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FortuneTellerTableProp (Alphabet) prop

A prop from Live Escape Grenoble using PyQt5.

A real word prop, we have created a fortune teller table with a cowhide top and 36 flashable alphanum characters with powerful LEDs, this prop (named alphabet in French at the time) is powered by a Raspberry Pi; the game master send a clue which is spelled character LEDs. Some flashing effects are available to scare players.

Players must place a Tarot card in the correct place on the table to win the challenge that opens the door to the lounge.

This is a good example of RFID shield.

The LEDs are wired in a matrix:

LED matrix

SRD relays have been replaced with transistors to be silent and reliable:

transistor switching

We use a MIFARE RFID-RC522 module:

RC522 pin Raspberry Pi 3 pin name
IRQ Not connected
3.3V 3V3

We have hacked from MFRC522-python for GPIO mode and due to a trange behavior (when a card is present: it loops detected/not detected), we need to read the NFC tag twice.


This prop was created before PyProps library was released so there is no dependencies with PyProps.

You will have to install following Python packages:

    $ pip3 install paho-mqtt
    $ pip3 install PyYAML
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install qt5-default pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools

RFID-RC522 module configuration

  1. enable SPI in raspi-config
  2. check:
    $ lsmod | grep spi
    spidev                 16384  0
    spi_bcm2835            16384  0
  1. install python library
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. download and install SPI-Py
    $ cd ~
    $ git clone
    $ cd ~/SPI-Py
    $ sudo python3 install
  1. test reading a tag
    $ sudo python


Start script in /home/pi/Room/Props/PyProps/QtProp/FortuneTellerTableProp/:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 ~/Room/Props/PyProps/QtProp/FortuneTellerTableProp/ -s -d

INFO - Relay A on output 4 is set to 0
INFO - Relay B on output 17 is set to 0
INFO - Relay C on output 27 is set to 0
INFO - Relay D on output 22 is set to 0
INFO - Relay E on output 23 is set to 0
INFO - Relay F on output 24 is set to 0
INFO - Relay 1 on output 13 is set to 0
INFO - Relay 2 on output 6 is set to 0
INFO - Relay 3 on output 5 is set to 0
INFO - Relay 4 on output 16 is set to 0
INFO - Relay 5 on output 20 is set to 0
INFO - Relay 6 on output 21 is set to 0
INFO - Data change will be published every 1000 milliseconds
INFO - Data full publishing will occur every 30000 milliseconds
INFO - Automation processing will run every 500 milliseconds
INFO - Sketch started
INFO - Sketch running on Raspberry Pi 3
INFO - Program connected to MQTT server
INFO - Program sending message 'CONNECTED' (mid=1) on Live/Demeure/Raspberry Alphabet/outbox
INFO - Program subscribing to topic (mid=2) : Live/Demeure/Raspberry Alphabet/inbox
DEBUG - MQTT topic is subscribed : mid=2 granted_qos=(2,)
INFO - Program susbcribed to topic (mid=2) with QoS (2,)
DEBUG - MQTT message is published : mid=1 userdata={'host': '', 'port': 1883}
INFO - Message published (mid=1)
INFO - Program sending message 'DATA éclairage=- carte=non' (mid=3) on Live/Demeure/Raspberry Alphabet/outbox
DEBUG - MQTT message is published : mid=3 userdata={'host': '', 'port': 1883}
INFO - Message published (mid=3)

SSH relaunch command

The command to relaunch the prop is :

$ ps aux | grep python | grep -v "grep python" | grep FortuneTellerTableProp/ | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 && screen -d -m python3 /home/pi/Room/Props/PyProps/QtProp/FortuneTellerTableProp/ -s %BROKER%

Fortune Teller Table Prop as a prop for Room

This prop is used as a prop for Room software.

Prop commands

Commands are in French; look at the code in AlphabetApp.performAction() method.


Faure Systems (Apr 10th, 2020)

  • company: FAURE SYSTEMS SAS
  • mail: dev at faure dot systems
  • github: xcape-io
  • web: