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Research Artifacts: Test-Case Prioritization for Configuration Testing


This is the artifact of the research paper, "Test-Case Prioritization for Configuration Testing", at the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2021.


Configuration changes are among the dominating causes of failures of large-scale software system deployment. Configuration testing is a technique that detects misconfigurations by testing configuration changes together with the code that uses the changed configurations. In the paper, we studied how to reorder configuration tests via various test-case prioritization (TCP) techniques to speed up detection of misconfigurations.

This artifact contains experiment scripts and results from our study. We also provide a dataset for configuration testing and configuration test prioritization research.

Getting Started


  • Languages: Python3, R >= 3.5.0.
  • Libraries: gensim 3.8.3, matplotlib on Python3; agricolae on R.

Setting Up with Docker

Docker is a popular lightweight virtualization tool, which you can use to run our artifact regardless of your local environment. See official docs for installing Docker.

After Docker started running:

# build Docker image with requirements
docker build -t ctest_prio_art .
# start a Docker container, mount ctest_prio_art/

# Linux and Mac users:
docker run -v $(pwd):/ctest_prio_art -it ctest_prio_art /bin/bash

# Windows users:
docker run -v "%cd%":/ctest_prio_art -it ctest_prio_art /bin/bash
cd ctest_prio_art

Decompressing Data Files

# find and unzip data files
find . -name "*.zip" | while read filename; do unzip -o -d "`dirname "$filename"`" "$filename"; done

A Quick Start

# run randomized and QTF TCP 10 times on HDFS data
python3 --project=hadoop-hdfs --tcps=fast --nrun=10 --metric=APMDc,APMD --logdir=logs
# takes ~30 seconds, output to logs/hadoop-hdfs.log

# process logs and generate HSD tables
cd prioResult
python3 --logdir=../logs --tcps=fast --nrun=10 --metric=APMDc,APMD
# output 4 data tables in prioData/ and 2 HSD tables in hsdTable/ for randomized and QTF TCP
  • Output logs in logs/ are the raw data including project stats, and outcome of each (config change, run, TCP) tuple.
  • Better techniques have lexicographically smaller group letter(s) in HSD tables.

Detailed Description: How to Use


You can reproduce tables and figures in the paper with our experiment results prioResult/prioData/release/*-open.tsv.

cd prioResult

# generate tables and figures in the paper
python3 reproduce
# takes ~20 seconds, output summary tables in stdout, 3 .pdf figures in figures/, and HSD tables as by-product in hsdTable/

Rerunning Our Experiment

You can rerun the experiment in our paper.

# $project can be alluxio-core, hadoop-common, hadoop-hdfs, hbase-server, or zookeeper-server
python3 --project=$project --tcps=alltcp --nrun=100 --metric=APMDc,APMD --logdir=logs
# may take several hours per project

# collect output for all 5 projects (do it only after running all 5 projects)
cd prioResult
python3 --logdir=../logs --tcps=alltcp --nrun=100 --metric=APMDc,APMD

# generate tables and figures in the paper
python3 rerun
  • APMDc and APMD scores may not be exactly the same as the paper's due to the randomness in breaking ties in TCP techniques.
  • Our experiments were run on Ubuntu 18.04 with 8-core Intel i7-9700 CPU with 32 GB memory. This is only a reference, a machine with different specifications also works.

Running More Experiments

You can also run more experiments on the current dataset.

  1. Follow to define a new set of TCP techniques to experiment with.
  2. You can set a different number of runs, TCP group, and logging directory. Run python3 -h to see different options.
# after editing
python3 -h --project=$project --tcps=$tcps --nrun=$nrun --metric=$metric --logdir=$logdir

cd prioResult
python3 -h --logdir=../$logdir --tcps=$tcps --nrun=$nrun --metric=$metric
  • Prior log of the same project in the same $logdir will be overwritten. Data in prioResult/prioData will also be overwritten automatically, except prioResult/prioData/release/*.tsv.
  • If your new experiment data does not contain results of all TCPs on all projects (same as the experiment setting in the paper), you cannot use to generate tables and figures in the paper. But you can still use to generate HSD tables.



We include a dataset for future research in configuration test prioritization and configuration testing. It contains 66 failing configuration changes from 5 popular systems.

System Version #Changes Avg #Params Avg #Misconfs Avg #Ctests
HCommon 2.8.5 20 3.75 1.05 955.75
HDFS 2.8.5 16 5.19 1.31 1680.12
HBase 2.2.2 12 8.33 1.92 1254.25
ZooKeeper 3.5.6 14 6.57 1.71 74.36
Alluxio 2.1.0 4 13.75 1.25 949


ctestData/ organizes the dataset as several subdirectories:

  • dockerConf/: 66 failing configuration changes, from ctest.

  • ctestMapping/: Configuration parameters and their ctests, from ctest.

  • testResult/: Test results of these configuration changes: ctest name, outcome (pass or fail), and test execution time reported by Maven Surefire.

  • failureToMisconf/: Failed ctests, their failure types and root-cause misconfigured parameters. Failure type can be effective, flaky, or hardcoded. effective: Failure is caused by misconfiguration; flaky: failure is nondeterministic; hardcoded: failure is caused by hidden constraints in the test rather than misconfiguration. We consider that only effective ctests have detected misconfigurations.

Test Information Data

We also include test information used to guide configuration test prioritization in our paper, organized in testInfo/ as follows:

  • codeCoverage/: Method- and statement-level code coverage collected using OpenClover 4.4.1. File names are encoded in *-fileID.json. Coverage file format: each method maps to a list of elements (format: fileID-$line number of method signature or statement) it covers.

  • irDoc/: Test file tokens extracted using JavaParser 3.17.0. high tokens come only from identifiers, low tokens also include comments, and string literals.

    • Format: Test classes map to their methods; methods map to their tokens. Classes also map to tokens in the test file but not inside any methods (global) and their superclasses (extendedClasses)
  • execTime/: Test-method and test-class execution time under default configurations of 5 independent runs.

  • stackTrace/: Method- and statement-level stacktrace coverage collected using ctest. Method names are encoded in *-methodID.json. Each ctest maps to their tested parameters; parameters map to methods (format: methodID) or statements (format: methodID#$line number of executed statement in method) invoked when ctest accesses the parameter.


For questions about our paper or artifact, please contact Sam Cheng.