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406 lines (322 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

406 lines (322 loc) · 10.8 KB


Centreon Gorgone provides a RestAPI through its HTTP server module.

Internal endpoints

Get Nodes Connection Status

Endpoint Method
/internal/constatus GET


Header Value
Accept application/json


curl --request GET "https://hostname:8443/api/internal/constatus" \
  --header "Accept: application/json"

Response example

    "action": "constatus",
    "data": {
        "2": {
            "last_ping_sent": 1579684258,
            "type": "push_zmq",
            "nodes": {},
            "last_ping_recv": 1579684258
    "message": "ok"

Get Public Key Thumbprint

Endpoint Method
/internal/thumbprint GET


Header Value
Accept application/json


curl --request GET "https://hostname:8443/api/internal/thumbprint" \
  --header "Accept: application/json"

Response example

    "action": "getthumbprint",
    "data": {
        "thumbprint": "cS4B3lZq96qcP4FTMhVMuwAhztqRBQERKyhnEitnTFM"
    "message": "ok"

Get Runtime Informations And Statistics

Endpoint Method
/internal/information GET


Header Value
Accept application/json


curl --request GET "https://hostname:8443/api/internal/information" \
  --header "Accept: application/json"

Response example

    "action": "information",
    "data": {
        "modules": {
            "httpserver": "gorgone::modules::core::httpserver::hooks",
            "dbcleaner": "gorgone::modules::core::dbcleaner::hooks",
            "cron": "gorgone::modules::core::cron::hooks",
            "engine": "gorgone::modules::centreon::engine::hooks",
            "action": "gorgone::modules::core::action::hooks",
            "statistics": "gorgone::modules::centreon::statistics::hooks",
            "nodes": "gorgone::modules::centreon::nodes::hooks",
            "legacycmd": "gorgone::modules::centreon::legacycmd::hooks"
        "api_endpoints": {
            "GET_/centreon/statistics/broker": "BROKERSTATS",
            "GET_/internal/thumbprint": "GETTHUMBPRINT",
            "GET_/core/cron/definitions": "GETCRON",
            "GET_/internal/information": "INFORMATION",
            "POST_/core/cron/definitions": "ADDCRON",
            "POST_/core/action/command": "COMMAND",
            "POST_/centreon/engine/command": "ENGINECOMMAND",
            "POST_/core/proxy/remotecopy": "REMOTECOPY",
            "PATCH_/core/cron/definitions": "UPDATECRON",
            "DELETE_/core/cron/definitions": "DELETECRON",
            "GET_/internal/constatus": "CONSTATUS"
        "counters": {
            "external": {
                "total": 0
            "total": 183,
            "internal": {
                "legacycmdready": 1,
                "statisticsready": 1,
                "addcron": 1,
                "cronready": 1,
                "centreonnodesready": 1,
                "httpserverready": 1,
                "command": 51,
                "putlog": 75,
                "dbcleanerready": 1,
                "information": 1,
                "brokerstats": 8,
                "total": 183,
                "setcoreid": 2,
                "getlog": 37,
                "engineready": 1,
                "actionready": 1
            "proxy": {
                "total": 0
    "message": "ok"

Modules endpoints

The available endpoints depend on which modules are loaded.

Endpoints are basically built from:

  • API root,
  • Module's namespace,
  • Module's name,
  • Action


curl --request POST "https://hostname:8443/api/core/action/command" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "[
        \"command\": \"echo 'Test command'\"

Find more informations directly from modules documentations here.

As Centreon Gorgone is asynchronous, those endpoints will return a token corresponding to the action.


    "token": "3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1"

That being said, its possible to make Gorgone work synchronously by providing two parameters.

First one is log_wait with a numeric value in microseconds: this value defines the amount of time the API will wait before trying to retrieve log results.

Second one is sync_wait with a numeric value in microseconds: this value defines the amount of time the API will wait after asking for logs synchronisation if a remote node is involved.

