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File metadata and controls

136 lines (116 loc) · 5.75 KB


Version 4.2.0

  • New add_nocopy and add_ncopy_const functions for messages to allow better raw data handling.
  • Actor execption handling propergation fixed.
  • Support for 0mq 4.1 and 4.2 stable socket options and context options
  • Removed libsodium dependency for test code as it is no longer required for 0mq itself.
  • Fixed NUL from permaturely terminating a string value socket option response.
  • Support for removing parts of zmqpp::messages.
  • Better support for msvc and avoiding windows dll issues.
  • Non blocking functions default to bool type rather than integer flags.
  • Cross platform endianness conversion.
  • Code examples.

Version 4.1.2

  • Fix a compilation bug (#119)
  • Improve documentation

Version 4.1.1


  • Removed message::add(pointer, size_t) as there were situations it conflicts with the new easier to use templated add. This has been replaced with a message::add_raw(pointer, size_t) method.

Other changes

  • Added options to pop from/push to front of a message, this adds a new frame before the current ones.
  • Added matching but redundant pop from/push to the end of the message.
  • Support for remaining 0mq 3.2 and 4.0 socket options.
    • socket_option::conflate keep only one message in queues, ignores high water mark options. Only supports single part messages.
    • socket_option::curve_public_key set curve long term public key. This must be set on CURVE client sockets. You can provide the key as 32 binary bytes, or as a 40-character string encoded in the Z85 encoding format.
    • socket_option::curve_secret_key set curve long term secret key. This must be set on both CURVE client and server sockets. You can provide the key as
      32 binary bytes, or as a 40-character string encoded in the Z85 encoding format.
    • socket_option::curve_server_key set the long term server key. This must be set on CURVE client sockets. You can provide the key as 32 binary bytes, or as a 40-character string encoded in the Z85 encoding format.
    • socket_option::curve_server defines if the socket will at as a server for CURVE security.
    • socket_option::ipv6 replacing the now deprecated ipv4only option, enables support for ipv6.
    • socket_option::mechanism query the socket to find the current security mechanism, if any.
    • socket_option::plain_password Sets the password for outgoing connections over TCP or IPC.
    • socket_option::plain_server defines whether the socket will act as server for PLAIN security.
    • socket_option::plain_username Sets the username for outgoing connections over TCP or IPC.
    • socket_option::probe_router Tell a router to automatically end an empty message when a new connection is made or accepted. You may set this on REQ, DEALER, or ROUTER sockets connected to a ROUTER socket.
    • socket_option::request_correlate Tell a REQ socket to prefix outgoing messages with an extra frame containing a request id.
    • socket_option::request_relaxed trigger reconnect on send instead of forcing a wait for previous reply.
    • socket_option::router_raw Don't apply 0mq framing to message, allowing talk to non-0mq sockets.
    • socket_option::zap_domain Domain value for ZAP (ZMQ RFC 27) authentication.
  • Support for 4.0 context option.
    • context_option::ipv6 replacing the now deprecated ipv4only option, enables support for ipv6.
  • Basic wrapper of socket monitor, socket class now has a monitor function that setups the inproc monitor socket against it.
  • Basic curve support. Allowing generation of keys via more c++ style interfaces as well as decoding and encoding z85 formatted data.

Version 3.2.0

  • Reworked client application, this is technically breaking but its only the the client so noone should care. Multipart support that works with linux pipes is now the default.
  • Added a new -d detailed verbose option, the only reason it is not -vv is lack of boost option support. This provides diagnostic information.
  • Added -s to support single part messages, incase anyone actually used that.

Version 3.1.0

  • Support for 3.2 socket disconnect and unbind.

Version 3.0.0


  • All constants are now lower_case rather the FULL_CAPITAL, this was due to defintiations conflicting with some of the values
  • Message class methods that read data are now marked as const. This is only potentially breaking and probably will not harm most people.

Other changes

  • Support for 3.2 style contexts and context options
    • context_option::io_threads to set the number of threads required. This must be set before sockets are created to have any effect. Default 1.
    • context_option::max_sockets to set the maximum number of sockets allowed by this context. Default 1024.
  • Support for new 3.2 socket options
    • socket_option::delay_attach_on_connect to force connections to delay creating internal buffers until the connection to the remote endpoint.
    • socket_option::last_endpoint to get the last endpoint this socket was bound to.
    • socket_option::router_mandatory to enable routablity error checking on router sockets.
    • socket_option::xpub_verbose to force all subscriptions to bubble up the system rather than just new subscriptions.
    • socket_option::tcp_keepalive to enable tcp level keepalives, a special value of -1 is used for os default.
    • socket_option::tcp_keepalive_idle to force an overide of the keepalive count, often this is the retry count.
    • socket_option::tcp_keepalive_count to force an overide of the retry count.
    • socket_option::tcp_keepalive_interval to alter time between keepalives.
    • socket_option::tcp_accept_filter to add address based whitelist for incomming connections.