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Local ancestry inference with fully homomorphic encryption

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This project is an attempt at a FHE implementation of the local ancestry inference algorithm outlined in the following paper:

Benet Oriol Sabat, Daniel Mas Montserrat, Xavier Giro-i-Nieto, Alexander G Ioannidis, SALAI-Net: species-agnostic local ancestry inference network, Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Issue Supplement_2, September 2022, Pages ii27–ii33,

Given a set of human populations (or that of any other species) and an individual with ancestors from these populations, ancestry inference attempts to deduce which part of the individual's genetic code comes from which population.

Example populations are "Southern Chinese", "West African", etc.


Running the scripts requires Python 3.

To install the dependencies, run

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
pip install concrete-python


Download the data files from this link into a directory of your choice.

The following command lines assume that the data files are in a directory named data in the main directory of this project and that you're running the scripts from this main directory.

For inference, run

python3 src/ \
    --infer \
    --model-parameters data/model_parameters.pickle \
    --reference-panel-samples data/reference_panel_samples.vcf.gz \
    --reference-panel-mapping data/reference_panel_mapping.csv \
    --query-samples data/test_samples.vcf.gz

--infer performs ancestry inference in actual FHE on the admixed test samples. (An individual's genetic data is called a sample.)

For testing, run

python3 src/ \
    --test \
    --model-parameters data/model_parameters.pickle \
    --reference-panel-samples data/reference_panel_samples.vcf.gz \
    --reference-panel-mapping data/reference_panel_mapping.csv \
    --test-samples data/test_samples.vcf.gz \
    --test-mapping data/test_mapping.pickle.gz

--test runs both the original algorithm on plaintext data and the modified algorithm in FHE and compares their performance and accuracy.

The use case

A realistic use case is that a person who already has their genetic code sequenced wants to learn their ancestry in terms of percentages. Something like 12% West African, 34% East African, 5% East Asian, etc.

Services like 23andMe offer cheap an easy sequencing so this kind of data is widely available.

There are three typical reasons for using such a service: to find relatives among other customers, to find biomarkers of genetic diseases (such as predisposition to certain types of cancer), or to learn one's ancestry composition. Because of the different use cases some secondary services offer further processing of the genetic data beyond the scope of the original sequencer.

It is inevitable that the company that does the actual sequencing learns or can potentially learn the customer's genetic data. However, it is desirable to prevent any further services from even the remote possibility of learning it as genetic data is a particularly sensitive piece of personal information.

Our imagined use case is a privacy focused online service where users can upload their genetic data and learn their ancestry composition without revealing any sensitive information to the service.

The algorithm

The algorithm outlined in the above paper is actually very simple.

For each population in question we have a set of "pure blooded" individual for reference. The full set of these reference individuals is called the reference panel.

Additionally, we have the genetic code of the user.

We'll use the data of chromosome 22 for inference. There are actually two chromosomes 22 in every (diploid) cell: one from the mother and one from the father, respectively. These are called homologous chromosomes. From now on, we'll just use one of these homologous chromosomes for demonstration. The inference algorithm doesn't distinguish between them, and composition is calculated as the average of both.

For the purposes of this algorithm a chromosome is a vector of 1's and 0'. Each index in the vector contains the genetic variation at that position. There can be more than two variations in a population but typically, there is one majority variation and one minority variation. The limitation of the algorithm is that it can't handle positions with more than two variations.

The values (1's and 0's) are called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs for short).

We have two of these vectors for each individual in the reference panel and two for the user (two, becuase of the two homologous chromosomes).

Consider the following example:

Reference individuals:
[1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
[1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ...

[1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...

Step 1. The first step, which will come in handy during the FHE implementation is to turn these vectors of 1's and 0's into vectors of 1's and -1's by multiplying them by 2 and subtracting 1 at each position.

Reference panel:
[1 -1  1  1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 ...
[1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 ...

[1 -1  1  1  1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 ...

Step 2. We multiply the reference panel by the individual at each index:

[1  1  1  1 -1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 ...
[1  1  1 -1  1  1  1  1  1  1 -1  1 ...

Now we have the SNP matches at each position for each reference panel individual. 1 means there is a match at that position, -1 means that they differ at that position.