Note: the sync_wait parameter is induced if you ask for a log directly specifying a node, by using the log endpoint, and the default value is 10000 microseconds (10 milliseconds).


Launch a command locally and wait for the result

Using the /core/action/command endpoint with log_wait parameter set to 100000:

curl --request POST "https://hostname:8443/api/core/action/command&log_wait=100000" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "[
        \"command\": \"echo 'Test command'\"

This call will ask for the API to execute an action and will give a result after 100ms that can be:

  • Logs, like the log endpoint could provide,
  • A no_log error with a token to retrieve the logs later.

Note: there is no need for logs synchronisation when dealing with local actions.

Launch a command remotly and wait for the result

Using the /nodes/:id/core/action/command endpoint with log_wait parameter set to 100000:

curl --request POST "https://hostname:8443/api/nodes/2/core/action/command&log_wait=100000&sync_wait=200000" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "[
        \"command\": \"echo 'Test command'\"

This call will ask for the API to execute an action on the node with ID 2, will then wait for 100ms before getting a result, but will wait for an extra 200ms for logs synchronisation before giving a result, that can be:

  • Logs, like the log endpoint could provide,
  • A no_log error with a token to retrieve the logs later.

Log endpoint

To retrieve the logs, a specific endpoint can be called as follow.

Endpoint Method
/log/:token GET


Header Value
Accept application/json

Path variables

Variable Description
token Token of the action


curl --request GET "https://hostname:8443/api/log/3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1" \
  --header "Accept: application/json"
curl --request GET "https://hostname:8443/api/nodes/2/log/3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1" \
  --header "Accept: application/json"

This second example will force logs synchonisation before looking for results to retrieve. Default temporisation is 10ms and can be changed by providing sync_wait parameter.

Response example

    "data": [
            "ctime": 1576083003,
            "etime": 1576083003,
            "id": "15638",
            "instant": 0,
            "data": "{\"message\":\"commands processing has started\",\"request_content\":[{\"timeout\":10,\"command\":\"echo 'Test command'\"}]}",
            "token": "3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1",
            "code": 0
            "ctime": 1576083003,
            "etime": 1576083003,
            "id": "15639",
            "instant": 0,
            "data": "{\"metadata\":null,\"message\":\"command has started\",\"command\":\"echo 'Test command'\"}",
            "token": "3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1",
            "code": 0
            "ctime": 1576083003,
            "etime": 1576083003,
            "id": "15640",
            "instant": 0,
            "data": "{\"metadata\":null,\"metrics\":{\"duration\":0,\"start\":1576083003,\"end\":1576083003},\"message\":\"command has finished\",\"command\":\"echo 'Test command'\",\"result\":{\"exit_code\":0,\"stdout\":\"Test command\"}}",
            "token": "3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1",
            "code": 2
            "ctime": 1576083003,
            "etime": 1576083003,
            "id": "15641",
            "instant": 0,
            "data": "{\"message\":\"commands processing has finished\"}",
            "token": "3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1",
            "code": 2
    "token": "3f25bc3a797fe989d1fb052b1886a806e73fe2d8ccfc6377ee3d4490f8ad03c02cb2533edcc1b3d8e1770e28d6f2de83bd98923b66c0c33395e5f835759de4b1",
    "message": "Logs found"



    "error": "http_error_401",
    "message": "unauthorized"


    "error": "http_error_403",
    "message": "forbidden"

Unknown endpoint

    "error": "endpoint_unknown",
    "message": "endpoint not implemented"

Unknown method

    "error": "method_unknown",
    "message": "Method not implemented"

No logs for provided token

    "error": "no_log",
    "message": "No log found for token",
    "data": [],
    "token": "<token>"

JSON decoding error for request

    "error": "decode_error",
    "message": "Cannot decode response"

JSON encoding error for response

    "error": "encode_error",
    "message": "Cannot encode response"

No results for internal actions

    "error": "no_result",
    "message": "No result found for action <name of action>"

No token found when using wait parameter

    "error": "no_token",
    "message": "Cannot retrieve token from ack"