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Deploying EtcdProxy Controller

This directory contains the 00-etcdproxy-controller.yaml manifest, used for deploying the EtcdProxy Controller in the cluster. The manifest deploys the following resources:

  • namespace/kube-apiserver-storage - namespace for the EtcdProxyController to lives in,

  • sa/etcdproxy-controller-sa - ServiceAccount for managing EtcdStorage objects, Deployments and Services, Secrets and ConfigMaps,

  • sa/etcdproxy-sa - ServiceAccount used by EtcdProxy Pods. Does not have any permissions,

  • clusterrole/etcdproxy-crd-clusterrole - ClusterRole for managing EtcdStorages.

  • clusterrolebinding/etcdproxy-crd-clusterrolebinding - Binds clusterrole/etcdproxy-crd-clusterrole to serviceaccount/etcdproxy-controller-sa.

  • role/etcdproxy-controller-role - Role for managing Deployments, Services, ConfigMap and Secrets in the kube-apiserver-storage namespace.

  • rolebinding/etcdproxy-controller-rolebinding - Binds role/etcdproxy-controller-role to serviceaccount/etcdproxy-controller-sa.

  • customresourcedefinition/ - CRD defining the EtcdStorage type for managing etcd proxies,

  • deployment/etcdproxy-controller-deployment - Controller Deployment.

Before deploying the EtcdProxy controller on GKE, it's required to grant your user the ability to create and manage RBAC roles in the cluster, which can be done by executing the following command:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user <your-email-address>

More about the Role-Based Access Control in GKE can be found in Google Cloud documentation.

Deploying the core etcd

The deployment manifest assumes you have the core etcd deployed and exposed on https://etcd-svc-1.etcd.svc:2379. The URL can be changed by modifying the --etcd-core-url flag in the 00-etcdproxy-controller.yaml file.

There is an example etcd deploymend manifest located in the artifacts/etcd directory.

Deploying certificates

Before creating the EtcdStorage resources, it's required to create the ConfigMap and Secret containing the core etcd CA certifiacte, and client certificate and key.

The serving CA certificate is deployed in the ConfigMap called etcd-coreserving-ca, in the controller namespace. The ConfigMap name can be changed by adding the --etcd-core-ca-configmap flag to controller command in the 00-etcdproxy-controller.yaml file.

The client certificate and key are both deployed in the generic Secret called etcd-coreserving-cert. The Secret name can be changed by adding the --etcd-core-certs-secret flag to controller command in the 00-etcdproxy-controller.yaml file.

Deploying an EtcdStorage resoruce without the requrired ConfigMap and Secret in place causes the EtcdProxy pod to hang in the Creating condition.

When deploying the core etcd using the example manifest, you can deploy the trust CA and client certificate/key pair using the etcd-client-certs.yaml manifest. The README file in the artifacts/etcd directory contains more details about deploying the etcd and etcd client certificates.

Creating the EtcdStorage resources

To create the etcd instance for the aggregated API server, create the EtcdStorage resource. Once the resource is created, the controller creates and exposes the etcd-proxy instances running against the namespace in the etcd cluster named same as the EtcdStorage instance.

Before deploying the EtcdStorage make sure to create the ConfigMap and Secret for storing certificates in the API server namespace, and to provide name and namespace of ConfigMap and Secret in the EtcdStorage resource Spec. More about certificates generation can be found in the project's main README.

The etcd-proxy is exposed on http://etcd-<etcdstorage-name>.<controller-namespace>.svc:2379.

Deploying the sample-apiserver

The sample-apiserver can be used to test the EtcdProxy Controller, by pointing the API server to use the proxied etcd.

The following manifests are used to deploy the sample-apiserver:

  • 01-sample-apiserver-prerequisites.yaml – creates a namespace, Service and Role/RoleBindings needed by the sample-apiserver.
  • 02-sample-apiserver-certs.yaml – creates ConfigMap, Secrets and RBAC roles for the proxied etcd certificates.
  • 03-sample-apiserver-deployment.yaml – creates an EtcdStorage resource, which provides the etcd storage for the API server, sample-apiserver ReplicaSet, and APIService to register the sample-apiserver with the Kubernetes API.

The manifest uses the xmudrii/kube-sample-apiserver image, which is based on Alpine 3.6 and is built on sample-apiserver commit 4618274fbc9476e7f1a6a8771962f1eee6a83047.