Step 3. The next step is to divide these vectors into windows and sum the 1, -1 encoded SNPs in each window. The more 1's there are in a window the more similar these windows are. This is essentially a distance metric. The window size in 200 but we will use a window of 3 SNPs for demonstration.

[ 3 1 3 3 ...
[ 3 1 3 1 ...

Step 4. The next step is to iterate over the reference individuals of each population and find the highest score for each window.

[ 3 1 3 3 ...

This is done for each population separately. At this point, we have N vectors of window similarity scores where N is the number of populations in the reference panel.

The summation reduces the length of the vectors by 200 (the window size) and the max pooling reduces their number to N. N is 7 in the original paper.

Step 5. Once we have these similarity scores we use afilter of size 75 to smooth them out. The size 75 is in terms of windows, that is, it smooths out the scores of 75 window similarity scores. The smoothing filter looks like this:

The smoothing filter

Population 0:   [ 178 166 156 ...
Population 1:   [ 180 165 161 ...
Population 2:   [ 167 143 176 ...

Step 6. Now we have the smoothed out similarity scores for each window. Next, we collect the population number of the highest value (not the highest value itself) at each SNP to get a prediction of the provenance of that window

Population 0:   [ 178 166 156 ...
Population 1:   [ 180 165 161 ...
Population 2:   [ 167 143 176 ...
                [    1  0   2 ...   

Step 7. The last step is to upsample the windows, that is, to repeat the window predictions 200 times to get a prediction for each SNP.

[ 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 ...

Sample data

We used custom written code to simulate recombination of individuals. (Not included in the repository due to the throwaway nature of it.)

The founding individuals and their labeling come from the 1000 Genomes Project.

The recombination algorithm roughly follows biological mechanisms but lacks a large degree of realism. For better results, a dedicated solution such as simuPOP could be used.

We simulated 32 generations of individuals from 5 superpopulations. Superpopulations are a high level of hierarchy whereas populations are more numerous and represent a more fine grained classification of human beings. "East Asian" is a superpopulation, "Southern Chinese" is a population.

The reference panel consists of 20 samples per superpopulation.

Implementation in FHE

A thing to note is that we don't need Concrete ML to implement this algorithm. It's more data processing than machine learning. The only thing to train here is the smoothing kernel but we already know it's a smoothing kernel, and the authors claim that it is universal to the point it's actually species agnostic.

The challenge in implementing this algorithm in FHE is the large amount of data that needs to be processed.

While experimenting with possible implementation strategies it quickly became clear that vector arithmetic is fast but any type of comparison is very expensive.

Steps 1, 2, 3, and 5 can be realistically implemented with pointwise multiplication and fhe.conv but the max pooling steps increase the execution time by multiple orders of magnitude. After implementing step 4 with fhe.maxpool the predicted execution time went from 4 minutes to about 500 hours on a consumer laptop. (It was about 50 hours with 2 reference samples per population and the execution time seems to scale linearly with this number.)

An actual implementation would probably run on better hardware but this performance degradation is still unacceptable. Neither reducing the reference panel size, nor increasing the windows size, nor running the algorithm on a fraction of the actual data would have resulted in a fast enough implementation.

In order to arrive at a practical implementation the following compromises were made:

  1. Only steps 2 and 3 are done on the server, the rest of the steps are performed by the client.

  2. global_p_error is set to 0.01 because the computations are robust and getting an incorrect results is not a serious problem.

  3. We use a single individual per reference populations to remove the need for max pooling.

This way, we trade some data traffic for speed because we need to return each window score of each population to the client for further processing.

An advantage of this approach is that most steps can be reused from the plaintext implementation and we don't have to quantize the smoother.

The data that travels from the server to the client is about 150 megabytes per inference which is acceptable.

Furthermore, due to the length of the vectors in question (about 1.2 million SNPs) one circuit can't handle the full vectors (the process seems to be killed by the OS).

Because of this, a batching mechanism was implemented. Both the user's vector and the reference panel vector are divided into batches and a circuit for each batch is precompiled on the server before accepting requests from the client.


The output of the test run:

    Number of samples: 100

        Clear:                   2.44 s/sample
        FHE (including setup):   247.93 s/sample
        FHE (excluding setup):   227.57 s/sample

        Clear: 95.1 %
        FHE:   28.8 %

These numbers were achieved on a regular consumer laptop.


Local ancestry inference with fully homomorphic encryption






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