity (identity);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_parent ON gorgone_identity (parent);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gorgone_history` (
    `token` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL,
    `code` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `etime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `ctime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `instant` int(11) DEFAULT '0',

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_history_id ON gorgone_history (id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_history_token ON gorgone_history (token);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_history_etime ON gorgone_history (etime);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_history_code ON gorgone_history (code);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_history_ctime ON gorgone_history (ctime);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_history_instant ON gorgone_history (instant);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gorgone_synchistory` (
    `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `ctime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `last_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_synchistory_id ON gorgone_synchistory (id);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gorgone_target_fingerprint` (
  `target` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL,
  `fingerprint` varchar(4096) DEFAULT NULL

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gorgone_target_fingerprint_target ON gorgone_target_fingerprint (target);

Launch the daemon

If you are using the package, just launch the service as below:

systemctl start gorgoned

Make sure the daemon is running:

$ systemctl status gorgoned
● gorgoned.service - Centreon Gorgone
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/gorgoned.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-09-30 09:36:19 CEST; 2min 29s ago
 Main PID: 5168 (perl)
   CGroup: /system.slice/gorgoned.service
           ├─5168 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/gorgoned --config=/etc/centreon-gorgone/config.yaml --logfile=/var/log/centreon/gorgoned.log --severity=info
           ├─5175 gorgone-dbcleaner
           ├─5182 gorgone-action
           ├─5187 gorgone-nodes
           ├─5190 gorgone-legacycmd
           ├─5203 gorgone-proxy
           ├─5204 gorgone-proxy
           ├─5205 gorgone-proxy
           ├─5206 gorgone-proxy
           └─5207 gorgone-proxy

Sep 30 09:36:19 localhost systemd[1]: Started Centreon Gorgone.

If you are using the sources, execute the following command:

perl gorgoned --config=config/config.yaml --severity=info

Full-ZMQ setup

To use Gorgone distributed on multiple servers using ZMQ, follow the example given here.