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149 lines (107 loc) · 4.62 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (107 loc) · 4.62 KB



  1. Create a python environment.

    conda create -n python37 python=3.7
    conda activate python37
  2. Install requirements.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Update the translations. Install Qt first and make sure you can run lupdate and lrelease commands.

    # Generate translations source of QML files
    # Generate translations source of Python files
    pyside2-lupdate *.py -ts translations/SciHubEVA_zh_CN.ts
    # Do translations with Qt Linguist
    # ......
    # Traditional Chinese translation was done by opencc
    opencc -c s2twp -i translations/SciHubEVA_zh_CN.ts -o translations/SciHubEVA_zh_TW.ts
    opencc -c s2hk -i translations/SciHubEVA_zh_CN.ts -o translations/SciHubEVA_zh_HK.ts
    # Generate translations target
    lrelease translations/SciHubEVA_zh_CN.ts
    lrelease translations/SciHubEVA_zh_TW.ts
    lrelease translations/SciHubEVA_zh_HK.ts

    Complied translations will be in translations end with .qm.

  4. Build with PyInstaller.

    # Install the latest develop version of PyInstaller
    # You may need rebuild the bootloader of PyInstaller against 10.14 SDK to fully support dark theme
    # See:
    rm -rf build
    rm -rf dist
    rm -f SciHubEVA.spec
    rm -f
    pyside2-rcc SciHubEVA.qrc -o
    pyinstaller -w \
      --hidden-import "socks" \
      --add-data "LICENSE:." \
      --add-data "SciHubEVA.conf:." \
      --add-data "qtquickcontrols2.conf:." \
      --add-data "images/SciHubEVA-icon.png:images" \
      --add-data "translations/*.qm:translations" \
      --name "SciHubEVA" \
      --icon "images/SciHubEVA.icns" \
    cp building/macOS/Info.plist dist/
    # Remove useless libraries
    cd dist/
    rm -f Qt3D* QtBluetooth QtCharts QtDataVisualization QtMultimedia QtMultimediaQuick QtNfc QtPurchasing QtQuickTest QtScxml QtSensors QtTest QtWebChannel QtWebEngine QtWebEngineCore
    cd ../../../.. will be in dist.

  5. Package with appdmg. Install Node.js first, then run the following commands:

    npm install -g appdmg
    appdmg building/macOS/SciHubEVA.dmg.json dist/SciHubEVA.dmg

    SciHubEVA.dmg will be in dist .


  1. See setcion 1 in macOS.

  2. See setcion 2 in macOS.

  3. See setcion 3 in macOS.

  4. Build with PyInstaller.

    :: Install the latest develop version of PyInstaller
    rd /s /Q build
    rd /s /Q dist
    del /Q SciHubEVA.spec
    del /Q
    pyside2-rcc SciHubEVA.qrc -o
    pyinstaller -w ^
      --hidden-import "socks" ^
      --add-data "LICENSE;." ^
      --add-data "SciHubEVA.conf;." ^
      --add-data "qtquickcontrols2.conf;." ^
      --add-data "images/SciHubEVA-icon.png;images" ^
      --add-data "translations/*.qm;translations" ^
      --name "SciHubEVA" ^
      --icon "images/SciHubEVA.ico" ^
      --version-file "building/Windows/" ^
    :: Remove useless libraries
    cd dist/SciHubEVA
    del /Q Qt53D* Qt5Bluetooth.dll Qt5Charts.dll Qt5DataVisualization.dll Qt5Multimedia.dll Qt5MultimediaQuick.dll Qt5Nfc.dll Qt5Purchasing.dll Qt5QuickTest.dll Qt5Scxml.dll Qt5Sensors.dll Qt5Test.dll Qt5WebChannel.dll Qt5WebEngine.dll Qt5WebEngineCore.dll
    cd ../..

    All compiled files will be in dist\SciHubEVA.

  5. Add OpenGL libraries.

    set PYSIDE2_PACKAGE_DIR=X:\PYTHON_ROOT\Lib\site-packages\PySide2
    copy %PYSIDE2_PACKAGE_DIR%\libEGL.dll dist\SciHubEVA
    copy %PYSIDE2_PACKAGE_DIR%\libGLESv2.dll dist\SciHubEVA
    copy %PYSIDE2_PACKAGE_DIR%\d3dcompiler_*.dll dist\SciHubEVA
  6. Package with Inno Setup. Install Inno Setup 6 first and add installation directory to PATH. Download Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional) translations from here, and copy them to INNO_SETUP_ROOT\Languages.

    ISCC.exe building/Windows/SciHubEVA.iss

    SciHubEVA.exe installer will be in the dist.

  7. If you need a x86 version, please make sure you have a x86 version python environment, and modify the SciHubEVA.iss accordingly.

    DefaultDirName={autopf64}\{#MyAppName} -> DefaultDirName={autopf32}\{#MyAppName}
    OutputBaseFilename=SciHubEVA-x64 -> OutputBaseFilename=SciHubEVA-x86