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A KUKA youBot roboter platform, which is performing simple clean up tasks with one manipulator.


Folder Description
0-Documentation Folder containing some docs about the environment setup, using this software etc.
cleaner_alpha Main application, where everything is put together.
laser_to_cloud Not used anymore. Now the laser_assembler is used for this logic.
object_finder_2d Node for calculating the nearest point from the youBot front.
object_recognition Node using find_object_2d-ROS package for object detection and position assignment. After that position information is transformed and manipulated to fit our needs using TF.


Install these packages as binaries:

  • cmake_modules
  • sick_tim
  • laser_pipeline
  • openni2_launch
  • openni2_camera
  • find_object_2d and all its dependencies

These packages must be installed from source:

  • [torque_control] and all its dependencies. Please follow the installation description in the README-File of the author.

A more detailled setup guide is available here.


You can download this application by running

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

After that, you can simply use catkin to build the package

cd ~/catkin_ws

Testing the installation and running the application

coming soon...


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